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~ Time skip ~

Parisian Misadventures:

The sun-kissed afternoon breeze swirled around Y/n and Jungwon as they stepped out of their luxurious hotel, ready to embrace a day of exploration in the charming streets of Paris. Their excitement was palpable, an electric current running between them that spoke of their shared anticipation.

Y/n's laughter tinkled like a melody as she pointed towards the sleek car parked just a few steps away. "Our ride awaits."

Jungwon's smile mirrored her enthusiasm as he walked towards the car, his fingers deftly pressing the key fob to unlock it. The car's headlights blinked, and he reached for the door handle. But as he turned, he caught sight of Y/n approaching another identical car, her face animated with excitement.

His grin turned mischievous. He opened the car door, sliding into the plush interior, and decided to play along with Y/n's mistaken car adventure. He watched through the windshield as Y/n confidently approached the wrong car, trying the door handle with a puzzled expression.

Y/n's voice, a mixture of confusion and amusement, reached him. "Jungwon, why won't this door open?"

Suppressing a chuckle, Jungwon leaned back in his seat, feigning nonchalance as he responded through the open window. "Did you try unlocking it?"

Y/n's brows furrowed, and she glanced at the key fob in her hand. She pressed the button, but nothing happened. She frowned, her determination unwavering. "I'm sure it's just being stubborn."

Jungwon's lips quirked in a smirk as he leaned over to the window. "Maybe you need to say 'open sesame' while you press the button."

Y/n's laughter filled the air, a mix of exasperation and amusement. "Very funny, Jungwon."

Seeing her try once more to open the car door, Jungwon couldn't hold back his laughter any longer. "Y/n, wrong car!"

Y/n's head snapped towards him, her eyes widening as realization dawned. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she turned towards the correct car, where Jungwon sat, amusement dancing in his eyes.

She shot him a playful glare before finally making her way to the right car. Jungwon's laughter followed her, a warm and joyful sound that filled the air.

With an exaggerated huff, Y/n opened the car door and slid into the passenger seat, her cheeks still tinged with pink. "You could've warned me."

Jungwon grinned, starting the car's engine. "Where's the fun in that?"

As they drove through the charming streets of Paris, the initial embarrassment faded, replaced by a sense of shared amusement. The day stretched ahead of them, a canvas waiting to be painted with their laughter, adventures, and the kind of memories that would become cherished tales.

~ Time skip ~

Capturing Moments by the Seine:

The gentle lull of the Seine River accompanied Y/n and Jungwon as they strolled along its banks. Their fingers were woven together, a silent declaration of their connection, as they allowed the magic of Paris to envelop them.

Y/n's eyes sparkled with excitement as she reached for her phone, her mind buzzing with the desire to capture the beauty that surrounded them. The Seine stretched out before them, a timeless river that had witnessed countless stories and whispered secrets to the wind.

As she raised her phone to frame the perfect shot, Jungwon couldn't resist the urge to be playful. He sidled up to her, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and deliberately blocked her view. Y/n let out an amused huff, trying to snap a picture around his silhouette.

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