A couple hours in I could here someone pounding on the front door so I ran up stairs to answer it. A man in a business suit pushed passed me and looked around mumbling things I couldn't hear.

"Um Hello," I awkwardly watched the man walk around the house.

"Ryana Mae!" The man shouted, his voice bouncing off the walls. The boys made their way up the stairs watching in curiosity.

Ryana slowly walked down the stairs in pajama's and a robe. She slowly looked from me, to the man and back to me. She narrowed her eyes at me before walking over to the man.

"I didn't know you were in town," she mumbled.

"Speak up and next time I text you to tell you I'm coming dress yourself nicely, oh and next time pick up the fucking phone. This is disgusting," the man spat and Ryana slowly nodded.

"Um I'm confused, who are you?" I asked and the man snapped his attention to me. 

"I'm Benjamin, also known as Ryana's father," the man walked over to me to shake my hand. 

"Louis, Ryana's husband?" I state a bit confused but shook his hand. 

"Nice to officially meet you. I've been extremely busy and didn't have the time to stop by any sooner," Ben shrugged and set his coat on the table behind the couch. 

"Ryana why don't you go do some women's work and got fix me a 7&7," Ben spat at Ryana as she was walking down the stairs in a pair of leggings and a red dress over them. 

Sighing she nodded and disappeared down in the basement passing the boys. They looked at Ben in disgust and then watched as Ryana ran down the stairs.

"So how is she treating you so far? She can be such a handful," Ben shook his head.

"Um I don't know I've been mostly working," I state speaking carefully. 

"Ah yes your going to have to support yourself somehow because your not going to get any help from her. She isn't going to get you guys anywhere. I mean who the fuck goes to college and majors in dancing. A stupid fuck that's who," Ben clear as day snarled. 

One of the boys cleared his throat and we turned to see Ryana holding a glass of Liquor. It looked like someone just told her, her puppy died. Ben laughed and made a motion for her to hurry and give him his drink. 

"Louis we have to go," Harry huffed and the boys angrily nodded before they all stormed out of the house.

"Ryana why didn't you make Louis one. I bet he hasn't had an american drink like this before," Ben chuckled elbowing me in the side. 

"Oh it's fine Mr. Fredrick. I've been laying off the Liquor," I lied.

"Nonsense your have to try this," he bellowed. Ryana weakly nodded and ran downstairs again. 

"I could have done it myself," I simply stated.

"Then what would be the good of her. All she'll ever give you is a good look. You have to have her do something else. Set in her place and show her who's the boss," he talked about her like she was a feather duster. 

"That's a bit cruel," I commented.

Ben stopped laughing and stared at me," trust me there is nothing cruel about it. Women are only good for three things. One is sex, two is making you look good, and three attending your every need."

"That's sick," I snapped smacking his drink out of his hand. 

He abruptly stood up and towered over me. I gulped but stood my ground showing him I wasn't intimidated. "Excuse me boy!"

"I said that is sick, no more like Your sick," I spat.

Ben balled his fist and I saw what was coming but I never felt anything. I looked and saw Ryana holding her Fathers fist him her hand. She looked like she just did something unspeakable and maybe she just did. Ben stared at his daughter with fire in his eye and Ryana let go of his fist holding her head in shame.

"I'm sorry father. I couldn't let you hit him though," she whispered. Suddenly before I could react he had his belt out. 

I pushed him back and yelled in his face. I didn't say anything, all I did was yell. The man flinched and Ryana stood there frozen. Afraid. 

"Get out of this house," I shouted. Ben just chuckled and I grabbed his belt from his hands trying to intimidate him. It seemed to have worked because he sobered up, "I said get the fuck out of here."

Taking a hint he stood up and tried acting as him nothing happened.

"Always good seeing you Ryana Mae. I'll visit some other time," Ben stated. 

"To hell you will," I bit back. Ben just rolled his eyes and stared at Ryana.

"Goodbye Father," she whispered. Her father walked out the door and I followed throwing his belt and coat at him. I walked back inside and walked up the stares. I turned around to talk to Ryana when I faintly heard.

"I love you."

I shuddered at the thought of her saying that right after he so willingly about beat her. When Ryana said he didn't care abut her at the wedding I couldn't believe my ears, but my eyes showed me different. That man was disgusting.

"Ryana come up stairs," I called her but she stayed frozen in the living room, "Ryana?"

She didn't respond so I sighed and just went into my room. I needed to think about what just happened. I needed to think about what happened earlier too. How I was so quick to judge this girl and how wrong I was about her. 

I just can't wrap my head around how disgusting her father truly is. I never expected that. On another note, how was I suppose to bring this topic back up to Ryana? What just happened couldn't go not talked about, could it? 

My head was hurting and all I wanted was some tea. Sighing I got up from my bed and made my way back to the kitchen. On my way there I stopped outside Ryana's room to see if I could here anything. I couldn't so I proceeded to the kitchen. Ryana wasn't anywhere that I could see. I made two cups of tea just in case and checked the balcony. She sat on the far end with her knees tucked into her chin. 

I walked over and sat next to her holding out the cup of tea, "I'm sorry."

"Yeah I know you are. Everyone is after they find out the truth. It's funny how they weren't sorry until they saw the truth in their own eyes. It's scary isn't it. But your sorry. It's okay if your sorry."












Ello fudgelings

This is a sadder update. I just wanted to show you Benjamin's real colors. He's not the best dad, okay he is a horrible dad. But anyways let's just talk about the last sentence. I bet you all have wanted to tell someone that at one point but never had the guts. I just believe it's true. No one believes the truth you tell them until they see it happens in their own eyes and I hate that. Not every little thing is a lie. 

I hope you liked this update. Sorry it isn't the best I sometimes have trouble writing chapters like this especially since I haven't had as much life experience has some of you.



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