Photography trip

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After spending a few days back in Monaco and back in the office, I had been offered a trip to Australia and New Zealand for a few days to do some photography. I told Charles as soon as I found out because I wasn't sure if I should go or not as I would be on my own in a country so far away. He said to me that if it was something I was passionate about, I should really consider going because it could help me to achieve my dreams of doing photography professionally. It sounded like so much fun and I hoped that I would be able to improve my skills whilst I was over there to potentially get some more recognition. I told Theo who was surprisingly fine about it once I had promised him that I would still be doing my work remotely just like when I went to Canada. I did feel slightly guilty about taking so much time off out of the office to travel to different countries but I knew that I would regret not taking the opportunities in the future

That's how I ended up at the airport with my small suitcase and backpack full of camera equipment. "Goodbye y/n/n, I'll see you when you get back home." Charles said as he pulled me in for a hug, his arms wrapping firmly around my waist. "I'll miss hanging out with you almost everyday." I replied. "Aww me too ma cherie but I want you to enjoy this trip ok. If you ever need me, just call or text me and hopefully I won't be in the car." he chuckled. "Ok, I need to go but thanks for driving me here. I'll see you in a week!" I told him as I gathered all of my things to leave. "Hang on, I have something for you." he suddenly said. I looked over at with a confused expression but just went with it as he pulled off the hoodie he was wearing "Have this, I wore it all day yesterday as well so it smells of me. I know how much you love my hoodies and how safe they make you feel." Charles blushed, handing me an olive green hoodie. I glanced up at his eyes and they instantly locked with mine, a small smirk had now crept up on his face. "Thank you, you are too sweet. Now I feel like I'm taking a piece of you with me." I replied shyly. "I will always be with you no matter how far apart we are. See you soon mon ange!" he said to me before placing a few quick kisses on the top of my head and leaving a longer one on my forehead as he held me in his arms. I closed my eyes at the feeling of his soft lips on my skin, I felt so safe and so loved that I almost didn't want to go again. "Goodbye." I eventually said before walking into the airport. 


The aeroplane journey was very smooth with very little turbulence which I was incredibly thankful for as I get stressed out very easily. As it was a long haul flight, I had my own section on the plane with a chair which pulled out into a bed, a tv, and a small amount of storage. It was fairly comfortable although it wasn't as nice as the plane I went on to go to Canada because I didn't have Charles there to keep me company or hold me while we slept. I had put his hoodie on a few hours into the flight as it was getting late but I was unable to get to sleep due to how stressed I get about something bad happening whenever I fly. I nuzzled my face into the fabric and pulled the hood up over my head as I curled into a ball underneath the blanket. He wasn't wrong when he said it smelt of him after he had worn it all day yesterday and it made me feel relaxed enough to eventually close my eyes for a few hours. I only managed to sleep for a few hours but it was better than none at all. I spent most of my time watching random films on the tv and also reading some of the book that I had downloaded on my tablet before the flight. I couldn't wait until I landed in Australia as I was bored of being sat down for so long and I just wanted to get out and use my camera after not using it for quite a while. There would be so much to see and do and I was so excited, even if I was going to be on my own for the entire time that I was there. 

I wasn't disappointed when I arrived, the sun was hanging high in the sky and there were barely any clouds in sight. I made my way through the airport and found the pick up spot for the taxis to take me to the hotel which I would be staying at for the first week. I sent Charles a quick message to let him know that I had arrived in Australia and was on my way to my hotel but I had no clue what time it was currently in Monaco so I wasn't sure when I would be getting a reply from him. I arrived at the hotel within 30 minutes so I quickly checked into my room to drop of my things before heading back out with my camera. There was so much to photograph where I was staying as there were a few small towns, many beaches, tourist attractions, nature walks, and even a wildlife rescue centre. Of course I wasn't able to photograph everything in the short amount of time that I had that day, but I did get a fair amount of practice in and I was rather pleased with the results. 

After I had finished my shower, Charles was trying to facetime me so I quickly put on my pyjamas and made my way to the bed before accepting the call. "Hello ma cherie, how are you doing?" he asked immediately. "I'm doing great thanks, it's so beautiful here and I've already done a bit of photography of the local area." I replied excitedly, causing a smile to appear on Charles face. "I'm glad you are liking it so far. I miss not hanging out with you though." he said shyly. "It's only been a day, how can you already be missing me?" I laughed. "I don't know, my day is just boring without being able to see your face and especially when I know you are literally on the opposite side of the world!" Charles exclaimed. "Aww well I'll be back before you know it. What have you been up to anyway?" I asked. "Uhh well I woke up early this morning and did my training in the gym and then went on a run. I need to do some practice on my sim later and then I think I have a meeting with Fred, Carlos an a few of the people from our media team about some video ideas this afternoon." he told me. "Ah I see, you are a very busy man then. I bet you will be tired by the end of the day." I replied. "Definitely, and then I can crawl into my nice, comfortable bed." he smiled peacefully. "Speaking of which, isn't it night time for you mon ange?" he added. "Oh yeah, I didn't realise how late it was." I laughed. "I suppose I better go to bed, I'll probably have a busy day tomorrow with photography." I yawned slightly. "Goodnight ma cherie, I'll talk to you later. Don't forge to send me a few of your pics so I can see how much fun you're having without me." Charles winked at me. "Oh of course, I'm going to be having the time of my life on my own. Talk to you later C." I blew him a kiss before we hung up so that I could finally go to sleep. 

I was so excited to get this week in Australia officially started before I moved onto New Zealand for the final week. I was probably going to be busy for a few days, but I also wanted to take some time to just relax and appreciate doing things on my own schedule for a little while before I got back to the structured life in Monaco. 

A/n: A little shorter than my usual chapters but I'm going away tomorrow for a few days so I'm trying to get a few more written up to keep you guys busy until I get back.  :)

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