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Izuku's POV:

I was infront of the castle now, the man had shown no remorse as he threw me onto my hands and knees from the carriage and stepped on my fingers, not even apologising, as he got out. (Todoroki stans about to murder me)

I was then dragged up from the ground and thrown into a line with other omegas. There was so many of them. Some with marks, like me, some with a yellow or red eye and even some, from what I could tell, who had very strong scents. They weren't very appealing to me to be honest, but it means I'm not their mate.

"Attention omegas." A voice called "I'm sure you are confused, upset and maybe angry and so we will explain what will happen. Queen Mitsuki and King Masaru Bakugou have ordered for all omegas, whom have similar markings to their children, to be taken to the palace to find the mate of the Bakugou children."

Murmers erupted from the lines, some omegas looked outraged and some looked scared. A wide smile was drawn to my attention. It was Uraraka-San's. Our eyes met and, for some reason, she smiled cheerfully and waved. I waved a shaky hand back, my heart racing.

What did my mother think happened? She is probably worried sick unless the news has spread. Omegas were being sent in. I had worked out the process now.
-They ask for your soulmate sign
-They filter you
-They then send you back or send you into the kingdom with an escort to the corresponding prince/princess who have the same sign.

The lines were slowly getting shorter, over-joyed or sad omegas would walk out and were escorted by guards to, what I assumed, was a carriage to take them home.

An omega was being dragged out, the shear roar of them was enough to silence all the murmers of "who will be mated to the three?". They had messy, long, brown hair and glossy, bright pink eyes. They were very muscular which was unlike an omega but I mentally cheered them on nonetheless. Afterall, fighters are the best thing to hope for right now.

As the hours dragged by, I would imagine someone, anyone to come by and save us all from this. There is a very low chance I am one of the alpha's kids  mates but alas, there's still that chance.

The lines were slowly getting smaller and morning was approaching. We had been here all night? My tiredness did not help with the inevitable fate I was practically walking into. I can't escape the roars of laughter that the alpha's will erupt into when they see me. I'm a puny, weak omega.

I am 19 and yet people believe I am 16 upon meeting them. My wide, child-like eyes do not help either aswell as my freckles that have still not faded. I have gotten a few funny looks in the line. Most of them most likely thinking 'why is a child here?' Or even 'are they so corrupt they are forcing teenagers into this?'

It was eventually my turn. A sad omega walked down the stairs and I was ushered forwards.

"Name?" The voice boomed
"Izuku Midoriya." I grumbled half asleep
"Marking?" He demanded
"Uhm soulmate mark." I stated as I showed him my mark
"Hm. Katsuki Bakugou I see." He grumbled "good luck, kid." He laughed and pushed me into another line where I again, awaited my demise.

The time eventually came for the second time and I was forced into a grand room. The walls were lavishly decorated with paintings and scrolls and the clay had many figures and monsters carved into it. The floor was immaculate, practically shining. A groan caught my attention.

"What is this piece of sh't and why is it here?" A voice boomed
"This is Izuku Midoriya sir. He is an omega." A servant politely, and sheepishly replied.
"Get it the f'ck out." He demanded
"You act like I want to be here." I muttered at I rolled my eyes
"What was that you little sh't?" A voice shouted as footsteps approached me.
"You heard me." I spat, my confidence leaving me within a second of seeing his face completely. Oh god I'm done for.

The tall male, who I assumed was 'Katsuki Bakugou', suddenly grabbed my neck, lifting me up just enough so I felt the slow suffocation. I grabbed his hand in an attempt to free myself to no avail.

"Listen up you f'cking runt of an omega, I am an ALPHA do not look down on me." He spat, some of his saliva ending up on my face.

He suddenly let go allowing me to drop to the floor as I clutched my throat, gasping for air. The room suddenly went silent, only my coughs echoed throughout the room.

"What the f'ck..." I heard the ashe blonde mutter "wasn't there a red mark on your neck?" I looked up, eyes widening. "WHAT THE F'CK THE GREEN MARKINGS ON MY HAND-" He silenced himself and look towards me.

It was clear. Very clear. I was unfortunately, his mate.

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