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Thrilling Ride:

As Y/n locked her front door, her heart raced with anticipation. She walked over to where Jungwon stood, ready to embark on another thrilling motorcycle ride with him. As she put on the helmet, her fingers trembled slightly with excitement and nerves. With the helmet secured on her head, she climbed onto the motorcycle, wrapping her arms tightly around Jungwon's waist.

Jungwon glanced back at her, his eyes meeting hers through the visor. "Hold on tight," he said with a playful grin, revving the engine slightly before they took off.

The wind rushed against her face as they zoomed through the streets, and Y/n couldn't help but feel an exhilarating sense of freedom being so close to him. She tightened her grip around him, feeling the warmth of his back against her chest, and a sense of comfort washed over her.

Soon enough, they arrived at the gathering spot where Jungwon's friends were waiting. Y/n spotted Jay and the others, some of whom she had met at previous parties. As they approached the group, Jay greeted them with a knowing smile. "Hey, Jungwon, Y/n! Glad you could make it!"

Jungwon parked the motorcycle, and Y/n took off her helmet, feeling a little giddy from the ride. "Hey, Jay! It's nice to see you all again," she replied, feeling a mix of familiarity and newfound closeness with the group.

"You two sure know how to make an entrance," one of Jungwon's friends teased, causing the others to chuckle in agreement.

Jungwon playfully rolled his eyes. "You know how I love a good motorcycle ride," he said, glancing at Y/n with a fond smile.

As they settled into the group, Y/n felt a sense of belonging, as if she had found her place among Jungwon's friends. They chatted and laughed, recounting stories from previous gatherings and adventures they had been on together.

"So, Y/n, how did you end up riding with this wild guy?" Jay asked, a teasing glint in his eyes.

Y/n felt her cheeks heat up, but she laughed it off. "Well, I couldn't resist the offer. Plus, it's my second time riding with him, and I trust him not to let anything happen," she replied, giving Jungwon a playful nudge.

Jungwon smirked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "See, I told you she enjoys the thrill," he said, earning a playful eyeroll from Y/n.

The evening continued with good food, great company, and lively conversations. Y/n found herself feeling more at ease, grateful for the unexpected turn of events that led her to this moment. As the night went on, the bond between Y/n and Jungwon's friends grew stronger, and she knew that this group of people held a special place in her heart. Little did she know, this night would mark the beginning of a beautiful journey filled with unforgettable memories and newfound love.

The gathering had been going smoothly, with laughter and camaraderie flowing freely among Jungwon, Y/n, and their friends. However, things took an unexpected turn when a group of girls sauntered over to the table next to theirs, immediately capturing Jungwon's attention. Y/n couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as she watched him exchange playful banter with the newcomers.

As he winked at the girls and engaged in conversation, Y/n felt a mix of frustration and annoyance rising within her. She had hoped that after their intimate moment at the party the day before, Jungwon might have changed or at least toned down his flirtatious ways. Determined to halt his "fuckboy persona" in its tracks, she decided to take action.

Without hesitation, Y/n discreetly shifted in her seat and purposefully stomped on Jungwon's foot. He winced in pain, trying his best not to reveal the reason behind his discomfort. He shot Y/n a quizzical look, wondering why she had done that.

Daring To Love The Fuckboy || Yang Jungwon Where stories live. Discover now