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Izuku's POV:

Soon after the guard slept, a few more knight's came to my cell and forced me out and down the hallway. I tried my best not to hiss in either pain or discomfort as one of the knights pressed the end on their sword into my back to push me.

They forced me up some stairs and into some sort of office. I was pushed down into a chair infront of a desk and the guards left, giving me a chance to get up and look around the office.

It was lavish in design. The bookshelves were painted white with golden adornments. They were filled with books, maps and other miscellaneous objects such as a cracked hourglass that had a severely chipped frame. The desk was neatly upkept with a simple green mat in the centre. There was a stray jar of ink to the corner of the desk with a quill layed neatly at its side. I traced my finger along the desks edge as I walked by.

The door suddenly opened, making me jump and lurch away from the desk as if on instinct. The king - or my father as I had recently found - walked into the room, allowing me a better look at him.

He had a large, metal mask - one similiar to a knight's except it was far more regal with gemstone adornments - which covered all of his head. A large golden crown perched atop the mask, however it seemingly blended into the background. He also had a large, red cloak draped over his right shoulder. The cloak was attached via some eppulets, its sheer size almost masking his entire outfit; a silk white, frilly shirt with a purple waist coat, a belt wrapped around his wast with a large sword, pure black trousers and some rather robust boots.

I watched him close the door behind himself, shutting out his guards. My skin began to crawl as he turned around to face me and I subconsciously stepped back until my back was touching a tall but skinny window. The man just chuckled at my actions.

"You may be a stick, Izuku, but you certainly won't fit through there." He seemingly joked, indicating to the seat I had been forced into a few minutes prior. I gulped, biting my lip to ensure I didn't subconsciously scream or yelp, and gingerly walked towards the chair and sat down. My supposed father just watched before taking his own respective seat across the desk.

We stayed silent for awhile. He picked up the quill and dipped it in the ink I had spotted earlier. I had seemingly failed to notice the paper earlier however - he certainly hadn't brought it in with him.

As I watched, the panic began to suddenly settle in. It started off small at first, just forcing me to fiddle with sleeves and bounce my leg. It slowly began ro grow however; my breaths became deeper and ragged and I felt myself begin to shake as the nervousness welled up into a seemingly inescapable feeling of sickness and dread. I must have began mumbling as the king soon stopped what he was doing and looked up at me.

He laughed, tilting his head to the side as he examined me. "Oh, you look just like your mother." He grumbled, seemingly annoyed. "Nevertheless, no harm will ever come to you so long as you do as I ask." I could practically feel the pride and smugness in his tone. "You are a valuable asset to me." He declared, standing up and putting away  a few things. I stayed sat down, watching his every move with caution as I slowly placed my hands on the arms of the chair - ensuring I could quickly pull myself up and run in case of anything.

"To think I almost considered you a threat when I first learned of your existence." He giggled, turning to me. "But the master controls his puppets, doesn't he?" He asked me. I didn't reply, instead just glaring at him as he walked back to the desk, he didn't sit down however.

"Soon you will wear this mask. Soon, you will wear this cape." The king suddenly spoke after a moment of silence. He laughed - almost manically in tone - and ripped away his cloak. I cringed and looked away, my nervousness replaced with disguist. Beneath the cloak, was his arm. It wasn't a normal arm however; it was large - almost as large as his full body - and veiny. Large rocks poked out from the shoulder and the skin seemed to be peeling in certain areas, revealing the pink tissue beneath.

Soon after, the ripped off his mask, bending the flimsy metal. I stared in both horror and disguist at the sight. His face was scarred - mangled even. It was blank of all features- save his mouth and one singular red eye partially visible, tucked beneath what appeared to be melted skin. Scars littered his face and quite a lot of his tissue, that should have remained unseen beneath his skin, was on display, making me wince and retract my head into my chair, shivering in disguist.

"No kingdom wants a puny omega for a king." He declared, drawing closer to my chair. I shivered, looking over his face once again. "When your selfish mother left me to rule this horrid, wretched kingdom, I was almost overthrown." He drew his face closer, allowing me to see his innards working as he spoke. "I had to change. I had to reform this kingdom. I had to rule this kingdom." He began to laugh. All of could do was shiver and cringe at the visible, moving, pink muscle unveiled on his face to evade the brewing fear in my stomach.

He drew his face closer, my head unable to move back any further due to the back of the chair I was sat in. "And you will change too."

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