I enter the building behind Lucian, immediately walking into a dimly lit hallway leading towards a door at the end. Obnoxious laughter and chatter can be heard from behind the door, causing Alonzo to hesitate as his hand rests on the handle.

Without warning he flings the door open, his semi automatic spraying bullets at the men sitting around a table in the middle of the room, a small smile tugging at his lips as he slaughters them all.

It's over in seconds, their bloody bodies slumping over as we enter the large warehouse.

"Damn," Lucian states bluntly, staring at the bodies as we walk towards the metal shelves lining the room. 

We've seen plenty dead people throughout our childhood, it's almost inevitable growing up how we did but I've never see someone die until today. I push down my feelings, ignoring the man choking on his own blood as he rives on the floor while I start shoving drugs into a duffle bag.

"Capo," A guy, who's name I can't quite remember calls out. I turn, seeing him staring down at the floor in the corner of the room.

I approach him, everyone else being too distracted with loading the drugs into the van. My eyes widen at the sight in front of me, his huge frame having hid the girl passed out in the corner.

"What the fuck," I mumble, staring down at the handcuffed girl slumped against the wall, her face tear stricken and distressed even in her unconscious state.

Alonzo approaches us, wondering what the commotion is about. He halts next to me, his eyes trained on the girl as he pulls his gun out once again.

"Wait," I rush out as he aims it at her head. He looks at me, slight confusion evident across his features as he waits for me to continue.

"We shouldn't kill her," I decide. "She obviously isn't here willingly," I scoff, motioning towards the handcuffs.

He doesn't look too convinced, his finger still resting on the trigger. Although I really have no reason to, I feel the need to argue on this girl's behalf, feeling as though it isn't right to just kill someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"She could be useful to us," I implore, causing Alonzo to snort in disbelief. "Seriously think about it, she's been around these men for god knows how long so she could offer us valuable information about their drug trade or their other warehouses," I explain.

Alonzo stays silent, something he often does but I can tell he's considering it. I don't wait for him to decide, knowing that ultimately dad did put me and Lucian in charge so it isn't even really his decision.

I scan the room for a key as he returns to helping the others load the drugs. They're almost done by the time I find it, the key simply resting on top of the table in the centre of the room, which I was unable to see because the silver key blended seamlessly with the metal table.

I approach the girl, looking over her for a moment. I can't help but feel a twinge of curiosity as I stare at her, wondering how she ended up here.

Her lips are smooth and pouted, her curly hair resembling a cascade of waves, tumbling down her shoulders. Surely this girl could do modelling or something instead of getting involved with a business like this.

"Shit," I mumble as I uncuff her, quickly pulling her red, painful looking wrist away from the scolding pipe it was attached to.

The sound of the van honking from outside leaks through the open door, letting me know which ever inpatient person in the drivers seat wants me to hurry up.

I pick up the girl, my hands resting on top of her large pastel pink hoodie and her baggy jeans. Her limp arms dangle at her sides as I carry her, an easy task considering she practically weighs nothing.

"Who is that?" Lucian asks as he leans against the van, his eyebrow raised. I shrug, walking past him and positioning her in the passenger seat whilst the rest of the men climb into the back.

Her head falls against the tinted window, propping her upright as she continues to sleep. "Wait where are we taking her?" Lucian questions, still utterly confused as we climb into the van.


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