Me holding her in my arms, crying.

They move the stretcher over to us with a body bag.

They got aria in a body bag, in the ambulance.

I was in a separate ambulance.

They were also taking me to the hospital.

My whole mood changed once I got in the ambulance.

I was silent, no more tears.

The loud sirens were completely blacked out.


They had me change into a different shirt because of the blood.

I was able to go home after a couple questions.

The next time I would be able to see aria was at her funeral.

I walked out the hospital with a black hood.

I was lost in my thoughts.

How could I forgive aria after something like this.

The promise we made, I kept mine but she didn't.

She lied to me.

She said she would never leave me.

Why didn't I stop her in time, it's my fault.

I could of stopped her but I didn't.

Now my bestfriend is gone.

The only person I actually cared for.

The memories we had to together.

Now this event is the only one that has attached itself to me.

Rethinking the event.

I still needed her.

She left me alone, in this miserable world.

I had no one now.

I walked home with my head now, they had caution tape around the spot.

I didn't look at it, I just kept walking.

I couldn't spend another night at the place my bestfriend jumped from.

As I walked in the building, my stomach had a huge turn.

I just needed to pack some clothes, I guess now I'm going to stay with my brother and his girlfriend.

I arrived to my room, unlocking the door. I walked inside and going straight for my room. I stopped by arias room.

I opened the door and walked inside.

Her clothes everywhere, bed still made neatly. The paper and pen she used.

Her phone on the dresser.

Everything in the room was hers, every eye movement to a different object just made me think of her even more.

I was crushed of why she did that.

I was let down.

The promise, our promise.

As the more I thought of it, I felt betrayed and broke down on the floor.

Crawling into a ball on the corner of the bed.

My eyes flooding with tears.

I felt completely miserable without her.

Sobbing, the heavy tears were falling faster then anything.

I was heartbroken.

As I rethought it, Julian was the problem the reason the cause.

I got up to lay in the bed, I took one of her favorite plushies and held it against me.

I ended up crying myself to sleep.


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