Chapter 9: Concealed Love

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Lizzy's eyelids flickered and her pale lips parted in a sigh at that quiet moment. As her eyes slowly opened, sparkling with renewed purpose, the audience erupted in a chorus of relief and excitement. Her spirit had not died despite being injured and damaged. Lizzy had emerged from the abyss, ready to embark on the difficult path of mending and reconciliation.

Akim's eyes welled up with feelings of thankfulness and admiration as he witnessed Lizzy's frail physique exude power. 

Opening her eyes slightly, Lizzy murmured, "Akim!"

Kissing her hands softly, Akin exclaimed "Yes, Elizabeth!". 

"Bro Akim," Lizzy suddenly laughed, "have you come to take me home?" 

Akim and Grandma Caira exchanged looks, perplexed by what was going on. 

"My bro has come to take me home," Lizzy exclaimed, suddenly jumping and dancing in delight. 

Lizzy bounced around with childlike delight, her gaze fixated on Akim as she awaited his hug. Her heart was brimming with delight as she realized her beloved "bro" had come to take her home. However, a smidgeon of confusion crossed her features as she became aware of her strange surroundings.

Her ecstatic face suddenly turned to a troubled brow, and she thoughtfully rubbed her chin. "But where am I?" she mumbled, her voice tinted with doubt. Her enthusiasm faded for a while as she searched for answers, her gaze darting around the room. Her confusion was compounded by the absence of Grandma Caira, her confidante, and source of solace.

"My baby is back," Grandma Caira said, making Lizzy run and hide behind Akim. 

"Who are you?" she inquired, intrigued. 

"My baby, don't you remember your Grandma Caira?" Mrs. Caira asked, tears streaming down her face. 

Lizzy ducked even deeper, clinging to Akim's clothing. 

"My Grandma Caira is not a pumpkin, she's beautiful and friendly, unlike you...", Lizzy twisted her mouth in displeasure, pointing to Grandma Caira from behind Akim. 

Meanwhile, Akim remained still, his gaze riveted on Lizzy in a mixture of incredulity and need. A flood of contradictory emotions rushed through him. 

Was this a ray of hope? Could Lizzy's brief memory loss allow them to begin over, free of the anguish of their past? The thought raced through his thoughts, overwhelming him with need.

A doctor and another figure entered the room as he struggled with his thoughts, disrupting the heated mood. "Please, can we speak outside?" asked the doctor, addressing Akim. Akim nodded and followed the doctor out the door, leaving Lizzy behind, still caught up in the tornado of her emotions.

The doctor proceeded to explain in the private corridor, away from Lizzy's eager gaze. "I'm afraid she's suffering from a psychological disorder," he said, professionally concerned. "Capgras syndrome is a rare condition in which a person develops a delusional belief that a loved one has been replaced by an imposter or identical-looking impostor. This delusion often arises from a deep yearning for the original person and a disruption in the brain's ability to properly process and recognize familiar faces."

As Akim processed the doctor's remarks, his heart sank. He couldn't understand how Lizzy could see him as an impostor, an imposter of himself. The weight of her delusion pressed down on him, amplifying his remorse and anguish.

He turned to look out the transparent glass window and saw Lizzy dancing with all her enthusiasm; on the other end, was his Grandma sobbing gently. A few family friends were also present, attempting to apprehend Lizzy. As he watched the once-vibrant lover dance in rhythm with her buried pains, his eyes were etched with dread and sadness. 

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