New apartment

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Thankfully I only had to wait a few minutes until a taxi pulled up next to me to take me to my new apartment. The driver helped me to put my luggage into the boot of the car before I got in the back and he drove off towards Monte Carlo where I would be living. I then quickly messaged the previous owner of the apartment to let them know that I was on my way to meet them. Throughout the entirety of the journey I was looking out the window and admiring the views of the beautiful country. I just couldn't believe that this was going to be my new home where I could make a new life for myself. There were so many yachts dotted around the harbours and most of the beaches were full of families enjoying the sun and sea. This really was a paradise and I knew that I was going to love it here.

When the driver finally pulled up outside an apartment complex around 30 minutes later, I was so excited that I felt like I could explode. Once again he helped me with my luggage after I had paid for the journey before he got back in the car and drove away. I stood by the entrance of the building with my 3 suitcases standing next to me as I called the woman to let her know that I had arrived. I couldn't get into the building as it required me to have a keycard or know someone in the building who I could call. So whilst I was waiting, I scrolled through my instagram feed and liked a few of my friends posts to pass the time. It wasn't long though before a woman who I assumed to be the previous owner came to the entrance of the building to let me in. I also noticed that she was accompanied by a man with a clipboard and documents so I assumed that he was the estate agent.

"Bonjour, je m'appelle Louisa. Je suis l'ancienne propriétaire de l'appartament et voici Jack, l'agent immobilier" she said as she opened the door for me to enter. I shook each of their hands briefly whilst introducing myself to them. "Bonjour, je m'appelle y/n. Je parle un peu français mais pas beaucoup." I replied cheerfully. "Ah that's quite alright, I can speak a bit of English so we should be able to get by." Louisa chuckled. All 3 of us then began to walk towards the lift which would take us up to the 11th floor where my apartment was. When we reached the correct level, Louisa and Jack got out of the lift first with me following close behind. I was still quite nervous about this massive step I was taking but the excitement that I had overpowered it by far. "So here is your apartment." Louisa stated as they came to a stop outside one of the doors along the corridor. "And here are your keys." Jack announced as he handed me a a set of keys on a small chain. They then moved out the way and Louisa gestured for me to open the door to which I obliged. I slowly placed the key into the lock and turned it until I heard a click of the bolt moving. I then proceeded to turn the brass handle and gradually push open the door to my new home.

Inside was very plain as expected, although there was a small grey couch in the living room along with a tv already mounted on the opposite wall. The kitchen was fairly large and there was already a fridge and a few basic utensils. I took my shoes off by the door before I walked in any further and both Jack and Louisa did the same. I continued to walk further into the open planned living area which lead down a corridor to a room which I assumed to be the bedroom. It was only a one bedroom apartment as it was only me who would be living here so I saw no point in buying a massive place especially when I had only just moved here. Next to the large bedroom was a lovely modern bathroom with a decent sized shower and plenty of storage. The place was just amazing and I couldn't believe that it was now mine. "So... I take it you like it?" Louisa eventually spoke up. "Oh of course, it is amazing! Thank you so much." I replied cheerfully. "I'm glad you like it. Now before we leave you to settle in I think Jack just has a few things he needs you to sign to make this all official." Louisa said as Jack took a few documents off his clipboard. "I don't need these signed right now so it gives you some time to read over them. Once they are signed though, if you drop by the estate agents to give them to me that would be great. I'll ask Louisa to send you the address." Jack stated whilst I took a glance at the papers. "Sure thank you." I replied with a smile. "Well we will let you get settled in now, but do call if you have any problems." Louisa stated as her and Jack started to put their shoes back on.

I had been in the apartment for a few hours now so all my clothes had been put away and I had put up a few decorations in the living room. I obviously didn't have much furniture so I went online to see if I could order a few things that would come within the next few days but also weren't too expensive. I wasn't going to bother going food shopping tonight as most of the shops would likely be shut by now, and Louisa did already get a few things for me which would last me tonight and tomorrow morning. I didn't really do much else for the rest of the day as I was quite tired from travelling so at 8 o'clock I decided to call it a day and go to bed. It wasn't the most comfortable bed I must say because well there wasn't one so I just had to make a pile of blankets and cushions on the floor to try and make it as comfortable as possible. I would definitely get myself a bed for tomorrow night though which hopefully wouldn't be too difficult to put together.

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