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The Roaring Engine:

The next morning, Y/n set off on her morning jog, determined to enjoy the peaceful serenity without any unwanted company. She breathed in the fresh air and felt a sense of freedom as she ran along her familiar route.

Returning to her house, she decided to make herself a delicious breakfast before settling down to indulge in one of her favorite pastimes-writing a new Wattpad story. The creative process always brought her joy, and she was excited to immerse herself in a world of her own making.

As she sat at her desk, pen in hand, ready to put her ideas to paper, she was interrupted by a familiar, unwelcome noise from outside. She looked out of her window and saw Jungwon getting his motorcycle ready.

Annoyance washed over her as she realized he was about to disturb the tranquility of her day once again. Determined not to let him spoil her creative mood, she opened the window and called out to him, her voice sharp and impatient.

"Jungwon! Can you please be quiet? Some of us are trying to have a peaceful day!" she yelled, her frustration evident.

Jungwon turned to her, a playful smirk on his lips. "Oh, come on, Y/n. The sound of my motorcycle engine is music to your ears."

Y/n rolled her eyes, unamused by his antics. "Not in the least. It's just noise pollution, and I'd really appreciate it if you could keep it down."

He revved the motorcycle engine, the loud roar making Y/n wince. "You sure you don't want a ride? It might change your mind."

She crossed her arms, not falling for his attempt to charm her. "I'll pass, thanks. Now, do us both a favor and find a quieter way to entertain yourself."

Jungwon chuckled, seeming amused by her exasperation. "Alright, alright. I'll keep it down. But just know that I'm always up for a good time if you change your mind."

Y/n closed the window, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. She was determined not to let Jungwon's persistent advances get to her. She returned to her writing, trying to refocus her attention on her story.

However, as the day wore on, she couldn't shake the lingering irritation caused by Jungwon's presence. It seemed like he was always finding a way to disrupt her peace, and she wondered if there was any way to get him to understand her need for a drama-free life.

A Different World:

As Jungwon revved the engine of his motorcycle and drove off to his friends' house, Y/n couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and annoyance. At least she would have some quiet time without his disruptive presence, but she couldn't shake off her frustration with his reckless behavior.

Determined to make the most of her day, she focused on her writing, diving into the imaginary world of her new Wattpad story. However, the encounter with Jungwon lingered in her mind, making it difficult to fully immerse herself in her creative process.

Meanwhile, at Jungwon's friend's house, the atmosphere was vastly different from Y/n's quiet and contemplative space. Loud laughter filled the air as Jungwon's friends talked about their latest escapades, boasting about their conquests and sexual exploits.

"So, Jungwon, who's the latest girl you're targeting?" one of his friends asked, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Jungwon smirked, playing along with their conversation. "Oh, you know me, always up for a good time. There's this girl next door, Y/n. She's something else-feisty and resistant to my charm. I like the challenge."

His friends laughed, encouraging his pursuit. "A feisty one, huh? You better work extra hard to crack her. We know you can do it."

Y/n was far from their minds as they continued to exchange stories about their various encounters. Their conversations centered around conquests and casual relationships, their perspectives seemingly distant from the depth of meaningful connections.

Daring To Love The Fuckboy || Yang Jungwon Where stories live. Discover now