Driver's party

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Later that evening, all of the drivers and their partners decided to go out and celebrate at a club close to the hotel where we were all staying. Of course I said yes when Charles asked if I wanted to go although I had to admit, that I was slightly nervous to be around such a large crowd of people. Clubs and partying had never really been my scene when I went to university for 3 years as I was always studying or participating in sporting events. My ex-boyfriend Harry often went out partying with friends almost every weekend and he would always come back very drunk and become aggressive towards me. I never knew what to do in those situations other than to do everything he said in order to prevent him getting anymore angry. I still regret to this day not doing anything about it sooner, but I was just so scared of what he would do and I felt trapped. For this reason, I never drank too much when I did go out as I wanted to make sure that I was always aware of my surroundings and mostly in control of my own thoughts and actions. Even if I was out with friends who I felt safe with, I couldn't help but be cautious all of the time. I think Charles could tell that I was slightly nervous when I agreed to go with him, as he reassured me that it was ok if I didn't want to go when I was taking a while to come to a decision. I didn't want to ruin his weekend after him getting P3 so I pushed my nerves aside and told myself that I would be ok because I would be with Charles and all of the other drivers and a few of their partners. 

I selected an emerald green dress, which ended at my mid-thighs, to match my favourite pair of black heels and black bag. I placed the outfit on my bed before I tied my hair up into a bun and quickly jumped in the shower to freshen up a bit after the eventful day at the track and getting some champagne on me from Charles hugging me again after the podium. It only took me 5 minutes and then I carried out my shorter skin care routine before I applied minimal make-up to my face. After that, I took my hair out of its hair tie and brushed it through to remove any knots so that I could curl it slightly using my straightener. I was never one to dress too fancy but I thought that I should put a bit of effort in this evening as everyone else would be there and I didn't want to look out of place. Half way through doing my hair, I received a facetime call from Carmen, who seemed to be a bit stressed because she couldn't decide what to wear. 

"I think something simple but classy will look nice. I'm not much of a fashionista though so I'm probably not the best person to ask." I told her as I curled the last few sections of my hair. "Hmm ok, maybe something like this?" she questioned, holding up a red silk dress which I knew would look stunning on her. "Yeah I think that would look great! What does George think?" I replied sincerely. "Ugh he doesn't even know how to match his own outfits, I practically have to dress that baby myself!" she laughed. "Hey, I heard that! I have amazing fashion sense I shall have you know." George called from off camera, causing Carmen to roll her eyes in response. "Anyway, so I think I'll wear this red dress with these nude heels." she pointed the camera towards her outfit which she had also laid out on her bed. "Looks good, I guess I'll see you guys in a few minutes then. I'm pretty sure Charles is going to be here shortly to pick me up so I best finish getting ready." I told her. "Ok hun, well thanks for the help. See you in a bit." she replied before I ended the call. I walked out of the bathroom and put on my outfit and then messaged Charles to let him know that I was ready to leave. I was unable to do the button for my dress at the back of my neck, so I would have to ask Charles to do that for me when he arrived but other than that, I was ready to go. 

"Bonjour ma cherie... wow, you look... beautiful." Charles greeted me as I opened the door to let him in. "Thank you... I kinda need some help with this button before we go please." I replied, turning around so my back was turned to him. "Oh sure, no problem." he told me as his hands hovered over my back and ghosted up to the small button of my dress. The smell of his cologne engulfed me in a comforting hug and I had to focus on keeping my breathing regular as my heart was racing in my chest. "This is rather fiddly." Charles whispered almost to himself, causing a small chuckle to escape my lips. "There, all done." he told me after a few more seconds of silence. I turned around and found my face just inches from his, our eyes were locked together, not one of us daring to look away to break the tension. When I felt his hand graze over the back of mine, my breath caught in the back of my throat and I became more lost in his trance. My head was telling me to look away and to break the tension, we were just friends and this was definitely going way over the line, we had to stop playing with each others emotions otherwise someone would get hurt. "Thanks... uhm we should get going. Everyone will be wondering where we got to" I smiled, trying to gently relieve the tension without completely ruining the moment. "Oh yeah um sorry, I don't know what happened there." Charles apologised as he took a step back to put a bit of distance between us. "Oh no, it's all good. Let's go find the others." I grabbed hold of his hand and gave it a slight squeeze before leading us to the door so we could make our way down to the lobby. I didn't let go of his hand until we came out of the lift and found our large group of friends. However, I felt his hand on the small of my back the entire way to the club as if to let me know that he wasn't going anywhere and that there wasn't anything for me to worry about. 

The club was rather busy when we arrived, but we directed over to a VIP area which was a large room off to the right of dance floor. I was rather thankful to have a secluded area where it was a little quieter and less busy than the rest of the club just in case I felt overwhelmed at any point during the night. Daniel came over to the group with a large circular tray full of shots to get the night started so everyone,including me, grabbed one and knocked it back. I felt the strong liquid burn a small trail down my throat but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Charles came with me to the bar to get another drink as he said that he didn't want me to go anywhere alone just in case anything happened. I tried to reassure him that I would be fine, but he was very persistent so I just let it go. We ordered our drinks before making our way back to the others who were downing even more shots, courtesy of Max this time. Charles and I took a seat in a small booth next to George, Carmen, Nick, Mick and Carlos which was rather a tight fit. I was practically sat on top of Charles as there was very little space for everyone there but nobody wanted to sit at a table on their own. At one point, Charles pulled me fully onto his lap as Daniel wanted to take a break from dancing for a few minutes so he took a seat on the end of the booth next to Charles. As it was getting rather cramped, a few of us decided to head out onto the dance floor in the next room after we had finished up the last of our drinks. I could feel myself beginning to get a little bit tipsy so I made a mental note that I wouldn't be drinking anymore for the rest of the night, unless it was water.

Charles had my hands held in his and he was trying to encourage me to dance which was proving to be quite a challenge as I was a terrible dancer. He twirled me around in circles and then proceeded to do this embarrassing dance routine which had me in a fit of laughter as he tried to pull of the most ridiculous moves including a slut drop. A few of the drivers had stopped dancing to watch him in his own little world and he was completely oblivious until they started clapping once the song had finished. He looked up at me with rosy cheeks and pulled me in for a hug so that he could whisper something to me without it being too obvious. "You should've told me that I had an audience amore mio!" he muttered into my ear, a hint of awkwardness laced in his tone. "You were amazing, I wasn't going to stop you." I replied honestly, although I would definitely not want anybody to see me dance like that ever. "Well I guess you will just have to do that dance routine with me then if it was that good. I can't have you missing out on all of the fun!" he smirked against my cheek. "Oh no, that isn't necessary." I pleaded, trying to get out of his grasp and head back to the VIP section, but it was too late as he had already began jumping to the music and swaying my arms in the air. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and I wanted to disappear but at the same time I was having so much fun being care free and hanging out with Charles that I almost didn't care anymore. He made me feel so happy and cared for; he was the friend who I had always needed over the past 10 years of my life and now I had him, I knew that I could never let him go. 

"Babe? Oh my gosh it really is you! I haven't seen you in ages, how have you been Charles?" a voice shouted over the music. I removed myself from Charles grip and turned around to be faced with a tall blonde woman with emerald green eyes and the most revealing dress possible. "Oh Victoria, I didn't think you would be here." Charles stuttered. "Of course, I've been looking everywhere for you baby!" she smirked. I couldn't stand being around her any longer and it had only been a few seconds since I first heard her voice. I made my way towards the exit of the club and into the fresh air where I felt like I could finally breathe. I could hear Charles calling my name in the distance but I ignored him. 

Why did I feel cheated on when he was just a friend? Who was this 'Victoria' that happened to know Charles and acted like they were together. Why was I so jealous? Was I overreacting? 

All of theses questions raced around my head but I couldn't bare to think about them for a second longer. I began to make my way back to the hotel in hopes that I could just get to bed as quick as possible and forget all of what had happened. I only needed one thing right now and that was sleep. 

A/n: I am so sorry this took me so long to put out. I had quite a few delays and then I had writers block so I guess you can say luck was not on my side. Hopefully getting back on track soon. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Please vote, comment and share, it really helps. Thanks to everyone who has read my book so far, I really appreciate the support! 

Izzy :)

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