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"We are just about to set off mon amour." Charles told me as he took his seat on the plane next to me. It was currently 6 am and we had just boarded Charles' plane to make the flight over to England where we would visit my family for a few days. I had to admit that I was rather looking forward to seeing my family again after such a long time of being away, but I was also quite nervous as they were part of the reason why I left England in the first place. Charles tried to reassure me and said that if anything did happen, that we could fly to the Alps earlier and he would give me a tour of the mountains before starting his training.

As the plane began to take off, I held Charles' hand like usual as we were both rather than nervous flyers. I gave him one of my airpods so that we could listen to some music on the way, although it was very likely that I would be asleep within the next half an hour as I didn't like waking up extremely early. It felt like forever as the plane kept climbing higher and higher into the sky, my eyes screwed shut in fear as I tried to focus on the song that was currently playing for both of us. "Look out of the window y/n/n, the sun is so beautiful up here." Charles whispered in my ear that wasn't listening to music. I opened my eyes as he suggested, and sure enough the sun was lovely to look at. Its rich oranges and yellows blending together perfectly, casting a warm light over the land below. "It is rather nice." I spoke quietly, trying not to disturb the peace surrounding us. "'Rather nice'?" Charles said mockingly, completely butchering my British accent. "It's amazing mon amour! I wouldn't tell you to look at it if I thought it was just ok." he laughed, causing a small chuckle to escape my lips as well. "Alright Lord Perceval, calm down. I'm too tired to be excited right now." I replied as I rested my head on his shoulder. "Well in that case... let me make sure you are comfortable for your little sleep." he told me as he leant forwards to get the grey blanket out of the basket, before draping it over the both of us. "Fais de beaux reves, ma cherie" Charles said after kissing me gently on the top of my head. 

I woke up from the pilot announcing that we would be landing soon so we had to make sure that our seatbelts were put on properly. Charles was still listening to the music and he had also eaten almost an entire packet of chocolate whilst I had been asleep. He looked over at me and smiled as he offered one to me, which I took gratefully as I was rather hungry at this point. We had planned to get breakfast on the way over to my parents' house as we still had a 2 hour drive from the airport. Thankfully, Grace and her boyfriend had agreed to pick us up, as neither of us had a car over here and I didn't fancy enduring a car ride with my parents just yet. Although they were aware of Charles and I dating they hadn't actually met him before, even over facetime, so I just hoped that the introductions would go well. My mum was rather fond of Jake when we were dating, and she was quite annoyed with me after we broke up because he was apparently 'the most lovely boy' that she had met. Even after I told her about all he had done to me, she just said that I was being dramatic and ungrateful. I hadn't spoken to either of them much after those comments were made...


"Are you ok?" Charles asked as we stood at the front door to my parents house. "Yup, just having a minute." I replied, taking a deep breath. "It will be ok ma cherie. I'm here for you always, and if you want to leave we can." he reassured me as he made circular motions with his thumb on the back of my hand. I then lifted my hand up to press the button for the door bell and took a step back to wait for someone to open the door. Not even a minute later, the door opened to reveal my mum with a broad smile on her face and open arms. 

"Y/n, how lovely it is to see you! How have you been?" she asked as she pulled me in for a tight hug. "Yes it has been quite a while, but I'm good thanks. This is Charles by the way. He is my boyfriend." I replied when we pulled apart. "It's nice to meet you Charles, although I'm not sure what was wrong with Jake by the way. I'm Helen, just so you know." she said, her eyes darting between the two of us. Not even 5 minutes had passed, and she was already bringing up my past - typical. "Lovely to meet you Helen, I have heard much about you." Charles responded, trying to relieve some of the tension and divert the conversation, albeit rather unsuccessfully. "Please do come in." my mum eventually said, thankfully choosing not to make the whole situation anymore awkward. 

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