Carnival trip

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After a busy weekend in Monaco, it was time for me to go back to my office and continue with all the paper work and finances. I was slowly starting to get a bit bored of the tasks I needed to do at work as everyday was always the same. I know that finance isn't exactly the most exciting job but I didn't really have another option because working in a cafe wouldn't earn me enough money to live on my own in the apartment I'm currently in. I was still trying to pursue a career in photography but I wasn't exactly sure on how to do that because it was difficult to make it a secure job option. I could always ask people if they knew of any photography companies in Monaco or knew of anyone who might be able to help me but the language barrier was still a slight issue and I would feel bad if I asked for Charles' help when he already has enough to be doing. 

I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop to log on and check if I had any important emails -  which I normally always did. I saw a few which were about staff meetings coming up in a few days which I rolled my eyes at because the topic of conversation was almost always pointless and I had difficulty understanding most of what was being said. I had to rely on Katherine most of the time to translate for me which proved to be difficult at times especially if the person was talking rather fast. There were a few other emails from numerous people but none that I knew personally. They were simply requesting for me to sort through a few pages of data to put onto a spreadsheet for them to file into the company's system or that I send them certain documents for them to work out any weaknesses within finances. All the emails except one were about simple or laborious tasks that I was expected to do. The one that stood out to me was from my favourite boss Theo, who had typed up a fairly cryptic email about some meeting that he wanted to have with me about a 'very important and confidential matter'. I felt physically sick as I continued to scan the text over and over, especially when I saw that it was supposed to take place in just over an hours time. I reassured myself that it was for a professional reason and not because he wanted to act like a creep and make me feel uncomfortable. However, I still couldn't shake the feeling that this was more than just a simple meeting. 

Scrolling back to the top of my email list, I worked my way down through all of the tasks one at a time. I had to translate and print out a few documents which required a few trips to the printer, but I was happy about that as it gave me an excuse to get up and stretch my legs after being sat down for long periods of time. After an hour, my palms began to feel slightly sweaty and I could feel my heart racing ever so slightly at the thought of my meeting with Theo drawing closer and closer by the minute. I contemplated on texting Charles but I eventually decided not to because I didn't want to make myself look like a drama queen when it was only my overthinking that was stressing me out. I also knew that the situation just gave me flashbacks of Jason, my ex-boyfriend, because of the way he treated me which meant that I now have so many trust issues when it comes to guys. I tend to put up a lot of barriers to protect myself from getting hurt again because to experience a similar kind of pain again would completely destroy me to the point that I wouldn't be able to pick myself back up again. I closed my laptop and found a notebook and pen to take with me to Theo's office in case I needed to take any notes. After that, I left my office and shut the door so people would know that I wasn't in there and then made my way down the corridor to his room. 

I knocked 3 times before the door opened to reveal Theo standing there with his usual creepy smile on his face as he gestured for me to enter before shutting the door. I took a seat opposite his desk as I thought I heard a lock click but I decided that I was just being overly paranoid as Theo was nowhere near the door when I looked over at him. He sat down in his chair and brought out his laptop to pull up some data for him to discuss with me whilst I patiently waited for the awkward silence to be over. "So I called you in here for a a very important reason y/n. I wanted to talk to you about a little business proposition I have in mind which could you land you a promotion..." he stated. "I know that you would appreciate a having a bit more to do other than typing up data, so how about you become my PA?" he said getting up and walking closer to me. I felt my body tense up at his closeness and I started looking around the room out of fear. "Umm, I appreciate the offer Theo but I don't think I would be suited to the job." I replied calmly, trying to keep my voice steady. "I think you would be perfect y/n. Come on, you wouldn't want to disappoint me now would you?" he sneered as he reached out to grab by wrist tightly. I felt tears brim in my eyes as he pulled me up from the chair and placed his other hand on my waist, squeezing it tightly.  "No thank you. Please get off me. I will scream if you don't." I told him sternly. Theo tightened his hands around my waist and wrist before sucking in a deep breath and letting me go. "Fine, but don't think I'm going to make life easy for you. Oh and don't bother telling anyone about this, they won't believe you." he growled. I picked up my pen and notebook and took a deep breath to push back the tears before cautiously making my way over to the door. I heard another click and I turned around to see Theo with a phone in his hands with a evil smirk on his face. "Bye sweetheart." he said before I quickly turned the handle of the door and practically ran down the corridor back to my office. 

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