CHAPTER 15: Miss Odair: Welcome

Start from the beginning

"Since you're only here to spite your mother, I think this distance is needed until you find a better reason."

She'd heard me. I don't know how but she had, and she was hurt by what I said. I could have explained. I could have told her that I didn't mean it. That my mother brings out the worst in me and I would have said anything to get under her skin. I could have told her that at that moment I needed more than anything that closeness we shared when we danced. That I needed to be near her because she grounded me. But I didn't. I just stayed where I was and allowed her to think I didn't really want her because a part of me felt like she didn't really want me. She handed me a change of clothes and showed me where everything was, and she left.

We have not talked much since. Just pleasantries and awkward looks at breakfast. Her Beta, Brianna, I think, and her mate are friendlier to me. But then again, I guess it's because they didn't hear what I said. They try their best to make me feel welcome and I'm grateful for it.

This morning, I've decided to immerse myself into the pack. Since Amari has not yet sent me away, I figured it was time I acted like I wanted to be here, and maybe she'll see the effort and welcome me like her friends seem to have already done. I get up and take a shower before I have another awkward breakfast with Amari. I go to my room and get ready for training. I hear she is very involved with this so maybe if I keep showing up, she'll start to like me more.

I get dressed in sky-blue biker shorts and a matching sports bra. My brother sent most of my stuff here, so I didn't have to ask Amari for her clothes which has been bitter sweet. I head out to training with Amari, Brianna and Monroe, and there is conversation happening, but nothing is said between Amari and I. We are talking, just not to each other.

"Okay Charlotte," Amari finally says to me when we arrive at training, "Since this is your first day, you will fight against some of our warriors so we can assess your level, then we'll see where you fit in for training."

"Yes ma'am," I say, and regret it almost immediately, but it makes her smirk a little.

"Don't be nervous, okay?" she says, patting my shoulder, "These are some of the best trained fighters in the world, so I don't expect you to overcome them, these fights are diagnostic so don't put too much pressure on yourself," she reassures before walking toward a taller dark haired man. They talk for a little and then he looks towards me and that's when I realise I'd been staring her the whole time, and I look away.

Most of the other pack members are polite but I don't know them and they don't know me well enough to socialise with me, so I stand alone for the time that Amari is not with me. Brie and Monroe are already training their classes so they can't save me either.

Soon enough, The tall man walks towards me with a huge smile on his face.

"Hi, I'm Timothy!" he introduces, "I'm the head warrior and it is so lovely to meet the beautiful mate of our dear Amari." I look over his shoulder and see Amari roll her eyes and smile at his intro, she stays where she is, but she's paying attention to our interaction.

"Hi, Timothy," I reply, "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"I'm sure it is," he says with a wink and I let out a quite laugh. He seems nice.

"So, since you are of Alpha blood, we won't waste time having you fight easy fights, we'll hit the ground running with Trevor."

When he says that, a young looking warrior steps up and introduces himself. He seems friendly enough, and on Timothy's instruction, the fight begins. He is a tough competitor. I know I can beat him, but I also know it is going to be a little difficult. He is very skilled and I would say is on par with some of our top warriors.

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