Standing up he started gesturing to the area around us, slowly speaking as he pointed to himself, then the forest, then me, then the ground. He then continued on, talking to himself and making other strange hand gestures that made no sense to me. 

I was starting to think this guy is some kind of weirdo casted out of his village because he has a few screws loose. He paced once more before stopping and looking down at me seriously. "Ke'et' aine…" he pointed at me then the ground. Does he want me to stay here?

With that he grabbed his spear, looking at me once more then quickly left the area, disappearing from sight. 

"and he's gone…" I sat there in silence listening to the various critters chirping and communicating in the forest around me while patiently waiting for Elazar to come back. He really seemed to want me to stay out but how long is he going to be gone? Where did he even go?

I glanced around and sulked. Unsure what to do in this situation. Now's my chance to leave, to get away from Elazar and return to my cave without having to worry about him following me or getting upset but…the idea of just ditching him somehow bothers me.

Elazar is…strange. He seems really kind and has been caring and I'm sure he's responsible for me even still being alive. I'm not sure why he's going out of his way to help me but I already owe him a lot. He saved me, fed me, and even started teaching me some things. Having him around doesn't sound half bad and honestly he doesn't seem like bad company. 

Besides the little mishap with folding me…twice. I've yet to see him show any sort of ill intention…

But Do I really want to risk trusting someone again? After what Max did…

Squeezing my eyes shut I shuddered and buried my head in my arms. It hurt enough that he tried to use me after gaining my trust, but the worst part was him trying to force himself on me in that stairwell… I thought he cared about me, and I let my guard down, I let him get close and he just–

I grit my teeth just thinking about it and shook my head. How many times have people tried to manipulate and use me? I think I've lost count. It's always been the same, ever since I was a child.

They all act nice, treat you well and lure you into a false sense of security only to stab you in the back, throw you on the streets or try to sell you off when it's most convenient for them. All men are the same. Just smooth talking jackasses who want to take something from you. Once they get what they want they'll abandon you like trash on the ground.

I don't think I can handle another betrayal like that. Not again. 

Looking up at the forest ahead of me where Elazar disappeared I silently waited while trying to decide what to do next.


I have to hurry, leaving kora alone at the healing pool for too long isn't ideal especially in her condition. Even though her wounds have healed considerably she's still weak and I've yet to fully gain her trust. if im gone too long she might decide to move on and leave the area, if that happens then any number of problems could arise.

She could get attacked, she could get lost, she could reopen her wounds, maybe even down in the healing pool with how small she is! I don't want to have that happen, not to her she–she…

I slowed my pace a little while running through the forest. What is she to me?

She's a human, not even the same species as me. We can hardly communicate and have so many differences in both appearance and personality. 

Of course when I found her it felt like the only right thing to do was to help her but now I'm going beyond that. And for what? She isn't my mate nor is she part of my tribe or any other tribe. I should've left her once she awoke and just parted ways. 

So why am I going out of my way for her? Everything from how I talk and move around her to my eating habits and even this morning I was trying to fix any knots in my mane to make it look nice while also thinking about how I could make a trip back to my den and back without losing track of her and upsetting my tribemates by going missing. 

I should be more focused on other things like…stopping in my tracks I stared at the ground in deep thought. I was failing to even come up with anything specific that I needed to do. I didn't have a purpose anymore, not without ratha.

Shaking my head I dispelled those thoughts from my mind. I'll worry about these things later for now I just need to hurry back.

Gripping my spear tighter I continued walking, and shortly arrived back at the village. No one bothered to look at me, much less stop me as I passed through, going straight for my den. Once inside I started going through my tools and other belongings, grabbing necessities, and things that would be easy enough to carry. 

As much as I wanted to bring crafting materials and blankets, it would be a hassle to carry so much stuff out of here. I'll only take what I need right now, I can come back if I need something else. 

I strapped a bow and quiver to my back and gathered a few small tools such as threading needles, medicine, a small bag of salt–

"Elazar!" a familiar voice called out for me and I glanced back at the entrance to see roku coming over. "You did not return last night? Did you find something?" 

Feeling hesitant to answer, I continued packing up the few supplies I needed avoiding his gaze. "I did not find anything regarding paku's brother…"

Roku tilted his head to the side slightly and watched as I gathered some things around my den. "Then what did you find?" 

Pausing momentarily I tried to come up with some kind of excuse. "It is hard to explain right now. I'll fill you in another time. For now I'm taking some things and leaving for a few days, I'll return soon…"

Strapping my carrying sack to my back I moved past Roku out of my den. "I assume you find some good prey to hunt then? Do not get yourself killed out there!" he called after me as I rushed out of the village and made my way back to the healing pool.

It's been a few hours but I've still got a few hours of light left, hopefully kora has stayed near the safety of the pool. With the supplies I have I'll be able to make her new furs, and hunt larger prey. I can also show her how to preserve meat, hunt for fish and speak more of our language.

The thought of communicating more with her brought forth a sense of excitement in me and I couldn't stop myself from smiling a little bit. I can't wait to see her reaction to the new things I've brought with me.

With this new surge of energy I quickly made my way up-river and back to the healing pool. "kora!" I slowed down in my approach and pushed past the overgrown foliage towards the pool. 


Coming out of the treeline I glanced around the area and felt my tail drop at the sight before me. The pool was empty, the furs and supplies were gone and the human female was nowhere to be found. 

She was gone…

Rise of The Fallen (unedited Version) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now