Meeting his family

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It was almost time for the grand prix in Monza, which meant everywhere we went in Italy there were Ferrari fans around every corner. I was so excited for this to be my first weekend as a professional photographer for F1, especially because this was almost a home race for Charles and Carlos with the immense amount of support for the scarlet red team. However, that was still a few days away because it was only Wednesday which meant we were going to be flying out from Monaco later this morning. I was already packed and ready to go, but as usual Charles was packing last minute and stressing out because he was struggling to find half of the stuff he needed. 

"Y/n/n it is not funny, where are my red quali pants? You know I have to wear them on Saturdays!" Charles sighed as he rummaged through his closet. "I haven't seen them anywhere so they are most likely to be in your closet. Are you sure you have checked everywhere?" I replied in a slightly amused tone from where I was sat on our bed. "Yes I have checked everywhere, I'm not stupid you know." he huffed in annoyance. "Let me have a look." I told him as I made my way over to where he was standing. I looked through all of the drawers as well as the pile of clothes which were now strewn across the floor until I spotted what looked like his red quali pants. "Here you go. Just need to open your eyes a bit more C." I laughed which cause Charles to roll his eyes jokingly. "Thank you ma cherie. I have no clue how I would cope without you, you are the best." he pulled me in for a tight hug and peppered kissed all over my face to show his gratitude. "I am amzing I know... but we have a flight to catch soon so I think we should quickly tidy this mess up and finish your packing." I replied with a smirk. "Whatever you say love." Charles laughed. 

Thankfully it didn't take too long before we were finally ready to get going on our way to the airport. I made sure that I had all of my camera equipment that I might want to use before Charles locked the door and followed me to his car. The journey to the airport wasn't very long and neither was the flight because were travelling to a neighbouring country and Charles had taken us on the teams' private jet along with Carlos and a few members of the crew. As usual, Charles and I sat with each other for the entire flight and although we attempted to watch a film together, Carlos kept interrupting because he was apparently very bored and felt lonely because Charles and I were cuddled up under a blanket and he had nobody. At one point his engineer did offer to cuddle up next to Carlos, making the everyone burst into a fit of laughter, but he didn't seem to enthusiastic about the offer and just sulked in his seat for the rest of the flight. 


"So, I was thinking... would you like to meet my mum and brothers later today?" Charles asked after we had settled into our hotel room. "I promise they will absolutely adore you, well at least my mum will but I won't allow my brothers to because you are mine and I will get very jealous otherwise." Charles laughed. "Haha a jealous Charles, I would love to see that!" I laughed quietly. "Hmmm, funny for you maybe but not for me. Anyway, so is that a yes?" he replied with a glint of hope in his eyes. "Ok, why not... Gosh we are moving fast, next thing you know we will be married with kids!" I said without thinking, which caused Charles' eyes to almost pop out of his skull. "Already planning a future with me hmmm? You are just too cute amor mio!" he cooed, causing a strong blush to form across my face as I hid my face in my hands. Charles walked over to me to wrap his arms around my body and pull me into his chest, which didn't really help with my embarrassment, but at least he wouldn't be able to see my face if it was buried in his shirt. He slowly waddled over to the bed whilst still having his arms wrapped around me, before turning around and allowing us to fall onto the soft mattress with me on top of him so that I wouldn't get squashed. "You are honestly the best person in my life y/n/n. Be assured that I may  have also thought about a future with you." Charles whispered in my ear. I lifted my head off his chest in order to look at him in the eyes and I was instantly greeted with the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced in my life. At first I was slightly taken aback, but I soon eased into the feeling of his delicate touch on my skin and once again, the butterflies erupted in my stomach. "Let's go find my family shall we?" Charles said after we had finally pulled away and caught our breath back. 

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