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Canine Companions and Confessions:

Y/n stepped out of her house, ready for her afternoon shift at the dog cafe. The familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee and the anticipation of spending time with the adorable furry patrons filled her with joy. But as she looked toward Jungwon's house, she couldn't help but notice a girl entering his home, her intentions all too clear.

A surge of frustration washed over Y/n as she watched the scene unfold. It only reinforced her belief that Jungwon was nothing more than a "fuckboy" who played with people's emotions. She shook her head, determined to keep her distance and focus on the upcoming shift at the cafe.

Entering the dog cafe, Y/n was greeted by wagging tails, excited barks, and the unmistakable warmth of unconditional love. The atmosphere immediately lifted her spirits, reminding her of the simple joys in life.

Her coworker, Sarah, who was also a close friend, noticed the change in Y/n's expression and approached her with a concerned look. "Hey, Y/n. What's going on? You seem a little off today."

Y/n sighed, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "You know that new neighbor of mine, Jungwon? Well, I saw a girl going into his house. It's clear what they're up to. He's definitely living up to his reputation."

Sarah frowned, understanding the source of Y/n's frustration. "I see. It must be tough to have someone like that as your neighbor. But remember, not everyone is as they appear. Maybe there's more to the story."

Y/n shook her head, her determination unwavering. "No, Sarah. I've seen enough to know what kind of person he is. I won't let him disrupt my life or bring unnecessary drama."

Sarah nodded, her voice filled with empathy. "I understand, Y/n. Just know that we're here for you, and we support whatever decision you make. Now, let's focus on these adorable furballs and give them the love they deserve."

As Y/n threw herself into her work, surrounded by the affectionate dogs, the stress and frustration of the day began to melt away. Their playful antics and unwavering loyalty reminded her of the importance of staying true to oneself and finding happiness in the simple pleasures of life.

Throughout their shift, Y/n and Sarah exchanged stories and laughter, finding solace in each other's company. Y/n appreciated the understanding and support she received, knowing that she had friends who would stand by her no matter what.

~ Time skip ~

Unveiling Shadows:

Y/n bid farewell to the furry companions at the dog cafe, a bittersweet feeling lingering within her. As she made her way home, she decided to stop by Starbucks, hoping a cup of coffee would soothe her unsettled thoughts.

With her warm cup in hand, she entered her house, ready to relax in the comfort of her own space. But as she settled into her room, she noticed strange noises emanating from Jungwon's house. At first, she brushed them off, assuming it was just a part of his usual activities. However, as the noise grew louder and more persistent, curiosity got the better of her.

She approached the window that faced Jungwon's house, heart pounding in her chest. Even with the curtain drawn, shadows danced behind the thin fabric, revealing a scene that made her spit out her coffee in shock.

There, in the dimly lit room, she caught a glimpse of Jungwon, entangled with a girl. Whether it was the same girl who had entered earlier or someone else, Y/n couldn't be sure. The sight sent waves of disbelief and disappointment crashing over her.

Her hands trembled as she turned away from the window, her mind racing with a mix of emotions. She felt a strange blend of anger, sadness, and a sense of validation for her earlier judgments about Jungwon.

Daring To Love The Fuckboy || Yang Jungwon Where stories live. Discover now