Chapter Two

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We didn't stop to see anyone else on our way down to my rooms, other than a brief wave as Solas, who was painting part of the fresco. Decius was unusually quiet.

"Schatz, are you okay?"

"I'd like a bath."

"Okay. Let's get you into the magic bath." He doesn't say anything else as I find the soap and towels. "Don't you think it's a little strange? The rooms down here all have baths built in, but the, supposedly, better rooms near the Hall and above, need to have tubs carried up or water heated and brought in buckets. Here I am with self-cleaning hot water, and people have to carry water up a thousand steps to get to your tub."

"Yeah." He sounds tired. He feels tired. Done with existence. I understand the feeling completely.

I stand in front of my friend. "Would you like me to stop talking?"

Decius shakes his head before slowly beginning to remove all the knives hidden in his clothes.

"Oh boy. We just got up. When did you put those there? Would you like some help?"

"I never took them off. My boots?"

"Sure. I'll take care of your million laces."


Just as I had finished folding Decius' clothes, there was a knock on the door. I closed the door to the bath, leaving it slightly ajar, before I answer the knock. I smile slightly, "vhenan."

"Is everything alright?" Solas walks in carrying a covered tray and a satchel around his shoulders. I shut the door behind him.

"He's tired. But, things are sort of okay. I wont say that I'm not feeling it either. We just wanted a few days where we could show appreciation for each other, for you. Things have come up. We're leaving tomorrow for the Frostback Basin with Cassandra, the Skywatcher, probably the Orlesian who came to express our terribly needed presence. I was hoping you and Cole would also come. After we spend, probably about a week or two there, we need to head up to the Storm Coast. We'll be delving beneath the Deep Roads. One of the Titans woke, and its Sha-Brytol are causing problems. You don't need to come for that, we do need a healer though. I'm hoping to have Bull and Blackwall meet us up there too. Cole can decide if he wishes to experience that or not. And then, we need to head into Orlais. You can come back until we've finished up in the Emerald Graves, like we discussed."

"That sounds like nonstop for weeks. Months, even."

"Yes. Your point?"

"You both need to take a break, somewhere in there."

"We were taking a break now, but that turned out so well," I said, sarcastically. "There'll be a small party when we save all the Avvar."

"And what about in between the rest? Fenor, I know what this feels like. Please come back to Skyhold before you head for the Exalted Plains. Rest."

I step closer to Solas for a hug. "I don't know if we have the time. Soon after we come back from the Emprise du Lion, we have to prepare to go to one of Mythal's temples, where the Well of Sorrows is. And then we need to tame a dragon. And then? We fight Corypheus. I try to save your orb. Somewhere in all of that, we need to find time to head back to the Oasis and the Wastes. Probably before the dragon. The only reason we've been staying on top of paperwork is because I don't need to sleep. I feel incredibly lost with the addition of these events. We knew they could happen, I hoped they wouldn't. I don't know what to do." We have a year. If that.

My ears twitch as I hear sniffling from the other room. "That's about how I feel too." There's another knock at the door. "You've got to be shitting me." I look over my shoulder, "Just a minute!" I look up at Solas, " 'ma fen, please take care of Decius. He's in the bath. If that involves sex, please open a window first. Use the bed if you want, I guess." My breath catches for a moment, "I love you both. I'll see you later. Ar lath ma." Solas stares at me, shocked, as I kiss his cheek.

I hear him mumble it back as I step out the door to see Leliana.

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