Chapter 1: Golden pebbles

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Lizzy sat alone in her seat, her thoughts wandering back to the stolen kisses and frigid nights she had spent with her dear boyfriend, Akim.

The memories of those lovely nights flooded her mind, and she couldn't help but grin as she reflected on them.

They had been childhood friends who had been inseparable since the day they met. With each passing year, their closeness became deeper, growing into a love that transcended the borders of friendship.

It was a love built on shared hopes and desires, an unbreakable bond that appeared destined to stand the test of time.

She closed her eyes and allowed the memories to flood over her. They'd struck a covenant, promising to support each other's goals.

When Lizzy was offered a scholarship to study in Sweden, she turned it down. But Akim was emphatic, pressing her to grasp the opportunity to pursue her artistic goals.

He saw the talent in her paintings, the promise waiting to be realized, and he had complete faith in her.

So she gave in, taking the scholarship and beginning a new chapter in her life. Lizzy couldn't wait to tell Akim the good news as she prepared to return home after finishing her studies overseas. He was her anchor, her confidant, and the one person who was always there for her.

Lizzy went for her phone and dialed Akim's number, her excitement palpable. Instead of his comforting voice on the other end, she was greeted by a recorded message. "The number you're attempting to call is currently unavailable; please try again later or leave a voice message," her face flushed, with confusion.

She'd been trying to contact him for days, but each attempt had failed.

"Oh, come on, Akim," she mumbled to herself. "What's wrong with your phone? Or is it just a network issue?" She hoped it was only a technical malfunction and not something more catastrophic.

Lizzy had been overjoyed at the idea of finally finishing her studies and reconciling with Akim. Their reunion would usher in a new chapter in their life, one in which they could build their ambitions together. Her heart swelled with joy at the prospect of seeing him again.

Akim had been more than Lizzy's lover; he had been her brother, friend, and everything since they were children.

Her childhood had been tainted by a tragic discovery. Lizzy's presumed father found at the age of four that her DNA did not match his own.

The reality had hit him in the middle of his forthcoming nuptials.

In her last moments, her mother had given her to his care, saying that Lizzy was his daughter.

However, additional tests and scans proved that her mother's statements were potentially exaggerated to secure Lizzy's life of money and opulence.

Mr. John Vegas, a wealthy guy, had been duped into believing he was the biological father of Lizzy.

Her life was devastated by the discovery, and her presumed father's reaction only exacerbated the damage.

She remembered vividly the night he threw her out, branding her as a harlot's daughter.

He had cursed her mother for the lies she had told. Lizzy's heart wrenched at the thought of her father's harsh, venomous comments.

He had barred her from approaching him or his unborn child, arguing that he couldn't risk their safety by allowing them to associate with the deceptive woman's daughter.

Despite this, a beam of light appeared amid her gloomy background.

A beam of light had appeared in the darkness of her past in the form of Akim.

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