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I don't sleep the night before I'm due to receive the serum. How can I? I'm nervous as hell. The compound has been quiet ever since the remaining candidates left - and aside from the personnel who work there - it's just me.

The rec room is silent as I walk in to get a late night drink - I've always tried to avoid coming here because of Sanders and the others - feeling I wasn't worthy enough to be accepted. But it would seem I proved them wrong before training had even started.

"I hope that's not alcohol you're going for". Steve walks in. He's dressed casually which still always throws me as I'm used to seeing him in his suit or just official t'shirt and joggers. Tonight he's wearing a a dark top and jeans - of course the top looks at least two sizes too small where his biceps are trying to break free .

I shake my head. "Just juice. I know I'm not allowed to drink - Hill briefed me earlier". Pouring some I slide onto one of the stools at the counter and stare into the glass. "Why you up so late?"

"I was about to ask you the same".

"You know why".

He sits across from me and now pours himself a drink. "You don't have to be nervous. You'll be unconscious for pretty much all of it - when I had it? I was awake throughout the whole thing. Technology has come on - especially with Stark. His father helped create me and now he's helping you".

"Did it hurt?" I ask, wanting to know what I'm letting myself in for. Awake or not. 

"When your genetic code is being rewritten and every part of your body is enhanced? Yeah...it does". He sees my face. "Like I said, you'll be out for it. When you come around then you'll feel the difference. It may take you some time to become used to it, but you will".

I frown. "I'm not gonna look ridiculous and mega muscular am I?"

He chuckles. "No. You'll be proportioned just right. If anything, people will look at you and won't think that you possess the strength or abilities that you have".


"Well that's good..." I nod and sip my juice. "Could Stark at least boost me another cup size on my boobs?"

Steve snorts. "Trust me, everything? It'll be enhanced".

Oh boy...

I check my watch. "I should get back to bed, and at least try to get to sleep". I say as he checks his phone. I wonder whether he's been out on a date or something, as he kind of looks dressed for it. Not that I'm jealous - I bet he has women practically sending him underwear in his fan mail amongst other things.

"Me too". He shoves his phone away and gets up, heading to the elevator with me. We just stand there in silence as it takes us up to my floor - the doors opening. "Goodnight Captain..." I say as I go to step out, but instead he pulls me back.

"What did I say before? It's Steve". He stares at me, one arm then slamming against the doors that are about to shut, keeping them open.

Holy moly, how can he make holding an elevator door open look so casually hot? Oh wait...it's him.

"Good night". I say again and then step out, looking back as the elevator doors close between us, and yet I can still feel him staring.


I sit in silence at the end of my bed the next morning, waiting to be summoned down to the lab so we can kick start things. By the end of today I'll be stronger, faster...wiser? Probably not the last, but that would help. I'm glad I'll be out for most of it though, because I'm running on three hours of sleep and just water. No caffeine, nothing. I didn't feel like eating either, even though FRIDAY was telling me otherwise.

Finally, there's a knock on my door and I open it - seeing Steve and Sam there. "You ready?" He first asks while the latter is looking more relaxed than usual. Seems he's rooting for me more than ever now.

"No". I say truthfully.

Sam smirks and then tells Steve that he'll see us down at the lab before leaving. Once he's gone, the Captain turns to me. "Nothing will go wrong, I promise - we've been working on this for ages".

"If I become like your friend Doctor Banner? I will tear you all limb from limb". I threaten lightly - but it's no joke. I don't even know what the formula for the serum is or what they're going to be putting into my body.

He grins. "You won't go green like Bruce. I promise that too". Placing his hand on my back, he leads me out and we make for the lab.

People nod and bid Steve a good morning curtly as we pass, some people just look at me more than they did before. I feel uneasy and keep my head down. The lab itself isn't full of people, but there are enough there - including Nick Fury, Maria Hill and Coulson? "Phil!" I break away and go to him.

"Aless, look at you!" He smiles and gives me a hug, muttering "told you" before pulling away. "You all set?"

I shake my head. "Nervous...I think I need to pee again".

"No peeing in the chamber" Tony Stark suddenly manifests by my side. "you're in good hands".

"So everyone keeps telling me". I say as I shake his hand. "So...where do you want me?"

He leads me to where some of the medical team are. "Just need to check your vitals, make sure you don't die on us half way through..." He jokes but I don't laugh. "I'm joking of course, geez you're just like Rogers with your seriousness".

"Shut up Tony". Steve appears and then takes him to one side to speak privately. Occasionally they both glance my way so I know for a fact it's about me and the serum.

Eventually Stark comes back over and with the all clear from the medical team, it's time to be put under. "Ok Kennedy, I'm gonna be needing you to step inside here, and then we can put you under". He says and I get into a pod like chamber. Once I'm comfortable it begins to move so in the end it's as though I'm lying in bed.

Now it just reminds me of a casket...

Oh well, at least they won't have to pay out for one if this all goes wrong.

I swallow, trying my best to keep my nerves at bay, Stark, Banner and a few nurses now looming over me. "I can't do this..." I tell them and sit up. "I can't..."Steve is suddenly there, Phil too on either side as they tell me that everything will be fine. Once the initial panic has passed, I lie back down again - looking at them both. "Guess I'll see you on the other side".

Steve shakes his head. "A few hours, it's all it is...I'll be here".

I give him a nod and the lid of the chamber closes, encasing me in. Before I can even realise what's happening, I'm slowly falling into peaceful slumber...

Temperance (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin