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"Don't say it!" Sam warns as I come sprinting within a few feet of him. Morning runs no longer kill me, I can literally pass Sam again and again without so much as breaking a sweat. I like this new me.

"On your left". I smirk as I remember that Steve told me to say it every time I passed.

"OH C'MON!" Sam yells back in frustration as he tries to catch up, but I'm already way ahead of him.

Soon he gives up and makes his way back to the compound while I do a few more laps and then join him in the kitchen. "You look like you're about to keel over". I smirk, knowing it would be something he'd say to me if I had been in my previous state.

He chuckles. "Guess I deserve that for all the times I called you Twiglet". Now passing me the juice carton. "Let me guess, Steve told you to tell me 'on your left'".

"Guilty". I muse as I go to look for some cereal. I can eat whatever I like and my metabolism just burns it right up. "Where is he anyway?"

"Probably on some call with Hill and Fury". Sam replies and then glances to me. "They're gonna be putting you out on a mission soon though. Regardless of whether you've had enough training or not. Just thought I'd give you the heads up, I heard them the other day when I was at HQ".

I slide onto one of the bar stools. "Wow,barely two days in and already they're throwing me in the deep end".

"Technically they already did - and now you'll be able to take whatever is thrown at you".

I snort at this. "I'm not invincible though, still a good chance I could die".

"True, but less of a chance of it happening than before you were given the serum". Sam says and we almost jump as FRIDAY now announces herself.

"Alessandra, Captain Rogers would like to see you in his office now".

I finish my juice and get up. "Guess that's my cue. See you later Wilson", making my way to the elevator and pressing the floor for Steve's office.

He's at his desk as I walk in, but gestures for me to close the door, which I do. "We have a problem..." Are the first words that now escape from his mouth.

"We do?"

Getting up, he now tells Friday to close the blinds and I immediately bite my lip. "You defied orders this morning by leaving bed early..."

"Whoopsie". I say playfully as he now hoists me onto the desk and cages me in. "Guess that's a violation of whatever code you've just made up in that tactical head of yours". My eyes flicker up to meet his own and now it's me who leans in to kiss him.

A small growl escapes the back of his throat and he shakes his head slowly as we pull away. "That's two violations Kennedy, getting up early and then putting your lips on mine without permission".

"Do I really need your permission, Captain". I challenge lightly, "Because I could put myself on you right now and I know you'd not complain about any violation whatsoever..."

He doesn't hesitate after this, both of us getting down to business right there and then. I just pray we don't break the desk like we did with the bed the other evening, and now we've shed our clothes, I dig my nails into his shoulders as he moves into me with one powerful thrust. It's enough to move the desk slightly, but I can tell he's going easy on me. "Don't hold back..." I half plead, daring to place my hand on my abdomen to feel him inside of me.

"Kinda have to if we don't wanna break anymore furniture sweetheart, although it's gonna be impossible considering the combined strength". He murmurs as we once again pick up the pace with one another.

There's no doubt about it. My body was most definitely made to compliment his.

"The fact that you can just walk right on outta here and no one would know what we've just done? That's what makes this even better". He hisses.

"Pretty sure they'd know from your name being screamed by me though". I point out.

He leans in like he's about to tell me a secret. And he does.... "Good job these walls are soundproof".

I can scream, moan and sob as loud as I need to, because no one is going to hear it except him...

"Now be a good girl and follow your orders". His eyes burn into mine as he continues to thrust into me, my nails digging harder into his skin so much that he begins to bleed from the crescent shaped marks I leave.

His lips work their way down my neck, biting, sucking, until he withdraws from me and now pulls me down into the floor with him, keeping me above his face as he looks up with a devilish grin. "Take a seat Captain, don't deny my orders..."

Holy moly...

I pretty much lower myself onto his tongue, gasping as he begins to savour me right there on the floor of his damn office. I move on him until finally I feel myself let go, his beard becoming soaked with my release, while the inside of my thighs burn from it scratching against me.

And it's heaven.

I lift myself from him, however he now sits up and pulls me astride his lap, kissing me once more before announcing he needs to get ready for a meeting with Fury.

"Will I see you tonight?" I ask once we've got dressed, knowing his schedule could change at any given moment. It depends on whether he's called away to a mission last minute. I suppose that could be me soon.

He nods. "Be in my room by eight - I don't think that you've been reprimanded enough..."

Temperance (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now