Call from home

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I rolled over onto my back as the bright beam of sunlight streamed through my partially open curtains. A gentle breeze was flowing through the widows although the room did feel slightly chilly especially since I was only in a thin strapped t-shirt and some pyjama shorts. I pulled the duvet closer to my chin as I snuggled back down into my bed to try and warm myself up. I heard a knock on my door which disrupted me from my hiding, so I slowly got up and put on my slippers which were conveniently right next to the bed. I opened the door to be met with Charles who instantly pulled me into a hug, his arms wrapped firmly around my waist and his head buried in my shoulder. "What are you doing here Charles?" I asked, my tone indicating that I was still annoyed after what happened last night. "I am so sorry. I'm glad you're ok, I was worried in case you hadn't got back to the hotel last night and I had to check on you as soon as I woke up." he stammered. "I'm fine, but what do you want?" I replied bluntly, trying to put some distance between us by walking away and sitting on the edge of my bed. By now I was absolutely freezing but I didn't have anything that I could wear over the top of my shirt as my robe was hung up in the bathroom and everything else was packed away in my suitcase. "I've come to explain. Please just hear me out." Charles stated as he took a seat next to me. I gave him a questioning look but didn't say anything back, I just waited for him to continue. 

"So that girl last night, Victoria, she's my ex who I broke up with 10 months ago. I don't know why she's here in Canada, I haven't seen or spoken to her since I broke up with her. She has tried to get in contact with my several times via instagram and also through my manager, but I promise I want nothing to do with her. She cheated on me with some random guy she met at a club in Monaco one time, I only found out a few months after when a video of it was leaked online. I broke up with her as soon as I found out so I don't know why she came to find me yesterday." he told me quietly. I could see it pained him to tell me all of this, probably because it forced him to relive some of his past which her would rather forget. "She um, she broke my heart and my trust and it took me a while before I felt myself again. After you left, I spoke with her briefly to tell her that I didn't want to ever see her again and that I have moved on. I've warned her that if she ever tries to get in contact with me again, that I will get my managers involved." Charles added sincerely. "I don't really know what to say after that apart from I believe you and I'm sorry this has happened to you. I'm sorry I reacted in the way I did last night, I don't know why I got so jealous when there was no need." I told him shyly. "It's ok, I understand that you struggle to trust people because you've been hurt before." he replied, pulling me into a hug as he rested his chin on top of my head and placed a kiss into my hair. "Friends?" I asked, causing him to part from the hug and look into my eyes. "Of course ma cherie, I will always be your friend." he smiled, his little dimples in his cheeks on full display. "Oh and here, can't have you getting a cold now, can we." he laughed as he pulled off the grey hoodie that he was wearing and placed it over my head. "Thank you." I whispered as I put my arms through the sleeves and buried my face into the fabric to be engulfed by his scent. 


As we wondered through the streets of Montreal, Charles found a small cafe for us to stop at for lunch as it was already the afternoon. Vines crept up the exterior walls and there were a few delicate pink flowers scattered amongst the leaves. Only a few people were sat at the tables outside and they didn't seem to take much notice of us when we walked in as they were too busy eating their food or engaged in deep conversation. We found a small table inside at the back where we would be mostly out of view from any potential photographers or lots of fans. I knew how much Charles adored and appreciated his fans but we didn't want to be bombarded with them whilst we were out in case people started to make assumptions about our friendship. I picked up a menu for the both of us so we could decide on what to eat, which didn't take long as we were both really hungry.

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