Chapter 10: Burning Within

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In their bedroom, Akim and Nancy were enjoying one other's company while giving passionate hugs and tender kisses. They continued to enjoy each other's bliss, and the sounds of their kisses filled the entire space. They were so preoccupied with each other that they were unaware when Mike entered the room. Nancy tightened the kiss as Akim tried to pull away, and when she suddenly noticed Mike standing next to their bed, nodding in disapproval, she jolted to the floor.

Hey? Nancy demanded in a furious tone.

"What are you embarrassed about? That I prevented you two from having another child, or what?" Mike questioned in an insulting tone.

"How dare you walk into my room and...?" said Akim.

"And then what?" Come on, shut up! Brace yourself and make adjustments, Elizabeth is in the dining hall, and I'm sure you wouldn't want her to see you nude and alone with this cheap harlot... ", Mike scoffed at Nancy.

Akim rose to demonstrate his Alpha nature and defend Nancy; he wanted to raise his fists against Mike, but Mike went out, his hands stuck inside his pockets.

Akim went into the dining hall, ready to smack Elizabeth in the face.

How much longer can she irritate him? Wasn't she already a burden to him, especially at this point when his wedding was lurking on the corner?

"How dare y..o.. u..?.. Akim stammered on seeing Lizzy sleeping on the couch like a baby. She looked so innocent and cute, making him rush to his bedroom to get her a blanket.

"Where are you carrying our blanket to?, Nancy asked, while unbuttoning her shirt to go for a shower.

Akim ignored her, picked up the blanket, and hurried to the dining hall. Leaning closer, he covered Lizzy and tucked it gently at her curled-up feet.

As he tried to get up, his shirt tucked underneath Lizzy's feet, which caused him to fall lightly on her. Lizzy, unconscious of her environment, was still sleeping soundly.

Akim etched closer and used his finger to feel her delicate eyebrows. As he felt his hands on her smooth facial features, he felt lost in absorbing her body scent.

This was the woman he loved, this was the woman he cherished, this was the woman he lived for... his thoughts kept wandering, as he felt calm by just touching her face. It has been a long time since he felt this calm and peaceful.

Lizzy unconsciously clutched tightly to his clothing and creased her eyebrows in a wrinkled state of fear and worry.

Akim on noticing this, lightened the heaviness of her brows with his hands, making her relaxed.

She must be experiencing a strange nightmare, he thought.

It was quarter past 8 p.m., and he solely believed that time of the night was the time of nightmares.

As he patted her forehead calmly, his eyes fell on her lip. It was looking supple and luscious, a calling into the unknown.

Drowning deeper in his lust for Lizzy, he leaned closer to...

"Ermm.. ", Mrs. Caira cleared her throat and moved closer.

Withdrawing his hands into fists, Akim stood up immediately and turned his face away in disappointment.

"She was cold, so I decided to get the blanket", Akim said, sharply.

"And?.. " Mrs. Caira snapped teasingly.

"Please don't get any ideas, I'll warm you some water for a hot bath, you must be tired", Akim sneered. "And where's that lost son of yours?

"Akim, don't start up another drama, please not today. Mike went to get Elizabeth something to eat, she had been crying for it. It took us hours to calm her down after you left, she kept insisting she wanted to see her brother. Mike had to carry her on his back and sing her a lullaby till we came here, please we're both tired now, and where's Nancy?" said Mrs. Caira

Akim grits his teeth on hearing Mike carry Elizabeth on his back. Talking through his teeth, he responded "She should still be in her long bath to wade off her awful smell. By the way, what is Mike getting for Elizabeth?"


Akim expressed his annoyance by asking, "Dumplings? Elizabeth is allergic to dumplings. How stupid can Mike be?"

Lizzy, who had been tossing and turning due to her noisy surroundings for some time, suddenly woke up. She instantly spotted Akim after surveying her surroundings and ran in his direction.

She yelled "Bro Akim!" as she jumped on him, causing both of them to fall on the ground.

Akim exclaimed, "Ouch!" when their heads clashed.

Akim became concerned as Lizzy whimpered in agony.

"Are you hurt?"Akim inquired, concerned, but Lizzy ignored him, her gaze fixed on her knee scalp. Akim hurriedly lifted her skirt, exposing her swollen knee.

"How careless can Mike be?"

"It's only a minor injury...", Grandma said.

"Oh, please, I'm talking about Elizabeth here, How can you call it minor?"Akim became enraged and raised his voice.

Grandma Caira and Mike turned to look at each other with signals only both of them understood.

Kindly leave your comments, votes, and feedback. I know this chapter was much shorter than others, that's because I'm currently working on the plot twists of the upcoming chapters.

Tell me who's your favorite character, mine is Mike✌️😉

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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