Chapter one: A blue car

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Percy sat on a small mattress on the floor in a bare room of the orphanage. He stared into nothing; his thoughts were wandering around. He was hoping that someday he'd get out of here, that someone nice would come and get him. Because, it was never wrong to hope, right?

He looked up when the door opened, hope shone in his small sea green eyes, but slowly the light in his eyes died down as the people that walked in grabbed another kid that wasn't him. He slumped back against the wall and stared at the door. Was this his destiny? Was he supposed to stay here for the rest of his life? It was never him anyone went to pick up. He felt like he was being selfish, thinking in such a way, but he couldn't help it. He didn't care about the other kids, he just wanted to get adopted and get a family. He had once gotten into a foster home, but they had returned him to the orphanage the same week, telling the staff here how much trouble he was. Though it hadn't been his fault... or well, it had been his fault, but it was just an accident that he knocked down a precious vase from a shelf causing it to break. Not enough with the vase, he had also accidentally killed their dog. Percy wasn't quite sure what he had done wrong there, all he did was give it some chocolate because it was begging him to, and he thought the dog was cute. But apparently, he wasn't allowed to do that and had received a massive scolding and a slap to the cheek. His cheek hand burned even an hour later.

He was jealous of the other kids that came into foster homes or even got adopted and was never returned. It was never him. It felt as if the people working at the orphanage did it on purpose. Like they were telling the visitors he was trouble. That he wasn't a good kid. But he was. He was just misunderstood. He promised. He could be good. He wanted to be good.

A heavily overweight man stepped into the orphanage and walked up to the desk.

"I am here to find a kid. I booked an appointment for today at 2 pm." He said politely and gave a small polite smile. The woman behind the desk smiled and nodded.

"Have you written what gender? And what's your name sir?" She tilted her head slightly.

"My name is Gabe Ugliano, and I would like a boy." He answered. She nodded and stood up.

"Do you have an appointment with a kid or are you just here to take a look first, before deciding?" She asked.

"I'm just taking a look."

"Okay," she said. "Follow me." She opened a door and walked down a hallway. Gabe followed her and glanced around. "What age are you looking for? We have boys from the age of three and up to 17." She told him as she walked down the hallway.

"I think around five to eight would be perfect." He smiled. She nodded and walked into a room. He followed her and was met by 16 faces of children. He felt his gut turn, but he put on a nice smile.

"Kids, could you introduce yourselves to Mr. Ugliano?" The lady asked with a sweet smile.

A small blond-haired kid opened his mouth, "My name is Marc and I'm six years old!" He said proudly and straightened his back.

The adult man nodded and smiled.

The presentations went on like that, until there was only one kid left. A kid that sat in the corner with his knees up to his chin and was slumped against the wall. He was a scrawny looking kid, and he was sickly pale. He had dull sea green eyes that was staring into the floor and his messy jet-black hair was... well a mess.

The woman that worked in the orphanage cleared her throat, drawing the attention of the little boy. The boy looked up and his eyes landed on the lady then on the unfamiliar man.

"Oh..." He said quietly slowly realizing what was happening." I'm Percy..." The woman interrupted him by clearing her throat again in a commanding sort of way. The small boy glanced at her then looked back at the obese man. "I'm Perseus Jackson and I'm seven years old." He said quietly, his voice sounded fragile.

The man nodded and smiled, "I'll take Perseus." He said and looked at the woman.

"Okay, great." She smiled at Gabe. "But I'll have to warn you, he's a bit of a troublemaker."

Mr. Ugliano shrugged. "Nothing I can't handle."

He received a smile from the woman. "Great, then I'll prepare the papers and you can spend some time with Perseus here, to try and connect with him." She told him. Gabe nodded understanding and looked at Perseus who was watching him in utter disbelief.

Gabe walked over to Percy when the woman had left, the other kids had gone back to playing or watching TV. Percy looked up at the man who crouched down in front of him.

"Hello kiddo," He smiled and extended his hand. "My name is Gabe Ugliano." He introduced himself. Percy looked at the hand and slowly took it.

"Percy." Percy said.

"So, is there anything you want to do? Or is there anything you want to know about me?" Gabe asked the small kid. He looked at the man thoughtful for a second before opening his mouth.

"Do... do you want to play with cars with me?" He asked hopefully. He loved cars, especially the blue one, it was his favorite. At night he would hide it under his pillow, so he knew he would have it the next day.

"Sure kiddo." Gabe said and took a car from the floor. It was yellow. Percy reached under his thin pillow and grabbed the blue car. The large man chuckled. "Hoarding much, huh?" 

Percy looked at him and smiled shyly, "It's my favorite." He explained with a small voice.

"Ah..." He nodded. "Then it's worth hiding." Percy nodded eagerly.

They played for over an hour, Percy had a lot of fun and thought this new Gabe was nice. He was quite excited to get home with him because he seemed like a cool person. So, when Gabe came the next day to sign off the papers and pick Perseus up, Percy was so excited he couldn't sit still. His whole face was shining with happiness as he was getting adopted. He was getting adopted! He was going to live with this man forever!

When Gabe had finally signed the papers that had to be signed, he walked over to Percy who was sitting on a chair watching him.

"Hey kiddo," He smiled and ruffled the kid's hair. Percy giggled. "Are you ready to go home?" He asked.

Percy nodded repeatedly. "Yes!" He said excitedly and jumped down from the chair. Gabe extended his hand and Percy quickly grabbed it. So, with one hand in Gabe's and the other holding a small bag with all of his belongings, they walked out of the orphanage. Percy was officially adopted! He couldn't stop smiling, but why would he? He was going to have a family. Finally, he would get what he wanted.

But oh boy how wrong the seven-year-old kid was...


Welcome to a new story. I haven't really talked about this so much, I've probably mentioned one time before, but I hope you like it so far.
This is probably the only A/N in this story until it ends, so I just want to say, enjoy it:)


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