Always and forever

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It was the first day of pre-season testing in Bahrain and there was an excited buzz in the air. This was the first day that all of the teams would be able to see if their hard work over the winter break had paid off. Thankfully, the weather was nice today with only a small chance if rain, meaning the teams would be able to see the true performance of the cars in normal conditions. I had brought my camera with me, as I had been asked to get some on track action over the next few days which would then be shared on social media to get all of the fans ready for the season. 

As I was sat in Charles' driver room testing out some of the camera settings, he walked in with his fireproofs on show and his suit hung low around his hips. "Hello mon amour. How are you doing?" he asked me, placing a light kiss on my forehead. "I'm just playing around with my camera and then I will head out on track to get some photos of these new cars." I replied in an excited tone. "I'm loving this new suit by the way, although I'm not too sure on the fireproofs." I told him sincerely. "You don't like them?" he asked, slightly confused. "I'm not sure... it's kinda giving ketchup, mayo and mustard." I laughed. "Oh I see, so I'm just an assortment of sauces to you? Damn ok, I thought I was going to look hot but never mind." he laughed. "My love, you always look hot but I suppose it's only what's underneath that really matters." I replied with a playful smirk. "Oooh ok, someone's in that kinda mood." he said, taking a seat next to me on his sofa and placing my camera on the table. "I love you so much mon amour." he whispered before placing his lips on mine as I moved to straddle his lap. 

"Charles? Fred wants to chat with us quickly-" Carlos announced as he walked into Charles' driver room to find us making out. I cursed Charles in my head for not locking the door as I hid my face into his shoulder in embarrassment. "Ooohh sorry, I thought you were on your own. I'm just glad you hadn't got to the next stage yet." Carlos laughed before Charles threw a cushion in his direction. "Oh my god, mate please just get out!" he said firmly, although he was also trying not to laugh at how awkward this was becoming. "Alright, sorry! Don't forget that Fred want us in a few minutes, ok... So if you're quick you might be able to get one in." Carlos burst into laughter before running away from the room to avoid Charles who was almost ready to beat the guy up. "You little piece of shit, get back here right now!" Charles shouted down the corridor.

When he came back into the room a few seconds later, all it took was one look before we both started crying with laughter. "He is never going to let that go!" I stated once we had calmed down. "Oh I know, he'll use it as blackmail if he ever needs to... I'm really sorry for not locking the door though. I didn't think anyone would come in, and they usually knock anyway." he replied, retaking his seat on the sofa. "Oh it's all good, honestly. At least it wasn't Fred or one of your engineers." I replied. "That is true amour. Speaking of which, I must go and see what Fred wants otherwise Carlos might start running his mouth." he said before placing a chaste kiss on my lips. "Ok, well I best get going as well. The cars will be out soon and I need to get some pictures. I'll see you back here for lunch?" I asked. "Of course ma cherie. I love you." he told me, before we went our separate ways to get on with our respective jobs. 


As I made my way back to the paddock, I continued to watch the cars complete their final laps around the circuit before it was time for them to come in. I had managed to get many photos over the past few hours, so I knew that my boss would be happy with the content that could be put out later. When I saw Charles' car pass me for the final time that day, he sent a small wave in my direction before turning the last corner on the track and heading into the pit lane to meet with his mechanics and Fred. I had a beaming smile on my face from the very exciting morning that I had had, watching and listening to the cars as they tested out different tire compounds and the aerodynamics on the car using the coloured paints and aero rakes. It wasn't yet clear which teams could be good contenders for the the championship this year as these few days were more about making sure the set up of the car was right and ensuring that endurance distances were possible. However, I wasn't going to lie about the fact that once again, Red Bull were looking strong already with Max behind the wheel. 

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