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Everything is distorted, aching, my whole body feels on fire - but I don't want to open my eyes, scared of what I will find if I do. I have to though, and wince slightly as the bright lights of the lab hits them.

Immediately my hands go to my boobs, trying to see whether something worked right at least.

Holy crap...I have boobs! But now I'm fully aware that some lab techs as well as Stark and possibly Steve are probably watching me feel myself up. Instead I sit up and immediately realise that the serum did indeed work.
I feel taller, stronger - ok maybe a bit off balance as my head's spinning but that'll pass.

"Woah there Cap2.0 - no sitty up until I say so". Stark now pushes me back down and summons a couple of other assistants to help check me over. "I've gotta say...I am a genius".

"Thanks for the breast enhancement". I say as a doctor begins to poke and prod at me, probably taking blood for analysis and other stuff. "Can I sit up now? Everything aches and I need to stretch".

Tony steps back and I sit up again, then hopping off the bed and noting I'm very much taller, maybe only just a few inches below Steve's height. I pull up my top - I have abs...I've never had abs in my life...

"There's a mirror right there if that would help". Tony points to it and I go and look at myself. Steve was right - they haven't made me look ridiculous, but proportioned. A twiglet no more.

"Holy shit..." I mutter and look back at Tony. "You got anything to drink? I feel like I might pass out".

"Whiskey?" He asks and then tells FRIDAY to send someone to get a glass. "Oh and for the record? You can't get drunk".


He shrugs. "Sorry, fast metabolism. Steve knows the struggle".

I take a seat and he does next to me, the whiskey soon appearing and both of us drinking. "So...I can't get drunk - anything else I should know?"

"Any kind of wound that isn't fatal? Broken bones etc - your body will heal faster than normal. You'll age slower. You're faster, stronger than you were".

"It's not hard to be". I snort and down the rest of the drink. "Where's Steve?" Now looking around for any sign of him lurking in the corner of the lab.

"Had a mission de-brief to go through with Romanoff and Fury - but he said he'll see you when he gets back, should only take a few hours".


I try not to make my disappointment obvious and refill my cup with the bottle that one of the techs had brought us earlier. As I grip it, the whole bottle shatters in my hand and I jolt in shock.

Tony looks bemused. "Clean up on aisle 5!" He calls and then turns back to me. "You'll need to be getting used to breaking shit. Just until you realise your own strength and how to control it - just don't do it on purpose. It comes out of my bank account".

I study my hand where it's been cut, but knowing within a few hours it won't look that way. "I'll try to remember that". I sit and stare at my hands for a little while. "Your dad...he helped to create Steve..."

"Yeah, and he never shut up about it". Tony says bluntly - seems like someone has a chip on their shoulder.

"But now you can say you did the same, perhaps somewhat better? Seeing as you have the better tech and stuff. You recreated the serum too - double of what he did".

Tony nods to himself. "I guess...what's the deal with you and Steve anyway?" Now asking me seriously.

I shrug. "In all honesty? I really don't know". And that's the truth. I have absolutely no idea what will happen now. "Did you know that they had chosen me before the programme even started?" I ask curiously.

He nods, just as I expected him to. "I knew. We had a meeting. Fury, Me, Coulson and Steve - we looked at your stats, but it was just a case of seeing how and whether you could handle it, as well as yourself. Oh and that Sanders guy? He was an asshole, Steve told me about what happened".

"Amongst the many other times he tried to kill me?".

"He wouldn't have made a good Cap anyway - too cocky".

"Can't have two of you like that". I smirk.

"I'm gonna pretend that you didn't say that". He says, "Anyway, looks like you're all set".

I sit there for a moment, suddenly feeling very lost. "So...what do I do now?" I literally never even thought about after this. All the leading up to the actual event was overwhelming enough, but now it's like the training wheels have come off and I'll be shoved right out there.

"Enjoy a few days off while you get used to the new body. Give training a go - who knows, you might even be faster than Rogers when it comes to running". Tony states, "Fury will probably be along to speak to you too".

I have to admit that even being like I am now? Nick Fury scares the absolute shit out of me.

I get up. "Ok...well - I guess I will be seeing you around then".

"I'll drop in from time to time - you'll see more of Romanoff and some of the others than me".

Making for the door I open it, pulling it off it's hinges and then seeing Tony look at me. "Oh...shit." I set it down and prop it up against the wall, slipping out of the doorless side of the exit. I wouldn't have even been able to lift that with as much ease before. But I did.

Coulson is waiting in the entrance area to compound and rises from the seat he was sunk into on seeing me up and about. "Well, just look at you - Captain".

"I don't think I've earned that title yet". I say as I hug him, being careful not to break his back or something while I'm at it.

"You earned it by proving yourself to everyone. You didn't know it". Phil smiles. "How do you feel?"

I look down at my body and shrug. "Well so far I've managed to break a few things. I don't think Stark's impressed but I just have to get used to my new strength". 

He nods, still smiling like a proud father. I suppose he's kind of been like that to me ever since he became my mentor. He looks past me to one of the hallways that veer off to the side of the entrance and gives a nod, then looking to me as I frown and turn to see what's caught his eye, or who...


Temperance (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now