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Despite my victory with the flag, it still doesn't stop the other candidates from going to town on beating me down during combat training. I'm not even sure that the Captain has even spoken to Sanders, because judging the way he's currently throwing me around, it certainly doesn't seem like it.

"That's enough Sanders!" I then hear him yell, just as I'm thrown down on the mat again. The looming figure of the Captain then looms over me, extending a hand and pulling me to my feet like I'm light as a feather. "Kennedy, bench". He orders.


I get thrown about only to then be benched for the rest of the session. Over the last week I've been coming back to the gym after dinner to practice punching. With every connection to the punch bag, I pretend that it's Sanders face. I still always leave with aching knuckles and stiff hands though. That alone shows just how weak I am. If I feel the pain afterwards then it just shows the strain it's taking on my body.

"Ok - tomorrow we'll begin shield training". The Captain announces to us once the session comes to an end and everyone is cooling down.

Sanders snorts, leaning into another candidate. "Like Twiglet will even be able to throw it, let alone pick it up". I hear him mutter out of earshot of the Captain, but not out of earshot of me.

I just ignore it as out of the corner of my eye, I see him turn and leer at me.

The Captain now produces the shield that is practically a apart of him. There is no Captain America without it otherwise. At least that's what it seems. "This is your weapon and your saviour in one. You use it wisely - not to purposely inflict pain on innocent people..." He distinctly looks to Sanders at this. "that's not what being Captain America is about. This is just part of it and you need to wield it to your advantage." Putting the shield back into the bag he got it out from, he turns back to us. "It's not as easy to throw as it looks. Tomorrow instead of the usual afternoon lesson, we'll be out on the field practising throwing at targets and trying to catch the shield as it comes back to you".

"Has it ever not come back?" Someone asks. I suppose it's a good question after all.

"No". Comes the simple reply. "We're done for the day, see you all in the morning". picking up the bag, he leaves and the other candidates file out - leaving Wilson as the last one.

"Kennedy, the session's over". He says, collecting his water bottle.

I nod. "I know. I wanted to practice a little more with the punch bag".

He shrugs it off, "Suit yourself, but don't overdo it. Tomorrow's going to be even heavier. You're gonna need all the rest you can get".

"And would you tell the others the same thing? Or are you only telling me because you know how weak I am?" I don't mean to sound irritated, but in some ways I am. Ok, I earned some respect from both him and the Captain on retrieving the flag. But that was one thing. A flag isn't going to win me my place in receiving the serum.

Wilson looks a little taken aback, but then smirks. "I would. Every candidate has their weakness. Not just you".

"Even Sanders?" I question. "If being an absolute dick is a weakness".

"It is, and yes - he does. More than you think". He tells me, "don't go too hard on that punch bag", and then heads out to enjoy the rest of his evening.

I mull over his words in my head and then decide it's time to throw a few punches. I soon become so lost in the daydream of me beating the absolute shit out of Sanders that I don't even realise that the Captain is watching me until he clears his throat.

Immediately I stop and look at him. "Captain..."

He comes over and studies my hands, in particular my knuckles that are red. "You're hitting the bag wrong, that's why you're seeing no progress". He states and comes over to me. 

How the fuck does he know I've been training extra?

"Watch". He demonstrates, then showing me slowly how my hand should connect to the bag, before punching it straight off its hook and across the room, the bag landing with a dull thud onto the floor.

I stare at it in shock. "Oh I sooooo wanna do that..." and then look at him. "Although I guess that's because of the serum..."

"Let's face it, in my former state I wouldn't have been able to do it". He smirks and then looks at me. "I know you've been down here every evening until late".

"How? Have we got some kind of tracker on us?"

At this point I wouldn't be surprised.

"FRIDAY tells me everything".

I'm going to fucking kill her, or at least turn her power off if that's possible.

"You've shown you're willing to work hard to get the results you want, but without guidance? You won't get anywhere, which is why I'm going to help train you up".

"Isn't that what you're already doing?"

"On duty? Yes. On my own time? No. But I'm willing to do so if you want the help". He offers.

I stare at him. "Why would you help me? Wouldn't that be seen as favouritism?"

He looks at him seriously. "Not in my view. I'd do the same for the others, but considering they're not as dedicated in taking up extra training, then it's barely favouritism. Alessandra...I'm helping you because I want to. Not because I have to. And if you want to start getting less bruises from Sanders then this is the only way".

"Is this an order? Or can I say no?". I clearly have too much pride to admit that at this point, I'm on the verge of just walking away from it all, even though I've said I'm tough enough to carry on. Today almost brought me to breaking point.

His eyes practically burn into mine. "It's very much an order".

I think my ovaries just exploded...

I stare at my red knuckles, every part of my body aching. I need to take him up on his offer. I don't want to feel this way anymore, then again he said it was an order so I'm going to have to.

"Ok, well I guess I shouldn't argue with that. When do we start?" I ask.

"Right now". 

Temperance (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now