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Izuku's POV:

I looked up at the alpha in shock. Every nerve in my body told me to run. I obliged to my nerves, obviously because who would want to marry such a horrible person, and ran for it. Adrenalin was pumping through my veins as I pushed passed a guard and ran through the doors. The guarding was very poor to be honest but, to be fair, who would expect the mate of someone with royal blood to run away?

I pushed through rows of people earning gasps and shouts from impatient, drained omegas. I continued to run not knowing how far away from me the guards were. Ieventually made it to the gates. They were locked.

I looked around panicked only now seeing how far the, very clearly unfit, guards were away from me. The walls were very tall and the gate was shut tight. The wall was too tall to climb and I didn't have keys for the gate. I was done for.

Frantically, I looked around trying to dodge the approaching guards. It was just a concrete, large garden with white, immaculate walls caging it in. I was trapped like an animal. There was no escape and so I had to give in.

I was roughly tackled by a guard who then proceeded to grab my ear and yank me up. "Sorry, mate." He giggled "but you wouldn't stop running." I was then pulled back into the throne room.

Three people now stood in the room. A blonde, short-haired woman who I assumed was the queen aswell as a brown, short-haired man who i assumed was the king aswell as the vicious, inhumane alpha from earlier. "Hm- he seems small for an adult omega." The woman remarked as I was forced into my knees with my arms behind my back "that's no way to treat the future barer of my sons pups!" She shouted making me jump "sorry your highness." A guard sighed as he helped me up. "So, what is your name?" The man asked "Izuku. Izuku Midoriya." I mumbled as I tried avoiding eye contact "Midoriya? I knew your mother growing up. Thought I recognised you." She smiled "your mother is such a pleasant person." The man spoke again "I'm sure my mother is worried about me and I would like to go home, please." I stated

The room erupted into laughter "dear, you're mother knows about the omega trials we sent out a letter to every parent or carer of a mateless omega." She smiled "now, Izuku, we must prepare you for you're wedding to my darling Katsuki. We have decided to arrange it a month from now." "Uhm... I'm not exactly ready for marriage you're highness..." I reasoned "nonsense, you have found your mate and so, like royal tradition, you must marry and create heirs. I looked over to Katsuki. He had stayed silent and had kept his eyes on me the whole time. I looked back to the King and Queen. "Your highness-" "please call me mother, I will be your mother-in-law soon afterall." She cut me off "Well... I'm only nineteen and I don't want to marry so young... or even have kids so young as a matter of fact." I nervously chuckled

"Mother please- it's his life-" Katsuki was then slapped around the face "quiet! Who's said you could talk?!" I looked over to the poor boy, he scowled and looked down. His eyes clearly filling with rage. "This is why Kirishima is taking the throne if you fail to have an heir. His mate is a lovely boy and they both know when to speak." "Uhm- Mistuki, darling..." the meek voice of the man echoed "Don't be so hard on Katsuki..." "Quiet. Now Izuku. You are now officially royalty and so once you have married Katsuki I expect you to he expecting pups within a year of marriage. No later. You are soon to be a Bakugou and will take on the traditions of a Bakugou."

I nodded lightly looking away. "I understand your majesty." "Good." She sighed "Shoto!" She called and a familiar face walked forward. "Take Izuku here to his Chambers." "Yes your majesty." He replied with a bow before leading me down a hallway and up multiple stairs.

"This is your chambers Mr. Midoriya." He stated "thank you... Shoto?" I tilted my head "just call me Todoroki." "Okay." I smiled "could you tell me why these people are so strict?" I asked looking Todoroki in the eye.

He met the question with a sigh. "My father was a guard and so I grew up with Katsuki. His parents were.... not exactly the nicest..."

FlAsHbAcK tOtAlLy NoT iNsPiReD bY BeanyTheIdiot

Nobody's POV:

Three boys and a small girl ran across the courtyard, two with wooden-swords in hand awaiting the battle they had planned for days. Walking into this battle they were just 6 year old boys yet upon walking out they would be men - or so they thought.

The two raised their wooden swords into the air. "Ready to lose Shoto?" The blonde smirked manically "Katsuki. I will beat you so hard your soulmate mark will drop off!" The taller boy laughed, ignoring the clear unrealistic statement. "3....2....1...." a smaller, red-head counted in "BEGIN!" A female blonde rang a bell to count them in.

"Who's your bet Eijiro?" The blonde whispered to her adoptive brother "probably.... Katsuki! He's so strong and manly!" The girl burst into a fit of laughter "more like manky. Shoto will win! He has the brains of the smartest man in the world!" "Himiko! Be serious. Our brother, even though we are adopted, is the best fighter in the world!" The red grinned

The sword battle was intense, for 5-6 year olds. Wooden swords clashed and were dropped several times, out of clumsiness. Neither had struck the other yet and tensions were building.

"KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" A voice screamed "YOU SHOULD BE WITH YOUR TUTOR." The four children dropped what they were holding and looked to the enraged Mitsuki Bakugou infront of them. "S-sorry mother. Me and Shoto just-" the boy was cut off with a hard, painful slap across the face " I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU AND SHOTO WERE DOING! GET INSIDE RIGHT NOW YOU UNGREATFUL, SICK CHILD!" The small boy burst into tears as he ran inside, leaving the others staring gobsmacked at the woman they should trust their lives with. "Oh, Eijiro, Himiko! We're going shopping make yourselves look presentable." She smiled at her two adoptive children before walking off to scream at her only birth child for insubordination, like every day.

It became clear to the young Shoto Todoroki, what happened in the castle, was nothing like how the royals were described or how they acted outside of the confines of the white, towering walls.

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