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The rooms here are far nicer than the apartments that SHIELD house us in. At least that's my opinion. Everything here is so modern and clean that I almost feel out of place.

You are out of place.

My room consists of a double bed, a desk to write at, a chest of drawers and a wardrobe and also an en suite. The sleeping quarters are a level above the Rec room that also has an open plan kitchen as well as a balcony to relax on. There's still a lot more to this place, but a majority of it I probably won't see considering there are probably only certain sections that we'll have access to. The place is powered by something called FRIDAY - a disembodied voice who apparently is pretty helpful in giving directions (I got lost twice already). All rooms are fingerprint access, which means no unwanted visitors, unless you're at clearance level like Hill and Captain Rogers - only then will they be able to override that.

There's a knock at my door a couple of hours after I manage to sort things out - apart from my life - and I open it, seeing a SHIELD employee standing there. "Agent Kennedy, it's time for briefing". She says all official, almost robotic in some ways. "Follow me", and turning on her heel she begins to stride off down the hallway.

I have to almost run to keep up with her as she jog down the steps to the lower level and continues along the glass-lined rooms until we come to one where all the other candidates are assembled around a table. "In there", she points and I walk in, fully aware eyes are on me, judging me - it's just like being back at the academy again. A couple of guys whisper and smirk as I sit myself down, but I don't engage with anyone.

I already know I'm the outcast so they don't really need to tell me.

A few minutes later, Captain Rogers walks in accompanied by another man and stares us down. "When we're all finished?" He notes to the guys who are probably still muttering about me, both of who immediately stop and turn their attention to him - bodies stiffening slightly. "First up. You're all here because your names were put forward, recommended by your mentors. Not because you deserve to be - you need to show my just why your place here is deserved. If you fail? You go home, you succeed? Then you know what lies ahead". He gestures to the man next to him. "This is Sam Wilson, you might know him as Falcon - but here apart from myself? He's going to be your instructor as well as helping me to decide which one of you is deserving of the serum".

I glance to Wilson who is already staring me down with the same expression that the Captain gave me on arrival. "This isn't going to be easy - if you think that it's a test of just how strong you are? Then you can think again". Steve's voice makes me turn back to him. "It takes more than being strong to be a super solider. You'll be put through training, tested to your limits - wake up call is 5am sharp before morning run begins at 5:30. Training will commence at 9am. You'll also be given scenarios to complete, whether it's physical or written. Another way of showing us how you would think if you were on a mission which then took an unexpected turn - and believe me, no mission is ever straight forward". His eyes now find mine and hold my gaze for a moment or two before breaking contact. "You may face a situations where you get hurt, the answer to that is hurt 'em back. You get killed? Walk it off".

Wilson snorts at this, standing there arms folded and feet apart like he's hired muscle or something. Not that Captain Rogers even needs a bodyguard when he could simply snap a neck with one squeeze of his hand around it.

Holy shit...

Pay attention Aless! Stop thinking of him killing you before he actually does! I snap out of the daydreams of Captain America breaking every bone in my body and focus once more.

"Rest of today you can take to explore the campus. Familiarise yourself with the place - you never know when or how you may need to use its facilities. That's all". He finishes and walks out, Wilson following him.

Oh, that's it? I suppose it was only meant to be quick but still - I'd have liked some more information of what the hell to expect. I guess it goes with the name though. Briefing.

"Jesus Christ". One female agent mutters. "He's hot when he's all authoritative like that". Fanning herself with her hand, she then sees me looking at her - her face changing to an unfriendly one. "I'd love to know who the hell recommended you? You look like you could use a decent meal", eyes noting my slim form that barely has any muscle.

"Probably got in through bribing an agent, or sleeping with him". One of the guy's from earlier snorts. "Unless you fucked Cap?"

I wish, and so does he probably.

"What's to say you didn't?" I smirk as I get up, knowing that agitating them more will only set me up to be in the firing line. I may as well just put a target on my back now. Before he can say anything else, I'm already out of the room and striding back to my own. Once I'm in there, I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Everything ok Agent Kennedy?" FRIDAY asks through the air.

I shrug. "In all honesty? I really don't know - hey, could you pull up a map of this place for me please?" I then ask and she does, the map appearing in front of me. I study it - I have a pretty good memory so finding my way around after this will be no problem, even if I did get lost earlier. "Thanks FRIDAY. As sad as it sounds? You're probably going to be my only friend here".

I don't really have as many as it is. Barely, now I think about it more. Just Coulson.

How depressing...

"Is there anything else that I can get for you Agent?" FRIDAY asks helpfully.

I curl up on my bed and get out my phone. "It's ok, I'm good for now". I tell the AI before hitting the 'call' button on Coulson's name. It goes to voice mail and I leave a message instead. "Hey, guess I just wanted to check in. I'm still alive, just. In all honesty I think I'm gonna become the moving target here..." I sigh and continue. "I don't think I can do it Phil, you should've seen the look the Captain gave me earlier. Even he knows I'll fail, in fact he's probably on the phone to Fury right now telling him to withdraw my place from here". I admit defeat, my heart sinking and we've not even started anything yet. "I don't deserve it - not like some of the others. Anyway, call me if you can - training starts tomorrow so I'll try and check in when I can, that's if I last that long".

I hang up and put my phone on the night stand, pulling the covers over me and spending the rest of the day hiding. I'm never gonna fit in anywhere - no matter how hard I try.

Temperance (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now