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The Reunion Beckons:

The lead they had been tirelessly searching for had finally yielded results. Hearts pounding with anticipation, Jungwon and his friends stood before the nondescript apartment building. The address in hand was a lifeline, a connection to Y/n that had been sought for so long.

Jungwon's fingers traced the list of names on the doorbells, his breath catching as he spotted her name among them. "Y/n," he whispered, his voice tinged with a mixture of hope and apprehension. He pressed the button marked with her name, his heart racing with every passing second.

The minutes stretched on, each one feeling like an eternity. The door remained closed, and Y/n's presence continued to elude them. Jungwon exchanged anxious glances with his friends, the weight of their mission pressing down on them.

Just as their impatience threatened to overwhelm them, the entrance of the building swung open. A resident stepped out, offering a curious glance at the group gathered by the door. Sensing an opportunity, Jungwon seized it.

"Excuse me," he began, his voice polite yet urgent. "We're here to see Y/n. Do you know which apartment she lives in?"

The resident regarded Jungwon for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, she's on the third floor, apartment 306."

Jungwon's heart leaped, a surge of excitement coursing through him. "Thank you," he said sincerely, a hopeful smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

With the newfound knowledge in hand, Jungwon wasted no time. He quickly made his way into the building, his friends following close behind. Each step felt like a countdown to a moment that held the promise of reconnection and closure.

As they ascended the stairs to the third floor, Jungwon's heart beat a frantic rhythm. The anticipation and uncertainty weighed heavily on him, but he was resolute in his purpose. He had come this far, and he was determined to see this through.

Finally reaching apartment 306, Jungwon hesitated only briefly before raising his hand to knock. His friends stood beside him, a united front, ready to support him in whatever outcome awaited them. The door before them held the possibility of a new beginning, a chance to mend what had been broken.

Jungwon's knuckles rapped against the wood, the sound echoing through the hallway. Time seemed to slow as they waited, their breaths held in anticipation. And then, as if in response to their unspoken longing, the door slowly creaked open, revealing a figure on the other side.

Y/n stood there, her eyes widened in surprise, her expression a mix of emotions. Words hung in the air, unspoken, as their eyes locked in a silent exchange, a bridge between past and present, love and forgiveness.

Jungwon's voice was barely a whisper, but it carried a universe of emotion. "Y/n..."

Tears glistened in Y/n's eyes, and with a shaky breath, she finally spoke, her voice trembling with a mixture of disbelief and hope. "Jungwon?"

Embrace of Redemption:

Y/n's heart raced as the door swung open, revealing Jungwon's presence before her. Shock and disbelief mingled with a flood of emotions, rendering her momentarily speechless. Her eyes locked onto his, the intensity of the moment hanging in the air like a fragile thread.

Before she could even process the situation, Jungwon had closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her in a tight, fervent hug. Y/n's breath caught in her throat as she felt his warmth, his heartbeat, his whispered apologies against her ear.

"I'm so fucking sorry," Jungwon's voice quivered with raw sincerity. "I remember everything, Y/n. Every moment we shared, every mistake I made... I remember it all."

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