The fire

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It had been 4 days since the incident with Theo and I had now quit my job there so there was no need for me to ever go back. With the help of Charles, I managed to file a report to the police about the sexual assault I had experienced over the past few months and I just had to hope that something would be done to punish him. As I no longer had a job, I spent most of my days doing photography and also looking for a new job vacancies whilst Charles was busy at the factory or in the sim. I saw him occasionally but since he was becoming busier and we lived quite a bit apart, we weren't able to meet up as often as we wanted. I knew that Charles was still worried about me after everything I had gone through over the last few months, and also because I had told him everything about my toxic relationship with Harry and my family in the past. To be honest I didn't feel like my life could get much worse at this point, anywhere I fled to find peace would always come with its challenges and setbacks and I just wanted to give up at times. Surely things had to get better for me at least for a little bit, but oh how wrong I was...

The fire alarm in the apartment building echoed through the halls as my heart began to thump loudly and rapidly in my chest. I looked around my room for anything I wanted to take with me that was easily accessible but also not too difficult for me to carry. I ran into my bedroom and picked up my camera kit, photo album, any small sentimental items, and a few sets of clothes which I stuffed into a small bag and slung over my shoulder. I then made my way out of my apartment and tried to locate the nearest fire exit which wasn't too difficult to find as there were quite a few people leading the way. When I eventually made my way out onto the emergency stairs, I could see flames roaring a few floors above me which were spreading very quickly in every direction. I tried to focus my attention on the stairs below me so that I wouldn't panic and also so that I wouldn't trip and fall over. My mind was racing with a million thoughts but at the same time I couldn't think of anything apart from how afraid I was. I knew that this wasn't going to end well and it was likely that all of my stuff would be ruined by the fire because of how close it was getting to my floor. My luck for the past few days had been absolutely terrible and I just wanted it all to stop. I couldn't take anymore, I thought that my life was going to get better when I moved here but clearly bad luck chased me anywhere and everywhere I went. There would be no escape and I just has to accept that. 

"Mon amour! Oh my god are you ok? I saw the fire when I was driving back from work and then I noticed it was your building. I got here as soon as I could. Are you hurt?" Charles pulled me in for a hug as soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs. I hadn't even noticed that he had arrived a few minutes before when I was still trying to get down the stairs because I was so consumed in my thoughts. I looked at him through teary eyes to see that he was also crying too but I could tell he was trying his best to be strong. "I'm ok, I promise. There's no way that any of my things will be though." I sobbed quietly. "It's ok, you're ok. I was so scared that I was going to lose you." he said breathlessly as he stroked the back of my head with his hand. "I will look after you ok. You can come stay at mine if you'd like until this gets sorted." he added in a whisper. I simply nodded my head which was now resting firmly on his shoulder, I didn't feel like talking too much as I was just in shock and if I tried to talk I would only start crying more. "Come on, I'll take you home." Charles told me calmly, placing a comforting kiss on my head before he took my hand to lead me to his car. 

I placed my bag at my feet when I got in and subconsciously I began to pick at the skin around my fingernails. It had been a habit of mine for several years now whenever I got really anxious and didn't know how else to cope. That's when I felt Charles place his free hand over mine  causing me to look over at him, he turned his head to face me and gave me a reassuring smile before looking back at the road in front of him. I slowly eased into the touch and felt myself gradually begin to relax. My thoughts were no longer racing as much as they were earlier but I still had that sick feeling in my stomach which I was unable to push aside. 

Eventually we pulled up on the driveway and both got out of the car. I still hadn't spoken since we left my apartment but I was glad that Charles didn't force me to say anything. It was probably clear from the expression on my face that I was struggling to process everything that had just happened, and trying to talk about it just wasn't an option in that moment. I decided to have a shower once I had put my bag in the guest room I used last time, in order to freshen up and clear my head a bit more. I put the temperature on cold and stood under the water for what felt like ages until I finally had enough and wanted to get out in order to warm myself up again. I wrapped one towel around my body and used another to dry my hair before I tiptoed down the hall to my room to get changed. I opened the door to find a pile of clothes on my bed, including the olive green hoodie that Charles had lent to me previously. A small smile appeared on my face as I put on his clothes and was surrounded by his comforting smell. I then walked out of the room to try and find where Charles had got to because the house was very quiet and I didn't want to feel alone for once. 

I quietly knocked on his door after I had ventured around every other room in the house and failed to find Charles. "Come in." he answered calmly, so I slowly opened the door and entered his room. I noticed a compassionate smile form on his lips when I walked over to him and sat on the edge of his bed, his little dimples making a subtle appearance. "How are you doing mon amour?" he carefully asked. "I'm alright... I've been better but I just want to say thanks for looking after me so much recently. I know it can't be easy having to put up with all of my problems." I replied weakly. "Ma cherie , please don't ever think you are a burden to me. You are going through a tough time at the moment and I wish I could take your pain so you didn't have to suffer. You are one of my closest people in my life, I will always be here to support you." Charles reassured me. He wrapped my arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap so that he could me close and I could rest my head into the crook of his neck. "Everything will be ok in the end. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'll always be here to listen." he whispered gently. "Thank you C... I um - I'm kinda hungry - could we get some food please. I don't feel like going out though." I replied. "Of course. We could order pizza if you'd like?" he asked in response. "Sounds lovely. What about your diet though, won't you get in trouble?" I said curiously. "Ssshh, it can be our little secret. Plus my diet is worth sacrificing for your happiness." he laughed, placing a light kiss on my cheek before picking me up and giving me a piggyback ride to the living room. 

Charles ordered 2 pizzas for us to share whilst I selected a film to watch on Netflix. I'd been trying to get Charles to watch my favourite Christmas movie with me but every time I tried he always refused and said that watching it in the summer was a crime. This time I tried to be a bit more sneaky with it so he wouldn't be able to tell what it was until it was already playing. I got up and walked into the kitchen to find Charles who was getting us a glass of orange juice each and slowly wrapped my hands around his torso from the back. My head was pressed into his back and I could feel his body shake when he laughed at my actions. "Y/n/n what are you doing?" he asked as a small chuckle escaped my lips. "Absolutely nothing at all. I'm just enjoying your warmth." I replied mischievously. "Oh is that so? I think you just like being near me." he flirted back as he pulled me round the front and into his chest. "I can neither confirm nor deny. I could say the same for you though Leclerc." I smirked widely. "Aaawww you just love being around me how cute! Also last name basis are we now y/l/n?" he responded tactically. "Ugh you have such a big ego, and do not call me by my last name it is horrible." I giggled."Well you could always have mine." Charles instantly replied without a second thought, causing my eyes to almost pop out of their sockets. "Oooh Lord Perceval trying to make moves! Wow, your flirting is so bad." I laughed, escaping out of his grasp so I could run back into the living room and hide under the blanket on the sofa. "You take that back you little monkey!" Charles shouted as he chased me into the living room and began tickling me whilst I was covered by the blanket. "I will never!" I laughed loudly, the noise echoing through the house. "I guess I will just have to keep tickling you then." Charles sighed playfully. 

Just then, the doorbell rang which caused Charles to stop tickling me and me to pull the blanket off my head. "You got lucky this time y/n/n. The pizza delivery saved you otherwise I wouldn't have stopped." he laughed as he helped me off the floor. "Thank god for pizza! I shall forever be in debt to it." I said dramatically to which Charles rolled his eyes amusedly before making his way over to the front door to collect the pizza. Once he had returned, we settled down onto the sofa with the large blanket draped over us and slices of pizza in our hands. When I pressed play on the film, Charles looked over at me with a mock unimpressed face but didn't say anything this time around. I'm pretty sure I even sensed a hint of excitement in his eyes when he saw what film it was, although I knew that he would never admit it to me. 

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