Chapter One

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AN: Produce flame: Produce a flame in your hand. The flame sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can also Attack with the flame, although doing so ends the spell. You can also hurl the flame at a creature within 30 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 4d8 fire damage

When I get back to my rooms, no company in tow, I arrive to see a letter on my desk from Leliana that was not there when we left for the valley.

Lady Inquisitor,

Some important matters have come up. They can wait until morning, but please come to the war room with the Lord Inquisitor as soon as you finish eating. I will send someone to wake the both of you.

Enjoy your night,


I sigh. Of course. Not a single night of rest. Kill me now. I fold the letter back up and shove it in my pocket, and slowly make my way up all the stairs in the castle. We should really get an elevator. When I reach Decius' door, I decide to knock. Solas might not have gone back to his room. I do not want to see that.

Luckily, Dec opens the door fully clothed, looking as unhappy as I feel. "You got one too?" He steps out of the way to let me in.

"Ja. What could be so urgent? I have plans of my own." The fire isn't lit yet. I produce flame at the pile of logs in the fireplace.

"I know we do. Speaking of plans, we need to get a move on." He sighs, "so much for having time to ourselves."

"Wonderful." I sit down very heavily on the couch. "Where was yours?"

"On. My. Pillow."

"Are you serious?"


"Jeez. I didn't think Leliana liked us all that much but at least mine was on my desk."

"You practically sleep at your desk, though." I hear clothes rustling and dresser drawers slamming behind me. Before I can reply, "I know, you don't sleep."

"Wow. I'm starting to think your letter was more than three sentences."

"Look for yourself. I'll be back in a minute. I need some booze."

"Don't steal it!" I yell over my shoulder as Decius steps through a wall. The letter he received is laying on the coffee table.

Lord Inquisitor,

You'll have to put off the plans I'm sure you have. Some urgent things have come up. You and the Lady Inquisitor are needed in the War Room in the morning after you eat. I'll send someone to wake you. Your insight into these strange situations is needed. Try to get some rest.

Enjoy your night,


"Dear gods, Leliana. What is he to you? One of those things you put a coin into and it gives you your fortune? I am incredibly unimpressed."


Decius comes back less sober than he left.

"I thought you were just going to get the booze?"

"Bull enticed me to whack him with a stick and then drank me under the table. So I didn't bring any back... You didn't want any, did you?"

"No. I didn't. I will be having more words tomorrow, though. I feel like I've done this a million times."

Cole blinks into existence. "What are people, if not tools to use?"

"Cole, that is very sad. I thought we made the decisions that are in line with Leli keeping some of her kindness. And I thought she liked you?"

Cole stares off into space, "Maybe she didn't write it?"

"Maybe. Maybe we're just reading it wrong. Whatever. You should go to sleep."

"Yeah. Catch up on my letters?"

"Sure. Sleep well, schatz."

Decius stumbles into bed and I grab a pen and a book from Decius' desk, just so I can hang out with Cole by the fire.

Cole is perched on the mantle, but what is new about that?


In the morning, Solas could tell something was bothering us. Everyone could.

"What had you two so down in the dumps? Didn't you plan some special date? Chuckles doesn't look as grumpy as you do, witchy, for once."

"Witchy? I like that one better. Good job. Our dear Nightingale decided to give us letters instead of just telling us now. And, she sent someone to wake us up. As if we needed help. It was a nice night. I am just feeling unappreciative of a certain redhead."

I see her peer into the hall out of the corner of my eye, "speaking of, we should get going."

Dec sighs dejectedly into his cup of water and pushes himself up. "We'll see you later, arasha. Probably in her rooms." He brushes Solas' shoulders as we walk away. Decius grabs my hand after we clear the table and speaks quietly. "Be ready for some telepathy. I doubt this will be good news. I hope it doesn't have to deal with titans. I'm probably right. Sometimes, I don't like being right."

We take a collective deep breath right before I push open the door. I am met with quite the menagerie of people. The normal council is here: Cullen, Josie, Leliana, Morrigan, Cassandra. But there is also a dwarf and what looks to be an orlesian. It is what he thought. Decius glances at me before addressing the room.

"What are these urgent matters?" I definitely would have opened with the letters. I'm glad he didn't.

The dwarf clears his throat. "I'm here as a representative of Orzammar. We've been having some issues with earthquakes. One of our lyrium mines have collapsed. The quakes have also opened a fissure in the Storm Coast, and broke some seals that contain the darkspawn. The army of the dead can't hold out much longer."

I watch as Decius closes his eyes and tilts his head back. I lay a hand on his shoulder until he nods at me. "Get some people together to build a lift down into the fissure. Coordinate with Orzammar, Ambassador. I'd like it somewhere accessible to both the Army and I want a shaper to come with us. Who knows what we'll find. Neither of us can read your runes." I turn to the orlesian, "how can we help you?"

"Ah, yes. Professor Kenric sent me in his stead."

"For the purpose of everyone's knowledge, please remind us of the professor and his work."

He nods, "the professor has been recently investigating the Frostback Basin, where the last Inquisitor was last seen. He believes he has found some things of interest and has requested the Inquisition's presence. There has also been some resistance from a group of local Avvar, which has been preventing further attempts at research."

"Alright. How long will building the lift take? If we leave tomorrow, we could visit the Basin and help out before traveling up to the fissure. We can't do much until the lift is finished anyways, hopefully they run concurrently. Nevertheless, I would like to send a group of soldiers down for protection. I will leave that in your hands, Commander. Spymaster, please speak with the Skywatcher. He may have some information on these groups in the Basin. I'd like him to prepare to come with us too, should he wish. Cassandra, I would like you to come, as well. Is there anything else?"

No one says anything. "Wonderful. It was great to meet you both, I wish it were under better circumstances. You are welcome to stay and rest," I motion to the professor's messenger, "you are welcome to travel with us tomorrow." I nod to the emissary, "you may stay as long as you like, and you are more than welcome to travel with the soldiers. I'm not sure what timelines either of you are on, but we can provide you both with provisions whenever you decide to depart. If you wish to send any ravens, please speak with our Spymaster. I'll send word when we leave the Basin"

I look at Leliana, "I would like to speak with you later." I respectfully nod at the group and we take our leave.

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