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Izuku's POV:

I slouched in my chair, hoping the spruce wood would swallow me whole and allow me to flee from this situation. I didn't really talk and when I did, he would stare at me. My crimson blood would run cold as he stared, his eyelids would close slightly to shoot me a glare. Everytime he moved I was on edge, his eyes remained on me the entirety of the dinner as if I would abruptly get up and hold a sword to his throat. It wasn't a bad idea at this point in time but I cant afford to go to jail for attempted murder or, what I wished I could do, murder.

As if he sensed my thoughts, he cleared his throat. I averted my gaze from my plate to the man, his sharp features poised with anger. "I shall return to my chambers." The man stated before, rather violently, placing his hand on the table as he stood up. I flinched at his action. He must have noticed as he smirked at me before blowing on my head slightly making me jump again, to his amusement, before he stormed off. "I apologise on behalf of my brother Izuku." Eijiro apologised "He never really liked the mate idea, he didn't like the thought of being locked down to one person and souly one person." "It's okay. I don't like the concept either but we will atleast have to get along." I smiled politely "Oh but Izuku, you are royalty. How could you not love that?" The queen asked "I prefer a simple lifestyle." I replied.

She then muttered something under her breath. I didn't exactly hear it but it was something about royalty and how "she could go rot in hell for depriving him of his destiny". My mind wondered who she was talking about. Who was 'her' and who was 'him'. She must have noticed my gaze as she cleared her throat. "I see you are done Izuku?" She smiled. I nodded gingerly. "Well I suppose you are tired, feel free to go to your chambers." I nodded before hurrying to my room.

I had only spent a day there and yet I was already sick of it. The castle was filled with snobby remarks and outrageous comments the queen mutters aswell as the empty, almost forced laughs that reply. The king often just stands there silenced by the aura of his so-called soulmate. I pitied the man. He was said to be brave in his youth and now was an emotionless shell of a man who lifelessly follows his abusive mate around. I felt sick to my stomach at the thought. I knew I had the same fate. His nervous, on edge attitude would soon be a trait of mine. I would meet conflicts with silence, just like him. And why? Because I would be forced to endure a life-long commitment to a power-tripped Prince and his deluded mother.

My stomach churned as I thought of this. I loved my old life. The smile of my mother, the greetings of my friends and other townsfolk which I returned. The smile on my father's face as I walked into the bakery and the conversations we would have as I helped him with all the products he had bought from my mother. Tears filled my eyes as I tossed and turned in my bed. My thoughts had overcame me and had distracted me whilst I subconsciously threw on the silk garments given to me. The comfort provided by the cloth wasn't the comfort I longed for. My mind would constantly relapse to her face. Her green eyes and hair, her freckles and the toothy grin she gave me, even when I was upset.

The room slowly filled with my sobs as I slowly drifted into the abyss of nothingness. It was so similar to what I had left, nothing. Just an empty shell, a void almost, of what used to be tears of laughter. Now were tears of distress. I couldn't stay here. It's only around four days until I'm free. I can start a new life, maybe even meet new friends. For now, I just endure the empty ords of the shells of humans lurking behind the towering, white walls.


717 wordsss. Sorry its short I have so much I want to implement but I'm trying not to spoil so much (I already have but I'm still trying).

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