"No, I'm not doing okay, I just lost my best friend!" I yelled.

"Honey, she was my daughter she meant more to me than to you" she says.

"You surely didn't treat her as one, she looked up to you just for you to treat her like that?" i say.


"Well, I? WHAT, nothing. You're the worst mother ever, your disgusting" I say.

Silence on her end.

"You don't even deserve the mother title, your horrible" i say.

"How could you say something like that" she says.

"How can I not? you don't deserve the title, you're just the birth giver nothing else. You're not a mother, your more like a monster" I say.

"I'm not a monster! I tried my best." she says.

"You should have tried harder! You didn't even try at all!" I yell.

"y/n stop"

"WHY DO I HAVE TO STOP!" i yell.

"Your so rude, how can you say something like that to me."

You could hear that she was about to cry.

"How can you live on after doing something like that, you know what bye" i say hanging up.

She wasn't about to annoy me on my phone.

I threw my phone on the couch and walked out the door.

I was tired of everything.

Just livid.

But I could handle my feelings towards anyone.

Just not her, nor the rest of her family.

They were just disgusting.


I walked out my apartment complex and across the street to the other side.

I was walking with my head down, until.

I bumped into someone or something.

"sorry" the person says.

"it's fine" I said and kept walking.

I felt a light tug.

I turned around and it was aria's twin brother.


"Y/n?" he says.

"Atlas" I say sarcastically.

Atlas was the most annoying wannabe ever, rude, careless, he was about average height, dirty blonde with a horrible tan, the bottom row of his teeth was crooked so when he would talk the bottom row would jiggle and move around, it looked like a fence that got hit by a tornado.

He was the opposite of aria.

He started laughing out of nowhere.

"what's so funny" I asked.

I was serious.

"Just thinking of how that idiot jumped, I mean it was better off without her but it was never like she was even here anyway" he laughed.

I gave him the most confused and disrespected look.


"she's an entire idiot, thinking leaving the world would make a change. Ha" he says.

"So useless" he adds on.

He continues to laugh as if it's funny.

I was speechless, so I slapped him.

"What was that for!" he yells.

Demanding an answer.

"You know exactly what that was for! How could you even talk about her that way, your sick just like your mother" I yell.

He storms off.

I didn't care at all.

He didn't even ruin my mood.

2 people in one day, who was I going to meet next.

The daddy?



take my hand, give it a chanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant