Late night talking

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I was still at the office long after I was supposed to leave because work had been absolute chaos today. As soon as I got in this morning, I kept being given stacks upon stacks of documents to file onto the company's database and I had numerous emails to send off to specific individuals as well. I had my lunch in my office as I wanted to try and get through the majority of the work as soon as possible as it was clear to me that everyone was rather stressed. I continued to work through the documents until the usual time of when I usually worth but just as I was about to leave, Theo entered my office holding yet another pile of envelopes. I looked at him with a confused expression as he knew that this was the time that I usually finished and went home. He told me that he had found them next to the printer so he had assumed that they were mine. I had no clue why he would think that as I'm not the only one who used about the printer but I ended up telling him I would try to go through them as quick as I could. Theo then left me alone in my office but I didn't know if he went back to his office or if he went home. There was nothing I could do about that though so I just put my head down and started working again.

After almost 2 hours and a lot of stress later, I finally finished the last document. I tried to find Theo to let him know that I was fine but he was nowhere to be found. This was the same with everyone else who had all appeared to have gone home as the entire department was deserted. I was really confused as to why I was the only person left there and why it was only me who had been given extra work when it could have been divided between several staff members to get the job done in less time. I tried not to dwell on those thoughts too much and quickly packed up my things again before walking towards the lift which was thankfully still on. When I got to the reception, the lights were on but nobody was there so I quickly signed myself out on the board before exiting the building. I presumed that the only reason why those doors were open was because of the cleaners that must be somewhere within the building but again that wasn't my problem to deal with so I started my long walk back home. 

 As soon as I entered my front door, my phone started ringing so I put down my bag and keys and then took my phone out of the pocket in my bag. It was Charles calling to facetime and I looked a mess as I had literally just got in. After a few seconds of contemplation, I pressed the accept call button as I would never forgive myself if I just ignored him. His bright smile appeared on my screen which instantly made me smile as well. "Ciao bella!" he said "How are you doing? How was work?" he asked. I looked at him with an evidently tired expression on my face and he looked at me slightly concerned. "I've just got in. It was a busy day and I had to stay after work to finish off some extra work." I replied as I walked into my bedroom to find some comfortable clothes. "Wait what? But you were supposed to finish 2 hours ago! Was anyone still there when you left or did anyone else stay?" he questioned, a slight bit of anger laced in his voice. "Umm I don't know, Theo came in just as I was about to leave and gave me some more papers to sort through. I didn't see him on anyone else after that." I stated. "You don't think he's doing this to get at me?" I added with slight concern. I looked at Charles who didn't look very happy about what I had told him, I had never seen him this way before as he was almost always smiling. "I don't know maybe. If he is I shall give him a piece of my mind when I get back! He can't just dump a whole load of work on you when it's time for you to go home. Not to mention he was singling you out which is not ok either!" he said. "I don't know, it's probably best if you don't get involved if you know what I mean. It might annoy him even more which I don't want." I told him honestly. "But y/n/n he can't do this to you. It isn't fair." he replied as he used his hand to comb through his hair in frustration. I sighed and gave him a small smile to show him that I would be ok. "Anyway how's your trip going?" I asked, trying to switch to a more joyful topic in order to lighten the mood. "Yeah it's going well. I'm coming back tomorrow though as I've finished all my testing and stuff to be prepared for next week." he replied. "Testing engines for some new cars you know, mechanic stuff which is really boring." he added with a chuckle. "Ah I see! So does that mean I get to see you tomorrow?" I questioned hopefully. "Of course mon amour, my plane gets in at 11am so I should be home around 1.30 But I know that won't work for you as you're in the office. How about I pick you up after work at 4.30?" Charles said, a beaming smile appearing on his face. "Sure, how could I say no!" I laughed. In the background, I saw a short guy in a red Ferrari t-shirt trying to get Charles's attention but he was failing to notice as he was too busy looking at the camera. "Hey um I think someone wants to talk to you C." I told him. He looked over his shoulder at the guy and signalled to him that he would be finished in a minute, "Grazie amour! I need to go now but I'll see you tomorrow ok." he said turning his head to face me again. "See you tomorrow." I replied to which he winked at me and blew me a kiss before I ended the call. 


I had an hour to go until I could leave the office and this time, I was determined to leave on time. If Theo gave me any more work to do, I would make sure to leave it for tomorrow as I got the feeling he was trying to single me out because I keep turning down his offer to go out with him. Plus I knew Charles would have a fit if I stayed late again since he knew everything that had happened and he hated Theo as much as I did. Thankfully today hadn't been too busy though so that was unlikely to happen. I was focused on typing up a rather long email to one of the CEOs of the company containing a few documents for them to look at when I heard a notification come through on my phone. I thought I had put it on silent but obviously not. I took a quick look to see it was a follow request on instagram from Theo. I rolled my eyes and deleted the notification as there was no way that I would allow him to follow me when he was acting like such a creep and harassing me so often. Placing my phone into my bag so I wouldn't become distracted again, I then continued with what I was doing until it was time for me to go. I made sure to pack up fairly quickly when it was time for me to leave so that I wouldn't get held back and leave Charles waiting for any longer than he needed to. I said goodbye to Katherine and Alexandra before walking out of the building and looking around to see if I could spot Charles amongst the large crowds of people finishing their work shifts. 

"Hey, y/n!" I heard Charles call over to my right. I looked in the direction of the voice before my eyes landed on the handsome brunette who had a bright smile spread across his face. Without thinking, I practically ran over to him and he pulled me into a tight hug wrapping his strong arms around my waist whilst I wrapped my arms around his neck. "C'est bon de te voir mon amour." he told me, his voice muffled slightly as his head was tucked into my shoulder. "I missed bumping into you the past few days." I replied as we pulled apart from each other. Charles laughed at my comment before telling me he felt the same and how he was happy to see me again. After a short conversation, we got into his car and he drove around Monaco for a bit while we chatted about our week and all the things we had got up to. I could tell that Charles was still holding back information about what he was actually dong with Ferrari but I still didn't bother pressing for any answers as I could tell he didn't feel comfortable about telling me that just yet. He was probably thinking that I would turn into some crazy fan who only wanted to hang out with him for the fame and not because he was a nice person who I considered to be a good friend. To be honest, I wasn't that fussed about him being an F1 driver as I had never really been interested in the sport like some of my friends. I didn't even know he was until Grace told me and started getting all excited for me. Charles could work in a shop selling ice cream and I would still hang out with him because I could tell that he genuinely cared for people and wanted everyone to be happy. 

Almost an hour had passed by at this point so I asked Charles to take me home because I needed to get some rest after my busy week. I still needed to tidy up my apartment as well since I had left it in a bit of a mess after I couldn't find my keys this morning. 5 minutes later we arrived outside the building so I said goodbye to Charles before shutting the passenger door. "I'll see you soon y/n/n." he told me as he drove off into the distance; then I turned to walk up the path leading to the large glass doors of my apartment building. 

A/n: Slightly shorter chapter today but I hope you guys enjoyed it! Feel free to leave any feedback and I would appreciate it if you could share/vote for this book. Lots still to come!

Izzy :) 

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