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Turns out I suck at training even more when I'm tired, than I already do when I'm awake and alert. Being unable to sleep properly as well as the fact that Steve's eyes have only been on me since I arrived on the training field this morning - concentration is lacking, which means Sanders is having the time of his life all but trying to kill me with every opportunity that he gets.

Somehow, I manage to dodge his attacks (I'm getting quicker with them) and aside from bruised ribs by the end of the session, I'm still alive. The same can't be said for another candidate who didn't make it to the end of the assault course that we tackled for the first time today.

Another one that's bitten the dust. If we carry on with a death a day then by the end of next week it'll just be down to the last two (which will probably be me and Sanders if I haven't managed to become his victim - not that Steve will let me considering I know the outcome of this programme already).

After the kiss that happened last night, it's apparent that the dynamic between Steve and I had shifted drastically, although only we can sense it. Sanders is too caught up in speaking ill of the dead once more while some of the others are still finishing the course. I gave up halfway through and had to be dragged out by Wilson after getting tangled underneath the barbed wire. Now I'm stood here looking like a total snack, covered in mud, the two braids in my hair practically falling out.

I can't wait to get into the shower.

"Kennedy, you never finished the course, go again". Steve orders and then turns to the ones who are finished. "Clean up, meet for combat training at the usual time this afternoon - dismissed".

He's so hot when he gets all authoritative like that...

My attention goes to the assault course and I wince. This is punishment for last night, I can tell. Either way I take another whack at it, unable to climb over the massive wall that I'm expected to. Instead I walk round it. "Any walls come up on missions then you won't be able to just walk around the Aless!" Steve says on the other side, arms crossed and shaking his head.

"I made it that far, just be grateful that Sanders didn't choose to kill me today".

This place is fast becoming a death camp, and yet everyone is carrying on like normal - Steve included.

"He's not going to kill you". He states and then moves forward. "Hold still, you've got a little..." He brushes his thumb over my cheek where some mud has splattered onto it. "That's better..."

"Could've been the blood of my enemies..." I shrug and have a mental image of impaling Sanders with Steve's shield. A satisfying but brutal thought.

"Something you'll need to get used to".

I look back towards the compound. "Now the candidates are slowly dying off one by one, it scares me that I'm not shocked by it".

"Because you know the truth. You know how this will end Aless". Steve tells me, "And for what it's worth - by the time that day comes around? You'll be ready".

There's still the lingering doubt in my mind, even if I'm safe in the knowledge that I'm the next Captain. "Will I?".

He doesn't answer this but instead gives me the instructions he gave to the others earlier. Neither of us mention about what happened last night - perhaps it will remain unspoken, but if it does? I may slowly lose my mind. Something like that needs to be talked about between us - because if we're going to work together? I have no idea where we will stand with each other.

Probably against a wall, banging each other's brains out...

It's times like this that I knew I should've just listened to my mom and became a teacher or something - but no, like the chump that I am, I wanted to prove to her that I was strong, just how I've been trying to probe myself to everyone else since signing up for SHIELD.

"Are we, erm...still training tonight?" I ask before I go to leave.

"I have a meeting with Hill, seeing as you've been training every spare moment? Take a night off - there's more to come once you've had the serum anyway so missing a night won't be the end of the world".

I nod. "Right well...see you this afternoon..." and sprint off, even though everything aches, before he can say anything else. He could have the opportunity to catch me up within a few strides, but he doesn't. Instead he watches me like he has done all morning until I'm out of sight - but it seems not out of mind.


I end up going to the gym later that evening anyway, feeling the urge to throw a few punches at the bag and once again pretend its Sanders. If he just happens to survive this place and be sent back as an agent in the field, then I'll be sure to make his life pure hell once I'm all Cap'd up.

One punch.

Two punch.

Three punch...

I sense someone behind me and turn, swinging for them - but as I do, Steve's hand encloses around my fist, stopping it from connecting with his face and holding it firmly there. His eyes staring into mine.

We say nothing as he pushes my hand back down to my side and releases it from his grip. I'm pretty certain he could've crushed my hand if he wanted to. "Getting better..." he notes with some approval to his tone.

"I'm not if it meant you were able to overpower me".

"Even once you've had the serum, I'm pretty sure that I still could".

I can't take my eyes from him...

"You sound pretty certain about that". I say, looking up at him. "Almost as though you're enjoying the thought of being able to do so..."

He stares down at me. "I haven't thought of anything else but that since last night".

I shift slightly, fully aware that our bodies are almost pressed against one another. "Well then, I think I'll be needing more training in that area, preferably right now while I still have the stamina left". I can't help it, it's just pure fire that's raging between us now through flirtatious words and physical contact.

And the fire that's within his eyes is now burning, both of us knowing what is about to happen and yet neither of us are going to stop it. His next words only confirming this.

"Yes. I think you do".

Temperance (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now