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Three Months Later 

To say that SHIELD pretty much threw me to the lions when it came to sending me on missions is an understatement. Fury had uncovered a threat that within the organisations walls, Hydra agents were working in order to bring it down from the inside - so they could rise again. 

That was my first and most hardest mission - and with a couple of hiccups, I made it through almost unscathed. Thanks to the serum I heal pretty quickly now, but the secret weapon Hydra sent? The Winter Solider, almost chewed me up and spat me back out again. But I was stupid enough to let him get away, so now it's down to Phil and the other agents to get intel and hopefully locate where he went. 

I almost sigh with relief as I get out of the car, back at the compound after what feels like a year away, even though it's only been months. I'm tired, in desperate need of a shower and also sexually frustrated. 

I've missed the captain - something I never thought that I would find myself admitting. 

It's been no contact for the months I've been gone, so seeing him? If he's here, will probably cause me to drag him up to the bedroom and ride it all out for the next couple of hours. Perhaps the whole night by the way I'm feeling. 

"Welcome back, Captain". FRIDAY says as I walk in, and almost jump - forgetting she has a tendency to do that. 

"Thanks TGI - where's Captain Rogers?" I ask as I step into the elevator, finger hovering over the buttons. 

"Rec room, the other Avengers are present. They have been waiting for your arrival". 

Great. No sex then. At least not for a while. Steve is probably going to be all official and Avenger-like. I haven't met them yet apart from Sam, but it seems now I will be. Pushing the button for the floor of the rec room, the doors close and I stand there, some of the scenes from the last couple of months that have stuck with me replay in my mind. Back when I was an agent, I only killed one person. These last few months? I've killed more than I would like to in my lifetime - and my career as the next Captain is only just starting. 

I wonder what Steve's kill count is? 

Shaking the thoughts from my mind, the doors open and I step out into the hallway, looking around at what is now called as 'home'. 

I turn right back around again and open the doors to the elevator, stepping in and instead taking it up to the floor my room is located on. If I'm going to meet the others then I need to look a bit more put together than the exhausted mess that looks back at me in the mirror. 

Chucking my bag onto my bed, I head into the bathroom and splash my face with some water to wake me up a little more - a knock on the door now coming. "Captain Rogers is outside". FRIDAY tells me helpfully. 

"Let him in". I say and pat my face dry with a towel, the door now sliding back and Steve's steps walking into the room. He's stood there waiting patiently as I emerge and smiles lightly. "Hey". I say with a small nod. 

"Hey". He says back, not in the usual official way, but with more warmth. "FRIDAY told us you were back, thought I'd come and check if you were ok..." His look says it all - he's a solider. He's been through more battles than anyone should. He knew this would be hard on me. 

I nod and pretty much hug myself, self consciously rubbing my arm. "Yeah...yeah it was a bit heavy some days...but y'know..." I shrug it off. "Gotta do it for SHIELD - Hydra would've taken us down otherwise". 

Steve sits down on the end of the bed and gestures for me to do the same. "Coulson has a team out looking for who you came face to face with. We've been out too..." He trails off momentarily before glancing to me. "It's Bucky, Aless..." 

I nod. "I know..." 

I knew it from the moment I saw him. I recognised his face. Ok, he had a metal arm, some rather uneven eye make up going on and longer hair, but there was no doubt in my mind that this was James Barnes. Steve's best friend who apparently fell to his death in the early months of 1945. 

It seems Hydra got to him. 

"I'm sorry I let him go". 

He shakes his head. "It's fine. It wasn't him - at least the state of mind wasn't". He turns his body to me a little more. "I have a favour to ask, because it's something that I can't do myself". 

I stare ahead at the wall. "You want me to go looking for him don't you? Or at least try to get some leads..." It's obvious. 

"I watched the footage of you two fighting. When you struck him? It was like he remembered who he was for a moment". Steve says. "And if he remembers? Then he's out there somewhere and pretty much a fugitive of SHIELD. If they get a hold of him? He'll be sent to The Raft..." 


I've heard of that place. Not in great detail but it's basically a high security prison for enhanced individuals like me - if they're deemed to dangerous to society or have done worse. 

Hell underwater. 

"And if I do? Then what?" I ask. 

He's silent for a moment before he speaks again. "Let me deal with that. But you're the only person I trust with this Aless. If you can find Bucky? I'll be in your debt". 

I sit there contemplating what it means for me. The consequences. 

It's a risk. 

But this isn't a Captain's order. This is a friend (or whatever we are - I'm really not sure at this point) - asking for aid. And who am I to deny it? After all, Steve would do the same for me. 

"Alright. I'll help you find him". 

He dips his head and covers my mouth with his own- and I sink back into the familiarity we have with one another as he utters a "thank you", both of us sharing a private 'hello' before he takes me down to the rec room to meet the others an hour or so later. 

Temperance (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now