Chapter 10 New Wolves in Town

Start from the beginning

"I'm legal guardian and I want you out!" Jenna snapped. 

"Funny, Elena do you wanna tell Jenna the news or should I?" John asked while Jenna gave me a confused look. 

"Jenna John is..." 

"Elena's biological father." With that said he walked away leaving a confused Jenna.

Damon POV 

"John Gilbert that was your big plan?" I yelled at Stefan. 

"I called for Isobel and got John instead, he said he could help." Stefan said with a shrug. 

"And you trust him?"  

"Look the moonstone wasn't destroyed and you know that and we can't put our faith in Elijah he is an original they can't be trusted." I had to hold back from snapping at him, Emily was an original and I trusted her with my life so his words meant nothing.  

"Well what about Emily, she can help us!" I snapped. 

"She is clueless to this sacrifice, all she knows is what we tell her. John know about the sacrifice and offered to help. Isobel told him about this and he said he knew how to keep Elena safe." Stefan said. 

"And he is telling you nothing?" I sighed. 

"Well yes, but he will eventually." Stefan stated. 

"We don't have time for this Stefan!" I stated while walking away from him. 

"Sorry about Rose," Stefan whispered.  

"Whatever Stefan," with that said I left the room.

Emily POV 

Message from Tyler  

Emily can you come over please, I haven't talked to you since the full moon it's urgent! 

I sighed before typing a quick reply saying that I would be over in a few.  

"Where you going?" Damon asked me confused. 

"To Bonnie's be back later." I called while running out of the house before he could stop me.  

Soon I arrived on the Lockwood's doorstep and Tyler opened the door with a smile.  

"Glad you could make it, the parlour is right through those doors." I gave him a small smile before heading to the parlour as the door rang again. 

"What do you want?" I heard Tyler ask. 

"Can I come in." A familiar voice asked. 

"Fine but I have a guest over so be nice." Slowly I heard the sound of footsteps approaching and soon a woman and Tyler returned.  

"Well you must be Jules." I chuckled while crossing my arms over my chest. 

"And you must be Emily, the non changing werewolf." I nodded before sitting down once again as the others sat on the couch. 

"So did you talk to your vampire friend, she was lying wasn't she? They killed him, vampires are not your friends." As Jules said that Tyler's gaze fell to me causing me to chuckle. 

"Something funny?" Jules asked confused. 

"yes, well I'm his friend and a very pretty vampire if I do say so myself." I said while sitting up. 

"What!" Jules growled while approaching me. 

"Tyler said you were a werewolf!" Jules hissed. 

"Oh I am, I'm just also a vampire, funny isn't it. Hence why I don't change on full moons and can walk in the sun, it's a nifty trick." I said while rolling my eyes.  

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