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Conflicting Emotions:

Y/n took a deep breath as she walked through the streets, the evening air calming her racing thoughts. Her mind was filled with the images from the pictures Mia had shown her earlier, and she couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that lingered within her.

Feeling the weight of the situation, Y/n decided to seek some advice and confide in someone she trusted. She pulled out her phone and texted Jay, asking if they could meet up to talk. A few moments later, Jay replied with a message saying he'd meet her at their favorite cafe.

As Y/n made her way to the cafe, she noticed several missed calls and text notifications from Jungwon. She hesitated for a moment before deciding to decline his calls and postpone their conversation. She needed some time to sort through her thoughts before facing him.

When she reached the cafe, Jay was already waiting for her, sitting at their usual spot near the window.

"Hey, Y/n. What's going on?" Jay asked, noticing the worry in her eyes.

Y/n sat down, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "It's about Jungwon and those pictures Mia showed me earlier," she said, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Jay leaned in, giving her his full attention. "Tell me everything," he encouraged.

Y/n proceeded to explain the situation, sharing her feelings of jealousy and concern over the pictures she saw. She wondered if she could truly trust Jungwon and if her fears were justified.

Jay listened attentively, nodding sympathetically as he understood her struggle. "Y/n, it's normal to feel jealous or insecure at times, especially when you care about someone so deeply," he said, offering reassurance.

"But how can I be sure that those girls are just friends? What if Jungwon isn't being honest with me?" Y/n asked, her voice wavering.

Jay smiled gently. "Have you talked to him about it? Sometimes, misunderstandings can be easily resolved through open communication."

"I haven't yet. I declined his calls earlier. I needed some time to think," Y/n admitted, feeling a bit guilty.

"Well, maybe it's time to talk to him. Trust is essential in any relationship, and if you have doubts, it's best to address them directly," Jay advised.

Y/n took a deep breath, knowing that Jay was right. She couldn't let her fears consume her and push away the person she cared about.

"You're right, Jay. I'll talk to him. Thank you for listening," she said, grateful for her friend's support.

As Y/n left the cafe, she knew she couldn't avoid the conversation any longer. She dialed Jungwon's number, ready to face the truth and have an honest conversation with him.

The Breaking Point:

The atmosphere in the cafe became tense as Y/n showed Jungwon the pictures Mia had shared with her. Jungwon's face turned serious, and he tried to come up with an explanation, but Y/n wasn't convinced by his response. The lack of trust had been slowly building up inside her, and now it seemed to reach its breaking point.

"You expect me to believe that those girls are just friends?" Y/n asked, her voice filled with frustration and hurt.

Jungwon's expression hardened as he responded defensively, "Yes, Y/n, they are just friends. I told you that countless times."

"But how can I be sure? I've seen how girls are around you, and you never seem to mind the attention," Y/n retorted, feeling her emotions getting the best of her.

Jungwon's patience waned, and he snapped, "I can't believe you're doing this. I've tried so hard to change for you, and yet you keep doubting me. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered trying at all."

Daring To Love The Fuckboy || Yang Jungwon Where stories live. Discover now