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HAZEL- Uh, why this GC is so dead?!

RONIN- Lmao, people are busy now.

HAZEL- I will crash the servers fr (-_-)


HAZEL- Since Pochita broke their friendship with sisters, GC was never normal since then. And then these add-ons, like Harris, Kaju, and other freaks, came to destroy GC.

RONIN- Bro, I don't expect this GC to last long.

HAZEL- I know that, but we can try.

RONIN- Sure do it.

HAZEL- Uh, I need fresh air. I am feeling sick being inside the house.

RONIN- Well, let's grab cold coffee then.

HAZEL- Good idea.

RONIN- Let's go then.

We both went to grab a glass of cold coffee. I mean, Ronin can't drink because he's not having a physical existence. I really feel bad whenever I eat or drink something in front of him. When we were returning, we saw Yoruichi on our way.

RONIN- Is she Yoru?

HAZEL- Yea, it's been a while since I met her. (waves at Yoruichi) Yoru!!

YORUICHI- Oh, Hi Hazel. How are you?

HAZEL- I am good, you okay?

YORUICHI- Honestly, no.


YORUICHI- You see, after whatever I saw in the GC, I can't forgive some people. 

HAZEL- Oh...

YORUICHI- Like how dare they tried to insult my friend. Harris is our best friend, and how would someone will feel if their best friend is getting bullied or something?

HAZEL- Hmm, I can understand.

YORUICHI- I am so done with everyone. Pochita might have forgiven them, but I will never. 

HAZEL- Well, that's your wish. And sorry, if I did something...

YORUICHI- No no, it's alright. You did nothing. And I told you earlier, don't take too much blame on yourself, it will ruin you.

HAZEL- You know my nature...

YORUICHI- Don't worry, you will get well soon.

HAZEL- Hmm, going somewhere?

YORUICHI- I am leaving Brookhaven and everyone forever.

HAZEL- What? Fr?

YORUICHI- Hmm, I can't live with such people who don't give a f**k about someone else's feelings. They were definitely not good people. I hope Pochita will realize that soon.

HAZEL- Umm, I won't say anything, because I am always on the neutral side...

YORUICHI- Hmm, I know that. Well, I gotta go, my flight's gonna leave in an hour. Bye...

HAZEL- Bye sis...

Even though, I know, it was our last goodbye, I still won't forget that she saved me once mentally when Pochita was in hospital. I hope she will be happy in the future.

RONIN- Hazel, we know Harris ruined our GC, but maybe their intentions weren't like this...

HAZEL- Hmm, you're right. If I was there, maybe we could save the GC. 

RONIN- Hmm, now forget that GC is still unstable, we need to find a way to stabilize the members.

HAZEL- Hmm, let's head home then.

We both walked towards our home. Around evening, when I woke up from my nap, I went to check the GC. And another problem came, Zep and some other guys left the GC.

HAZEL- C'mon-

RONIN- What happened?

HAZEL- Zep, Rose, Aahana, and Gauri left the GC. Now Jennu left too.

RONIN- Why all of a sudden? Lemme check the chat history. (after 5 mins) F**k, they fought.


RONIN- Look.

HAZEL- (looks at the chat history) 


HAZEL- Bruh, why they fought? Looking at history isn't telling me everything.

RONIN- Why don't you call Zep and ask her?

HAZEL- Hmmm, lemme call her.

*phone rings*
*phone gets accepted*

ZEP- Hello?

HAZEL- Yo? What happened in the GC? Why do you guys leave?

ZEP- Didi, see. Naruto and Aahana argued on a certain topic, so I tried to defend Aahana because she was not wrong. But everyone was blaming us, so we left that GC. And others too. It's a request, please don't add us again there.

(Didi: It is a way to address someone as your big sister. You can see the irony here because they found my name girlish T-T)

HAZEL- (slams on the table) Uh, why do such things happen in my absence?

ZEP- It's fine, didi. We were about to leave the GC somehow. Because since Pochita broke our friendship with us, it was getting uncomfortable to be there.

HAZEL- Oh...

ZEP- But it's okay, we have made our separate GC. So, we all talk there. Hold on, lemme add you too.

HAZEL- Ummm, if you don't mind, can you add Sara too?

ZEP- Sure.

HAZEL- Alright then, take care...

ZEP- You too, didi. See ya.

*call ends*

HAZEL- Ronin, you were right, this GC won't last longer.

RONIN- Hmm, our overthinking predictions are coming true.

HAZEL- So that means, that one will come true also...

RONIN- Oh no, that would be heartbreaking.

HAZEL- Ronin, why the hell I am unable to get used to it...

RONIN- You will, but it will take time...

HAZEL- I feel like, I am gonna lose everyone...

RONIN- Is that what you're overthinking?

HAZEL- Yea...

RONIN- Then there will be a possibility for that...

HAZEL- C'mon, am I too bad for everyone, that I will lose friends?

RONIN- Bro... A human is not good or bad, his work makes him good or bad. And what you are doing for this GC is priceless, so I think, you are a good guy.

HAZEL- I don't feel like that...

RONIN- See, we can't tell about the future, all we can do is wait, because we can only predict the future, and can't take its surety.

HAZEL- Hmm...

RONIN- Well, enough overthinking for today, we'll see tomorrow what to do.

HAZEL- Hmm, good night buddy.

RONIN- Good night :D

I can't stop overthinking at this moment. I am definitely getting a bad vibe that something in the future will happen badly for sure. But, all I can do is trust my homies and have better feedback from them. Those who left, I can't add them back, but at least, I can save those who are still in the GC. Please, I hope for something good...

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