Chapter 3: Cherished bond

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Lizzy pondered her next step inside the automobile. She inquired about Mrs. Caira's plans, as she had no cash or things following the fire. They decided Lizzy would go to the bank first to acquire a new card, then to the burned house to reminisce about old times. Lizzy's mind raced with eagerness as the automobile sped through the streets, ignorant of the mysteries and uncertainties that lay ahead.

The doctor's forced, sorrowful smile stayed in her mind, causing her to feel uneasy. Something was wrong, but she couldn't pinpoint what it was. Her adventure to discover the truth had only just begun, and she was prepared to tackle whatever obstacles arose, even if it meant confronting the unknown.

Mrs. Caira requested that the automobile stops at a neighboring bank so that they could grab Lizzy's credit card. Lizzy expressed her concerns, still apprehensive about Mrs. Caira handling her banking problems.

"But I didn't list you as my next of kin in my bank details," Lizzy explained, her face flushed with concern.

Mrs. Caira comforted her, her voice was full of love. "You need to rest, dear; I won't let you worry about it; leave it to Old Caira," she smiled.

Lizzy's curiosity got the best of her, and she couldn't help but wonder, "But what are you going to do?"

Mrs. Caira had a naughty smirk on her face. "An old lady has to do what an old lady has to do," she joked. "Everyone pities an old lady," she remarked as she stepped out of the automobile.

Lizzy laughed at Mrs. Caira's amusing comment. As she looked out the window, her gaze was drawn to her phone, which had been snugly tucked away in her pocket the entire time, unharmed by the fire. She checked it as soon as it buzzed with a notice. It was a voicemail from Mike, a recognizable voice, which surprised her.

"Mike!" gasped Lizzy, her heart skipping a beat.

Mike reassured her about Akim and Amy's safety, and she listened closely to the audio. Despite her wanting to hear more, the recording abruptly ended, and her phone shut down owing to a low battery. Despite the unresolved concerns, Lizzy felt relieved that Akim and Amy were safe.

"Perhaps they've gone on a long vacation, or Akim's phone is having problems," she reasoned, seeking to assuage her concerns.

Mrs. Caira came to the car, her face lit up with enthusiasm as she carried a large package in her hand.

"Here's your credit card," Mrs. Caira said, handing Lizzy the new card.

As she accepted the card, Lizzy's eyes widened in surprise and happiness. "Wow! What were you up to?" she exclaimed, intrigued.

Mrs. Caira laughed, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Trust Old Caira. Everyone has a soft spot for an old lady," she added, laughing dryly and humorously. "And as for this, the bank manager saw his momma in me," she said as she handed him the envelope.

As they resumed their journey, their laughing blended, infusing the air with joyous energy. When the car arrived at their destination, Lizzy and Mrs. Caira thanked the driver and stepped out onto the familiar terrain.

Mrs. Caira watched Lizzy's every move as she took careful, cautious steps toward her burned-out house. The blaze had burned everything to ashes; not even a picture frame remained. It was a depressing sight, a vivid reminder of the catastrophe that had struck her hometown.

A wave of emotions flooded over Lizzy as she stood there, but she found peace in Mrs. Caira's presence and the newfound strength within herself. The road to rebuilding her life had only just begun, and she was resolved to tackle the obstacles ahead with courage and hope.

Mrs. Caira approached Lizzy, her voice was soft and compassionate. "Oh, my poor baby, rest your head on Momma," she whispered as she guided Lizzy to lean on her. Lizzy sobbed uncontrollably as she lamented the loss of everything in the fire.

"Don't say that, everything will come back in time, I hope," Mrs. Caira murmured, a tear rolling down her cheek as she mirrored Lizzy's grief.

"Where will I go now?" Lizzy wondered, feeling lost and unsure of her next moves.

Mrs. Caira smiled, her eyes shining with compassion. "My house is only a few miles away; you can come over, and I'd be glad to have you," she said, offering her love and support to Lizzy.

They made their way to Mrs. Caira's residence with the help of Mrs. Caira. It looked like something out of an Old McDonald's farm, with numerous animals strewn about. Lizzy was taken aback by the sights and sounds of the cows mooing and the cats meowing as they battled to create the loudest symphony of animal noises.

Lizzy's attention was pulled to a group of ducks near the door as she entered the house. "Oh, how cute!" she said, her attention drawn to the charming critters. Lizzy walked over to a broom, crutches in hand, ready to clean and arrange Mrs. Caira's home. Despite her leg's heaviness and anguish, she disregarded it, focusing on the task at hand. She swept and tidied, assisting Mrs. Caira by doing the dishes and arranging the dining area.

Mrs. Caira smiled as she watched, her feelings for Lizzy becoming stronger with each passing second. She went to the kitchen and made some tea to go with the cupcakes she had baked earlier. She called out to Lizzy as she carried the tray, "Come over, dear. It's time to feed the hungry babies in our stomachs," she remarked, her chuckle tinged with dry humor.

Mrs. Caira's smile widened, and Lizzy eagerly joined her at the table. The aroma of freshly brewed tea and delectable cupcakes filled the room, tantalizing their taste senses. Lizzy couldn't stop herself from taking a bite, then another, relishing each mouthful. Mrs. Caira's goodies stood up to their reputation. Lizzy felt a sense of connection and warmth at that moment of being a member of a family, which she had longed for because she had never had a biological one.

Mrs. Caira turned on the television while they were enjoying their tea and cupcakes, and they settled back to watch a romantic movie. Mrs. Caira was reminded of her own love story by the couple's on-screen debut. She remembered how her late husband used to spoil her, from bathing her to bringing her out to supper every day. She remembered the sweet kiss he bestowed on her brow every morning before he left the house. Her heart ached at the thought of his affection, and she couldn't help but wonder why he'd been stolen from her.

Amid their shared grief, Lizzy's thoughts returned to Akim, recalling the times they had spent together. She remembered how he proudly told his friends about her, how he valued their connection beyond anything else. She remembered Mike, whose jealousy originated from feeling abandoned by Akim because of his undying devotion to her. Lizzy's heart craved Akim's presence, and she silently begged him to come back.

Mrs. Caira and Lizzy sought refuge in each other's company, lost in their separate thoughts. Their pains became linked as they hugged each other.

The warm brightness of the morning sun softly woke Lizzy from her restful slumber. When she opened her eyes, Mrs. Caira was already up and about, ready to grab the day. Mrs. Caira walked from door to door selling her beloved cupcakes with astonishing agility, while Lizzy watched in admiration. Mrs. Caira negotiated the streets with conviction, and the ring of her tricycle's bell echoed throughout the neighborhood.

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