Chapter Fourteen

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Harding left some time during the festivities.

At least she'll get a break while we're underground. Ser Ruth should be there helping the Army of the Dead. We'll drop Cass and Solas off at Skyhold. Maybe I'll leave instructions for a group of them to complete in the Plains. One less thing for us to do. I'll just have to go through and seal the rifts, easy. Like cake.

Boxed cake.

Blackwall can sit in his cell a bit longer. I shouldn't feel like it's an inconvenience, but...

Solas's hands tighten around my waist, pulling me from my thoughts, as we get to a more dangerous part of the pass. Svarah gifted us new mounts, and this nuggalope was just begging to be ridden. I glance at Decius, scribbling away on a few sheets of paper, not paying attention at all to the hazardous mountains atop his hart, pieces of paper pierced and hanging on its horns.

"We could die at any second. What are you writing? A will?"

"Definitely." He tucks his utensils away. "It's actually for the plains. Very detailed instructions for Bull, Cole, Sera, and a mage of their choice, but not Solas. Now that the war is over, they need to clear the ramparts of bandits and zombies, and help the Dalish. I left more explicit instructions there. They need to check out some runes for Dirthamen's temple, collect shards, a book, one of those guys Cass was looking for. They also need to check out the forts, fix the bridge, and clear the entrance into Ghilan'nain's Grove. I'd like them to go into the little temple puzzle by the hand statue too, but would rather they keep out of the grove, honestly."

I'm grateful that I don't have to think about making instructions. "That's asking a lot for two people who are afraid of magic. Why Cole?"

"If he had an issue, I would assume he'd tell me. He isn't exactly alive to need a break. 'Sides, Cole or whoever else can touch all the magicky stuff."

Well, I can't really argue with that. Solas clears his throat, wanting in on the conversation. Dec smiles.

"I am making a to-do list. Nothing important. And it isn't for us. Nothing to worry about."


It feels like we arrive in the Storm Coast in no time. We had chosen to ride one of the nuggalopes Svarah had given us, much like how Solas and I had ridden back to Skyhold.

"Inquisitors." Harding bows her head, "the workers have finished the lift to the Deep Roads, there's no darkspawn trouble yet, but the earthquakes have been brutal."

"I'm sure they have been. Ser Ruth is down with the Legion, per my orders?"

"Yes, Your worship." Harding shows us the lift. "She's keeping busy below, Shaper Valta also awaits you. There have been at least three larger quakes and the aftershocks are just as intense."

A couple other dwarves motion for our attention.

The lift. "Thank you, Harding. We'll try not to move too much."


It's a long way down.


We watch Valta pay her respects before interrupting. "Shaper. I would say it's nice to meet you but..."

She bows slightly, "our situation has worsened since we contacted you. The quakes have completely collapsed this mine and have shattered a seal keeping the dark spawn at bay. The Legion hasn't been able to mend it and the lyrium is too valuable to lose more. It's fortunate you sent that Grey Warden, but no others have answered our call for aid."

"We were going to bring another, but he needed to have an existential crisis. In any case, we are more than capable of helping. Perhaps we should step back, though." As Decius finishes speaking the ground and stone around us starts to rumble, dropping small stones and dust on top of us, until larger rocks fall and the shaking stops.

The Shaper looks worried, "follow me to the Legion Camp. I do not want to know the damage that was caused."

Unfortunately, an Ogre bursts through the opening. Deciles motions for me to handle it, it falls quickly.

Valta's eyebrows rise, "what kind of lyrium are you hopped up on?"

The corner of my mouth twitches, "you don't want to know." Does stealing from a god count as being high on titan blood? What about dating an Ancient? "We should hurry."


The stench of darkspawn grows. A rancid and pungent thing. Diseased, sickly sweet, staining the stale air.

A stain upon the stones. A stain of of blood.

How utterly disgusting .


The next tremor... I don't think I'm supposed to hear the rhythm Valta and Lieutenant Renn are talking about. Decius looks as uncomfortable as I feel.

This is what we get for being from another planet, I suppose. I never get to experience things like normal.


Another slow ass lift later and we can hear all sorts of shrieking. Renn makes a sound of disgust, "great. It had to be shrieks."

"Of course! The Deep Roads needs to provide you with variety. Maybe we can bring an ogre rack back. Like the dragon trophies, but worse." Decius's eyes crinkle with the joke.

We find out soon enough that the four of us are very good at killing dark spawn, as it turns out.

We come up to a door, missing a number of gears. Collectable fetch quests, yay. I'm thrilled.

They're warm.

I frown.

I am not enjoying this.

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