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Katsuki could only watch and ponder what was going on in his mother's wicked mind. She was merely pacing around the table and smirking to herself, but Katsuki knew that wasn't good; nothing that gave her joy was good.

After awhile, she turned to Katsuki. Her smirk was more visible now, she was practically smirking ear-to-ear. "I always wanted grandchildren, you know." She told her son. Katsuki nodded, rolling his eyes. "Well, I guess I won't have any blood related ones." Katsuki looked at her in confusion.

He secretly hoped the woman was implying she understood Katsuki not wanting kids, the throne or even a mate for that matter. But he also knew that would never be the case. She only cared about her self and what she wanted, never about what anyone else wanted. She had forced thousands into poverty because she refused to boost the economy and instead spent her budget on lavish decorations for the castle. It made him fear for Izuku.

"To become a ruler, Katsuki." She paused, giving him a glare - a glare as though he had no idea what being a ruler entailed - before continuing. "People have to change." She paused once more, knowing she was amping up Katsuki's anxiety more and more as she did so. "People don't want a puny omega on the throne. They don't want a luna on the throne either. They want a strong alpha who can intimidate everyone, much like Izuku's dear father." She smirked. Katsuki stood up from his chair.

"You can't alter someone's secondary gender!" He argued, slowly becomming enraged. It sounded like a painful process, something Katsuki didn't want for Izuku. He didn't want him to under-go a painful, life altering process he didn't even want for himself. He seemed happy as an omega, despite how looked down upon he was. He was always happy the way he was - even with Katsuki's constant trepidation.

The woman chuckled "Oh, katsuki... if we can alter mates, we can alter secondary genders." She smirked. "You and that... thing were never mates - I don't understand how you don't remember honestly." Katsuki's heart dropped. What was she talking about? "We gave you a little... bottle let's say. You sprayed it on that unworthy omega and everything has gone from there." She chuckled "I must say, you were such an obedient child. I can't help but wonder what went wrong." Katsuki stared at the woman in shock. Izuku wasn't his mate? It was possible to change mates?  How could anyone have that much power to do so? 

He had to get Izuku and his mother to safety.

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