Corking a questioning brow at the boy, Jungkook asks him "are you sure?"

Letting out a rather strained chuckle with a nod, Seokjin says "of course I am"

And with that, Jungkook headed straight for the front door, taking one final look at the boy before exiting the house and shutting the huge doors behind him.

Getting into the vehicle as quickly as he could, he kicked start the engine, occasionally glancing at the digital display clock in front of him to remind himself of how much time he had left to get to town. Strapping himself in, he grips unto the steering wheel about to pull out of the driveway but abruptly stops on his tracks. He couldn't do it, he just couldn't, atleast not with that look of disappointment plastered all over Seokjin's face as he shut the door behind him.

Groaning out in utter despair, he sinks further into the leather seat with his eyes screwed shut. "goddamnit Jungkook, he's got you wrapped around his pinky" he whispers in defeat, ditching the seatbelt and getting out of the vehicle just as quickly as he had gotten in.

As faith would have it, while Jungkook struggled with the knob in order to get the door open, the said door somehow falls open on its on as Seokjin had been standing behind it the whole time trying to get it open as well.

Before a confused Jungkook could utter any word, Seokjin did instead thereby leaving him no option but to pay attention.

"I know I'm supposed to take each day as it comes, I also know that I shouldn't do things that are way out of my comfort zone, and I know you think that you're pressuring me into taking this decision, but you're really not. This is me Jungkook, this is what I want for me, if I don't know anything at all, atleast i know that I don't deserve to be cooped up in here all my life, I mean you said that yourself right? Now I'm deciding to face whatever fears i have left, and I know that it seems rash and sudden and maybe stupid, but it's because I really want this. So, can you please just stop treating me like a kid and let me go with you"

Seokjin was a crying mess at this point, his entire face flushed pink and his nose as red as that of a party clown.

Feeling a pang of guilt hammer at his conscience, Jungkook took a long look at Seokjin while taking off his plaid design jacket. "You're right, and I'm terribly sorry for trying to convince you otherwise" he says, before draping the piece of clothing over his body and taking hold of his hand. "c'mon Let's go"

The drive to town was rather a tranquil one for both of them, but most especially for Seokjin. It was so evident in the way he gently stuck his head out the window to feel the whooshing wind on his face and in his hair. Goodness! he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen the outside world so up close nor what it even felt like to be out in the open.

While stealing glances of admiration at him, Jungkook couldn't help but feel sorry for him as well. It was so sickening to think about how vile half of his life had been unwillingly snatched away from him without remorse.

Slowing down in speed, Jungkook turned towards a curve where the beach slapped against the shores as they drove by.

"Woah!" Seokjin exclaims like an overly excited toddler, his eyes growing round in awe and amazement at the clear blue waters and the clucks of goose waddling about.

An adoring chuckle escapes Jungkook's lips as he smiled over at him again, "have you ever been to the beach?" He asked, not oblivious to one of the brightest smiles he's ever seen Seokjin wear.

Turning in Jungkook's direction, a single tear trickles down Seokjin's cheek as he nodded without words. Although he was soon quick to make use of words after taking notice of the absolute terror in his caregivers eyes "I just can't believe I'm really outside that's all, everything feels so new and overwhelming all together and these__" he pauses, pointing to his face "are tears of joy really, you don't have to worry"

THE DEVIL WORKS HARD (Kookjin)Where stories live. Discover now