So, now I was standing here alone in that room, and I pulled my wand out of my worn-out All-Stars. I mended the room as much as I could, so he wouldn't have to face everything he did those long nights he was locked in here. There was a chair lying on the ground with a broken leg, with a wave of my wand, I transfigured it into a dark grey three-seater. I fixed the broken glass from the windows and from a mirror, leaving the floor spotless. There wasn't more I could do; I could only think of bringing over a blanket and some tea the night itself. With a last glance around the room and turned back into Loki and toddled back down the stairs. When I climbed out of the dark hole, the whomping willow was swaying softly above me. When I saw a red streak in the corner of my eye, I tore my eyes away from the tree and saw a large ginger cat with a squashed face strutting around the grounds. The cat stopped and looked at me for a few seconds. Neither of us moved as our eyes were locked on each other. There was a slight rustling in the bushes a little further and the cat looked away before disappearing from sight. Weird. I thought to myself, but since it was getting dark, I toddled back to the castle.

"Miss Lupin-Black?" Professor Snape called me over after the end of our double potions class. I glanced at my watch as Remus's lesson was going to start in fifteen minutes as I walked to his desk.

"Yes, professor?"

"I reviewed all of your work and the letters that Professor Lupin had send me." He said, only looking up at the end of the sentence. "And since you're wasting your time here..."

"Professor?" I asked confused.

"Like you said, your potions are seventh-year level, NEWT level. I suggest we change your lesson plan, and you would join the seventh years and take your potion's NEWTs at the end of the year."

"Oh." My mouth made a little O in surprise. The professor looked back down at his papers. "But what about my OWL's?"

"I've discussed this with your head of house and your guardian. If you want, you can take the potions OWL's at the end of October."

My eyes turned comically large as I looked at the professor at his desk. "I would love to, sir."

"Alright, I'll pass it through to the examiner. If you pass your OWL's, this will be your new timetable." He handed me a piece of parchment. "That's all. Go."

I glanced at the parchment in my hand as I walked to the door. "Thank you, professor." I heard him grumble. I stuffed the timetable in my bag and hurried to the DADA classroom. My head filled with excitement, and I was already planning to study for the exams at the end of next month.

I saw the third years trickle in, in the classroom by the time I had reached it. I saw Harry and his friends walk near the back. Behind them, a boy with stark blond hair, which Remus informed me, long ago, was in fact a cousin of mine on Sirius's side. I waited until the Gryffindors and Slytherins had all walked into the classroom. Remus had gestured them all to the back of the classroom as the desks were all situated to the side, leaving a large open space in front of them. On the other side of the classroom was Moony and a large wardrobe. When Remus saw me, as I closed the door behind me, he smiled and nudged his head to call me over. The third years all began to whisper to each other, wondering why I was there. I smiled at Remus and hopped on a desk against the side, next to Remus before my eyes went to the kids. Most of them looked away when my eyes crossed them, and a few Slytherins, including my cousin, challenged my gaze. But it was when I saw Harry looking back at me, my breath hitched a little. The boy's green eyes were curious and large, and I wanted to tell him everything at that moment. I was glad that Moony started to talk to the students and we both looked away.

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