Chapter Six

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Watching Decius walk off, I say to the others, "are we ready to go meet Thane Sun-Hair?"

"I think so. Is Decius not joining us?"

"No, he needs some time alone. Doesn't hurt to split up anyways. I believe the hold is this way." Please let him be alright. He's not allowed to die. Sudden wind sends my hair swirling around my head. It's reassuring.

Solas lays a hand on my shoulder, standing next to me, "don't worry, vhenan, he'll be fine." I'm not sure if he's saying it more for me or himself.


After we've ascended the mountain path, we can hear a lot of cheering. The general air is happy, if with a competitive edge. The two Thanes stand nearby, they're not as happy as everyone else.

The leader at the Jaws at Hakkon glares at us as we approach.

I hold up my hand, both in a greeting and to stop him from speaking. "I do not wish to disrespect you, Thane Harofsen, but you should go retrieve your men from the fishing camp below, before they start to rot. You'll find them in the shallows, I hope you have a pleasant day." I slightly bow my head.

He looks more than a little miffed as he walks away.

"That was quite the arrival, lowlanders. I see one of my brothers has accompanied you, as well. I am Svarah Sun-Hair, Thane of Stone-Bear Hold. Come, share my fire, Inquisitor. You have guest-welcome." We walk towards her hall after I motion for the others to enjoy the festivities. "The lowlanders have little love for elves. It's impressive you've come to lead them, but you and yours have come far from the safety of the lowlands." She motions for me to sit around the fire.

"Between the two of us, Thane, it really is a wonder. But, we're here seeking information about the last Inquisitor. We think his body or equipment might be here. Well, they think. I know its here."

"An admirable quest. We will offer any help we can, sadly, the Jaws at Hakkon will do no such thing. You have met their thane and crossed blades with them. They will try to impede you in any way they can, if it is the Inquisitors' body you seek."

"We—how do I phrase this? It is not a matter of whether we seek Ameridan's body or not. My counterpart, the other Inquisitor, Decius, has the unique gift of foresight. It's only a matter of when. He'll be here by morning at the latest, if you wish to meet him. In regards to Ameridan, we need to start by getting to the small island by the fishermen first. They said we needed permission."

She nods, "unique indeed. Did he not see that Rolfsen would make you speak to me?"

"He did. It's polite to speak with him first though, no?"

"Indeed. The boat is yours."

"Thank you. Is there anything we can do to help your hold?"

"Among the Avvar, a hold draws strength from its hold-beast. They are kin to us, when they are strong, are happy, so are we, when it sickens and dies, it is an ill omen. Our bear, Storvacker, has not been seen in days. we fear for her. If what you seem to be alluding to will come to pass, I can't ask the hold to break peace-oaths unless she returns."

"Traditionally, I don't get along with bears, but if she won't try to kill me.."

She laughs, "you've fought bears? Good for you! You will be fine, should you find Storvacker."

"If you don't mind, I can check in with the other Inquisitor, see if he's found her? It will involve magic. We both have various magical abilities."

"It is a wonder the lowlanders let you lead, indeed. Do as you please. As long as nothing burns to the ground, it bothers me not."

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