Start from the beginning

RONIN- H-Hazel...

???????- I think I reached it now. (rings the doorbell) 

RONIN- (faints)

HAZEL- Phew, I reached. Finally! (takes a deep breath) Ok, Hazel, you can do this. Just one jump and you will get rid of this painful trauma.

???????- Hmm, I think he's in deep sleep. Wait, the door is open? How careless lmao. I think I should enter or he might get robbed. (enters the house and turns on the light) Uh, oh god, Ronin!!!

HAZEL- Alright, 3, 2, 1 and... 

Uh, what the heck? I felt something strange over my body. It was like, someone was hugging me. But how? I thought it might be due to cold winds, but that weird sensation wasn't going. How am I getting this?

???????- Ronin, wake up. Please. What happened to you? And for how long you are like this?

RONIN- Uh...

HAZEL- (in mind to Ronin) Ronin, what's going on? Answer me. Ronin!

RONIN- Uh... S-Sam?

HAZEL- Sam? What she's doing here? And wait, Sam can't see Ronin. Oh wait, is she the other Sam? Srishti!!!! I need to rush home as soon as possible (takes the drone)

SRISHTI- Ronin, wake up!! What happened to you?

RONIN- Uh, I am fine. I am just feeling weak...

SRISHTI- Oh god,  you are really not taking care of yourself.

RONIN- Hehe...

HAZEL- (enters the house) Srishti!!

SRISHTI- Uh, wait what? 2-2 Ronins? Bro, you never told me you got a twin brother.

RONIN- Uh...

HAZEL- Sis... You can see him...

SRISHTI- Of course.

HAZEL- And you can touch him too...

SRISHTI- Umm, yea. Mind telling me what's going on?

RONIN- Srishti, I am dead...


HAZEL- See, I will explain everything to you. But first, let us take him to his room.


We both took Ronin on our shoulders and took him to his room. He laid on the bed and we both sat beside him. And then, we both started to explain whatever happened to us in the past months.


HAZEL- Hmm, I am the real. And he's just my past avatar who came back.


SRISHTI- I zoned out for a period of time and all this happened? I feel bad for you, I wish I was there for you...

RONIN- It's fine, that's what fate wanted from us. 

HAZEL- We thought that you left us because we acted mad on Crystal. After all, you are her best friend.

SRISHTI- Oh dear, I am her best friend, but that doesn't mean I will forget you. After all, you both love each other but destiny didn't agreed to it.

RONIN- Hmm, but it's okay, we found some new people. We hope we would be able to move on soon.

SRISHTI- I hope so too.

HAZEL- By the way, how's she? 

SRISHTI- Not good, she's not feeling good to be honest. She came back to school.

RONIN- Uh, but she was about to leave the school, right?

SRISHTI- Yea, but she didn't tell me any good reason for coming back. And you know her family problems...

HAZEL- (keeps finger on her lips) Better we don't talk about this...

RONIN- Hmm...


HAZEL- I would never be able to visit that school again. That place haunts me now.

SRISHTI- Hmm, that's why you left that place. I heard that you went non-attending and shifted somewhere else. And after asking with others for months, Justin told me that you shifted to Brookhaven.

HAZEL- Oh, yea...

RONIN- So, that's how you got our location.


HAZEL- Ronin, I am confused...

RONIN- What..?

HAZEL- If you are just a trick being played by my mind, how Srishti is able to see you then?

RONIN- Bro... Even I don't have the answer...


HAZEL- It means, you are real. You are not a delusion, you really got recreated!!!

RONIN- Damn cool.

HAZEL- But without physical existence.

RONIN- Sad, but it's okay.

HAZEL- Hmm. So, what are your plans here?

SRISHTI- Well, I will be here for a few days. Then I will go back to Starcadia Bay because I can't leave her in this state.

HAZEL- I can understand. 

SRISHTI- And promise me one thing. Don't try to suicide again. This won't help you in any case.

RONIN- I told this idiot the same thing, still never listens to me (-_-)

HAZEL- Fine, I won't. I will die by trauma.

RONIN- Bruh-

SRISHTI- I think he's not feeling well. I hope you will recover soon.

HAZEL- I am just waiting, but my patience is ending.

RONIN- Don't worry, we will move on for sure.

SRISHTI- Hmm. I want to talk more, but I am feeling sleepy...

RONIN- It's okay, let's talk tomorrow. Hazel, let her sleep in your room. You can sleep here with me.

HAZEL- Hmm, come, lemme show you the room.


That was unexpected that after several months, I met one of my OG12 friends. She's a pure soul, I hope our friendship won't end up.



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