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Three Years Later

The hotel room is crappy and dimly lit, but it's enough for a couple of nights before we have to move on. I'm used to it by now - spent three years running so far, so what is the rest of my life? With a burner phone to hand, I know the risks and haven't made any contact with anyone. Not even Phil. If anyone found out he was the one who tipped me off about The Raft? Well, he'd be in a hell of a lot of trouble. Aiding a fugitive and an enhanced one at that. It comes with consequences...

"They had some crappy potato chips and chocolate bars - no plums though". Comes the voice as they close the door to the room and lock it. We keep the curtains closed, not wanting anyone to look in and recognise just who we are.

I smirk as I catch the chips and the bar of chocolate as they're chucked to me. "Vending machines generally don't sell fruit, Buck".

When I set off a few years ago. I had a location to hand - one I'd spent considerable time tracing and making sure it was right. But I had never told Steve. The plan had been to do just that after Lagos, however with what happened and me ultimately losing everyone? I decided that Bucky Barnes was probably the only person that I could relate to when it came to finding myself, and being on the run.

And that's what we've been doing. Making a deal that he'd help me out if I helped him to remember more and to try and nullify the extensive brainwashing that he'd been given over the years - turning him into the Winter Soldier. A killer. Nowadays I go under the name of his sister 'Becca', because he says that's what I've become to him, just like he's become the annoying big brother that I've never had.

But we protect one another.

"S'pose it'd be pretty disgusting". He smirks and settles down in one of the chairs. "Then again back during the war the food wasn't that great either".

"I remember Steve mentioning that you guys practically boiled everything". I say and then realise I haven't really mentioned him so casually in a while.

Bucky knows everything that happened, made me see that perhaps there was a very good chance that Steve never knew about the plans they had for me. Even now he can tell I'm thinking about him. "He wouldn't have done something like that, it's not who he is".

"I remember he said a similar thing about you when he found out you were still alive". I say and open the bag of chips".

He shrugs. "Well I always told him that I was with him til the end of the line. I wasn't about to give up that easy".

I just stare at a random spot on the wall. "Do you think he's tried to find me? Thinks about me as much as I do him?"

Bucky shifts in his chair. "If it was how you said it was? He probably does. I mean, I used to give him relationship advice back in the day - not that he needed it".

I say nothing else and we continue to eat the poor choice of dinner before I go to take a shower. I just feel dirty all the time now, even if I'm not. "Just gonna go grab another drink, you want one?" He asks, opening the door a crack.

"Diet Coke if they have one. Think you could stock up on water too? We might not have enough if we need to make another quick getaway". I suggest.

"Sure thing, lock the bathroom door jus-"

"I know the drill darling brother" I say with some sarcasm, and roll my eyes as I hear him laugh before the door closes again. I reach out of the shower and lock it, knowing he'll send an SOS to my burner phone if we need to run. I've managed to teach him that much about technology, although he's still stumped by just how far it's come since the forties.

Even if the shower isn't the best, it's enough to make me feel clean again for a day or so.

"Bec? Got the drinks and something extra". Bucky's voice comes through the door sometime later.

He never calls me Bec, not unless there's trouble - and it means there is.

I dry myself off and quickly pull my clothes on, opening the door cautiously before seeing Bucky standing there.

"We've got company". Is all he says

I then look and see just who is standing there watching us. And I don't know whether to break down or set my guard up higher than it already is.


The End

Temperance (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now