Chapter 7: Torn

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Lizzy awoke from her trance and limped away without her crutches, her pain temporarily forgotten in the face of the emotional turmoil consuming her.

Barefoot and vulnerable, she stepped onto the busy road, unconcerned about the cars beeping and swerving to avoid her.

Mrs. Caira's heart raced as she rushed to Lizzy's side, desperate to save her from further harm.

She tapped Lizzy, pleading with her to return to safety, but Lizzy appeared hypnotized, disconnected from reality, her gaze fixed ahead, her laughter echoing through the chaos of the street.

"Please, Lizzy, let's go inside," Mrs Caira begged, her voice shaking with panic, "Your leg is bleeding, we need to tend to your wound." She looked down and saw the cut on Lizzy's foot, a stinging reminder of the dangers Lizzy was exposing herself to.

Mrs. Caira's heart sank further as she witnessed Lizzy's broken imitation of the love they had once shared.

Her uncontrollable smiles and mocking words rang out, mimicking Akim's voice during their intimate moments together.

Mrs. Caira's tears flowed freely now, her sorrow blending with the terror of witnessing Lizzy's unraveling. "I love you, Elizabeth Brington," Lizzy cried out, echoing the very words Akim had spoken when he proposed to her.

Mrs. Caira reached out, her quivering hands clutching Lizzy's shoulders, and she turned Lizzy's face to meet her own, desperate to break the hold of the hypnosis that possessed her.

"Lizzy, please," Mrs. Caira begged, her voice trembling, "let's go inside. Your leg requires emergency medical attention. Please, my baby, return to us." Her words were anguished, a plea for Lizzy to return from the depths of her agony and bewilderment.

Mrs. Caira held on firmly, her tears mixed with Lizzy's as they stood there, caught between the bustling world around them and the anguish that filled their souls, yet Lizzy's laughter remained, a haunting sound that boomed through the hectic street.

Mrs. Caira's heart pounded in her chest as she witnessed Lizzy's erratic behavior; she knew she had played a role in the deception, but seeing Lizzy in such a vulnerable state crushed her, and she panicked in confusion, unsure of how to make things right.

Cars honked and swerved to avoid Lizzy, but she seemed unconcerned about the danger she was in.

"Please Lizzy, let's go inside, you're ruining yourself," Mrs Caira implored, but Lizzy's response surprised her, and Mrs Caira screamed in surprise as Lizzy began to rend her clothes and giggled maniacally mocking her intimate moments with Akim, and emulating Akim's seductive voice.

"No one tastes better than my baby!" Oh yes! Yes! Elizabeth!" Lizzy murmured, her voice caustic and hurtful, each word laced with sorrow and betrayal, Mrs Caira's heart sunk for the young woman in front of her, comprehending the degree of the deception that had occurred.

Lizzy's laughter changed to sobs, and she stood on the side of the road, shouting, "Elizabeth Brington is the best!"

Mrs. Caira's tears mingled with the rain as she saw Lizzy unravel in before of her eyes; she wanted to reach out, to hold her close and console her, but she knew she was the last person Lizzy would want to see at that time.

"Baby kiss me, baby touch me like this, yes baby! " Lizzy kept rambling.

Mrs. Caira was overcome with fear, fear that Lizzy had been too stolen to be healed, and she wondered whether her role in the deception had pushed Lizzy to this breaking point.

All she could do was watch helplessly, wondering if someone would intervene and bring Lizzy back to her senses. She realized the depth of the wounds she had unknowingly inflicted on this young woman, and all she could do was pray.

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